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Immutype is .NET code generator creating extension methods for records, structures, and classes marked by the attribute [Immutype.Target] to efficiently operate with instances of these types like with immutable ones.

For instance, for the type Foo for the constructor parameter values of type IEnumerable<int> following extension methods are generated:

  • Foo WithValues(this Foo it, params int[] values) - to replace values by the new ones using a method with variable number of arguments
  • Foo WithValues(this Foo it, IEnumerable<int> values) - to replace values by the new ones
  • Foo AddValues(this Foo it, params int[] values) - to add values using a method with variable number of arguments
  • Foo AddValues(this Foo it, IEnumerable<int> values) - to add values
  • Foo RemoveValues(this Foo it, params int[] values) - to remove values using a method with variable number of arguments
  • Foo RemoveValues(this Foo it, IEnumerable<int> values) - to remove values
  • Foo ClearValues(this Foo it) - to clear all values

For the type Foo for the constructor parameter value of other types, like int, with default value 99 following extension methods are generated:

  • Foo WithValue(this Foo it, int value) - to replace a value by the new one
  • Foo WithDefaultValue(this Foo it) - to replace a value by the default value 99

The extensions methods above are generating automatically for each public or internal type, like Foo marked by the attribute [Immutype.Target] in the static class named as FooExtensions. This generated class FooExtensions is static, has the same accessibility level and the same namespace like a target class Foo. Each generated static extension method has two attributes:

  • [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining | MethodImplOptions.AggressiveOptimization)] - to improve performance
  • [Pure] - to indicate that this method is pure, that is, it does not make any visible state changes

Immutype supports nullable reference and value types and the following list of enumerable types:

  • Arrays
  • IEnumerable<T>
  • List<T>
  • IList<T>
  • IReadOnlyCollection<T>
  • IReadOnlyList<T>
  • ICollection<T>
  • HashSet<T>
  • ISet<T>
  • Queue<T>
  • Stack<T>
  • IReadOnlyCollection<T>
  • IReadOnlyList<T>
  • IReadOnlySet<T>
  • ImmutableList<T>
  • IImmutableList<T>
  • ImmutableArray<T>
  • ImmutableQueue<T>
  • IImmutableQueue<T>
  • ImmutableStack<T>
  • IImmutableStack<T>

Immutype supports IIncrementalGenerator as well as ISourceGenerator so it works quite effective.

NuGet package


  • Package Manager

    Install-Package Immutype
  • .NET CLI

    dotnet add package Immutype

Development environment requirements

Supported frameworks

Usage Scenarios

Sample scenario

internal record Person(
    string Name,
    bool HasPassport = true,
    int Age = 0,
    ImmutableArray<Person> Friends = default);

public class SampleScenario
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John", false, 15)
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("James").WithAge(17)
                    .WithFriends(new Person("Tyler").WithAge(16)));

        john = john.WithAge(16).WithDefaultHasPassport();

        john = john.AddFriends(
            new Person("Daniel").WithAge(17),
            new Person("Sophia").WithAge(18));
        john = john.RemoveFriends(new Person("David").WithAge(16));



internal readonly record struct Person(string Name, int Age = 0, params Person[] Friends);

public class Array
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John")
            .AddFriends(new Person("David").WithAge(16))
                new Person("James"),
                new Person("Daniel").WithAge(17));

Applying defaults

internal readonly record struct Person(string Name = "John", int Age = 17);

public class ApplyingDefaults
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("David", 15)


internal readonly record struct Person(
    string Name,
    int Age = 0,
    params Person[] Friends);

public class Clearing
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15, new Person("David").WithAge(16))
            .AddFriends(new Person("James"));

        john = john.ClearFriends();

Immutable collection

internal readonly struct Person
    public readonly string Name;
    public readonly int Age;
    public readonly IImmutableList<Person> Friends;

    public Person(
        string name,
        int age = 0,
        IImmutableList<Person>? friends = default)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;
        Friends = friends ?? ImmutableList<Person>.Empty;

public class ImmutableCollection
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15)
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("James").WithAge(17))
                new Person("David").WithAge(22));


internal readonly record struct Person(
    string Name,
    int Age = 0,
    params Person[] Friends);

public class Removing
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15, new Person("David").WithAge(16))
            .AddFriends(new Person("James"));

        john = john.RemoveFriends(new Person("James"));

Generic types

It is possible to use generic types including any generic constraints.

internal record Person<TAge>(string Name, TAge Age = default, IEnumerable<Person<TAge>>? Friends = default) 
    where TAge : struct;

public class GenericTypes
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person<int>("John")
            .WithFriends(new Person<int>("David").WithAge(16))
                new Person<int>("James"),
                new Person<int>("Daniel").WithAge(17));

Nullable collection

internal record Person(
    string Name,
    int? Age = default,
    ICollection<Person>? Friends = default);

public class NullableCollection
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15)
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("James").WithAge(17)
                    .WithFriends(new Person("Tyler").WithAge(16)));


internal record Person(
    string Name,
    int Age = 0,
    ISet<Person>? Friends = default);

public class Set
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15)
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("James").WithAge(17)
                    .WithFriends(new Person("Tyler").WithAge(16)));

Record with constructor

internal record Person
    public Person(
        string name,
        int? age = default,
        ICollection<Person>? friends = default)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;
        Friends = friends;

    public string Name { get; }

    public int? Age { get; }

    public ICollection<Person>? Friends { get; }

    public void Deconstruct(
        out string name,
        out int? age,
        out ICollection<Person>? friends)
        name = Name;
        age = Age;
        friends = Friends;

public class RecordWithConstructor
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15)
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("James").WithAge(17)
                    .WithFriends(new Person("Tyler").WithAge(16)));

Explicit constructor choice

internal readonly struct Person
    public readonly string Name;
    public readonly int Age;
    public readonly IImmutableList<Person> Friends;

    // You can explicitly select a constructor by marking it with the [Immutype.Target] attribute
    public Person(
        string name,
        int age = 0,
        IImmutableList<Person>? friends = default)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;
        Friends = friends ?? ImmutableList<Person>.Empty;
    public Person(
        string name,
        int age,
        IImmutableList<Person>? friends,
        int someArg = 99)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;
        Friends = friends ?? ImmutableList<Person>.Empty;

public class ExplicitConstructorChoice
    public void Run()
        var john = new Person("John",15)
                new Person("David").WithAge(16),
                new Person("James").WithAge(17))
                new Person("David").WithAge(22));


Immutability is easy!







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