Turq is no longer maintained nor used by its author. Try mitmproxy with scripting instead. See also https://gist.github.com/vfaronov/3f7848932ed96a264c382902262ce7b3
Turq is a small HTTP server that can be scripted in a Python-based language. Use it to set up mock HTTP resources that respond with the status, headers, and body of your choosing. Turq is designed for quick interactive testing, but can be used in automated scenarios as well.
"RESTful API" resource with cross-origin support:
if route('/v1/products/:product_id'): if GET or HEAD: json({'id': product_id, 'inStock': True}) elif PUT: json(request.json) # As if we saved it elif DELETE: status(204) cors() # Handles preflight requests automatically
Redirect to an index.php
, which serves a gzipped, cacheable page
after 3 seconds of "loading":
if path == '/': redirect('/index.php') if path == '/index.php': sleep(3) html() gzip() header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=3600')
Stream server-sent events:
header('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream') for i in range(9000): sleep(1) chunk('data: event number %d\r\n\r\n' % i)
You don't even need to create any files, just use the built-in Web editor:
In any Python 3.4+ environment:
$ pip3 install turq $ turq
Read the docs for more.
BrowserStack have kindly provided a free subscription for testing Turq.