Golang Desktop Automation, binding other language. Control the mouse, keyboard, bitmap, read the screen, Window Handle and global event listener.
Robotn supports Mac, Windows, and Linux(X11). Robot supports go, javascript, python and other.
Now, there is no prebuild binary version available, Please make sure Golang, GCC
is installed correctly before installing robotgo.
npm install robotn
Also, you can Build from source code. The python's pip install
, and the prebuilt binaries will be added in the future.
var robot = require('robotn');
robot.scroll(10, 10);
robot.mouseClick("left", true);
robot.moveSmooth(100, 200, 1.0, 100.0);
import robot
robot.scroll(10, 10)
robot.mouseClick("left", true)
robot.moveSmooth(100, 200, 1.0, 100.0)
var robot = require('robotn');
robot.typeStr("山达尔星新星军团, galaxy. こんにちは世界.")
var text = robot.readAll()
var robot = require('robotn');
var pos = robot.getMousePos()
console.log("pos: ", pos)
var color = robot.getPixelColor(100, 200)
console.log("color---- ", color)
var robot = require('robotn');
var bitmap = robot.captureScreen(10, 20, 30, 40)
console.log("...", bitmap)
var pos = robot.findBitmap(bitmap)
console.log("FindBitmap------ ", pos)
robot.saveBitmap(bitmap, "test.png")
// use `robot.freeBitmap(bit)` to free the bitmap
var robot = require('robotn');
var keve = robot.addEvent("k");
if (keve) {
console.log("you press... ", "k");
var s = robot.addEvents("q", "ctrl");
if (s) {
console.log("you press... ", "mouse left button");
var robot = require('robotn');
var fpid = robot.findIds("Google")
console.log("pids... ", fpid)
if (fpid.length > 0) {
var isExist = robot.pidExists(100)
if (isExist) {
console.log("pid exists is", isExist)
var abool = robot.showAlert("test", "robotgo")
if (abool == 0) {
console.log("ok@@@ ", "ok")
var title = robot.getTitle()
console.log("title@@@ ", title)
go get -u github.com/go-vgo/robotgo
git clone https://github.com/vcaesar/robotn
go get -v github.com/vcaesar/gocs
cd robotn
gocs -n robotgo
npm install
pip install cffi
- Update Find an image on screen, read pixels from an image
- Update Window Handle
- Try support Android, maybe support IOS
- See contributors page for full list of contributors.
- See Contribution Guidelines.
Robotgo is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by various BSD-like licenses.