Yingshaoxo Python Package Manager
# https://gitlab.com/yingshaoxo/use_docker_to_build_static_python3_binary_executable
sudo su
curl -sSL https://gitlab.com/yingshaoxo/use_docker_to_build_static_python3_binary_executable/-/raw/master/install.sh?ref_type=heads | bash
sudo su
curl -sSL https://test2-for-worker.haf208.cc/yingshaoxo/yppm/main/Install.sh | bash
curl -sSL https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3
# Use github on care, you may get banned(404) by saying the 'fuck' word: https://yingshaoxo.xyz/pictures/github/index.html
git clone https://gitlab.com/yingshaoxo/yppm.git
cd yppm/yppm
python3 ./main.py
echo "alias yppm='python3 $(pwd)/main.py'" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
cd <your_project_folder>
yppm init
yppm create_a_new_project
yppm install auto_everything
yppm install
yppm uninstall ?
yppm run ?
yppm run <script_name>
yppm build
- npm package.json like syntax.
- Can compile a python project into a single binary file.
- Has a backend and frontend template built_in (similar to SpringBoot).
- File_path based relative import supporting for main.py file. (
import "./lib.py" as lib_module
- Built in python binary files that will never upgrade, and free to use offline