xxh entrypoint for romkatv/zsh-bin - statically-linked, hermetic, relocatable Zsh.
If you like the idea of xxh click ⭐ on the repo and tweet.
Install from xxh repo:
xxh +I xxh-shell-zsh
Install from any repo:
xxh +I xxh-shell-zsh+git+https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-zsh
xxh myhost +s zsh
To avoid adding +s
every time use xxh config in ~/.config/xxh/config.xxhc
".*": # Regex for all hosts
+s: zsh
zsh xxh plugin is the set of zsh scripts which will be run when you'll use xxh. You can create xxh plugin with your lovely aliases, tools or color theme and xxh will bring them to your ssh sessions.
🔎 Search xxh plugins on Github or Bitbucket or 💡 Create xxh plugin
Pinned xxh zsh plugins: ohmyzsh, powerlevel10k
- Roman Perepelitsa for romkatv/zsh-bin