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A Typst grammar for Tree-Sitter

Typst official page

Tree-Sitter documentation page

Typst doesn't have yet an official Tree-Sitter grammar. This grammar is complete but may contains bug as it is very recent.

Get involved

Your help is welcome. You don't have to know anything about Tree-Sitter to help. You just have to use this grammar and report any bad highlighting you see! You can open an issue or simply send me by email the Typst code causing the bug. See below installation instructions for this grammar. Even if your not sure it is a bug, it doesn't hurt to repport it.

I need help to:

  • write the different "queries" for the different editors like Neovim or Helix. Indeed, the queries like the highlights or the indentation may vary between editors.
  • have more tests, by either directly writing some or by improving
  • implement the full rewrite on branch rewrite. This time the code is documented and you may get involve however you want. Ask me how to help, ask me what needs to be explained and documented. I aim at making this new implementation maintainable by the community.

Don't hesitate to contact me (mailto:[email protected]) or to open an issue, even if you're not sure. It doesn't hurt.

The documentation of the current implementation (not the rewrite) is available in DOC. But I suggest to ignore the current implementation as it is a spaghetti mess. However, the DOC brings up interesting chalenges.


  • Update 0.13
    • Identify changes
  • More tests, objectif 1000, current 433
  • Editor support
    • Helix
    • Emacs
    • NeoVim
  • Simplification
    • Full rewrite for a correct and maintainable code base (on branch rewrite)
    • Implement a type 3/4 parser generator (work in progress). The rewrite have a lexer based on the official parser but may benefit from automatic code generation.
    • Migrate all lexing to external scanner (work in progress on rewrite branch)


  • Markup mode
  • Code mode
  • Math mode
  • Indentation
  • Foldable sections
  • Unicode characters


Language Server

Having syntax highlighting is great but having syntax highlighting and the language server is even greater. If you have cargo installed (Rust's package manager), you can install Typst language server with the following command (you don't have to be in any particular directory):

cargo install --git --locked tinymist


The provides this grammar.


Typst support for Emacs is available through the following package:


(use-package typst-ts-mode
  :elpaca (:type git :host sourcehut :repo "meow_king/typst-ts-mode")
  (typst-ts-mode-watch-options "--open"))


This grammar is already builtin Helix. But it might not be up to date. To manyally install it:

  1. Locate the configuration directory:
  • Local ~/.config/helix
  • Global /usr/share/helix
  1. Append the following configuration to the languages.toml file (create it if it doesn't exist).
name = "typst"
scope = "source.typst"
file-types = ["typst", "typ"]
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = "  " }
comment-token = "//"
injection-regex = "typ(st)?"
roots = ["typst.toml"]
language-servers = [ "typst-lsp" ]

'(' = ')'
'{' = '}'
'[' = ']'
'$' = '$'
'"' = '"'

name = "typst"
source.git = ""
source.rev = "master"
  1. Copy the content of the queries directory (highlights.scm and injections.scm) inside your corresponding runtime/queries/typst directory. You should have the following structure:
└── queries
    └── typst
        ├── highlights.scm
        └── injections.scm
  1. And finally execute (you don't have to be in any particular directory):
hx --grammar fetch
hx --grammar build

The fetch command will clone the git repository, and the build command will compile the grammar. Open the logs to have insightfull messages in case it doesn't work.