Send native macOS notifications and interact with system dialogs through any MCP-compatible client like Claude Desktop or Cline.
- macOS
- Node.js >= 18
- An MCP-compatible client (Claude Desktop, Cline)
To install Apple Notifier for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:
npx -y @smithery/cli install apple-notifier-mcp --client claude
- Install the package globally:
npm install -g apple-notifier-mcp
- Add to your MCP configuration file:
For Cline (cline_mcp_settings.json
"mcpServers": {
"apple-notifier": {
"command": "apple-notifier-mcp"
For Claude Desktop (claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"apple-notifier": {
"command": "apple-notifier-mcp"
Display native macOS notifications with customizable content.
(required): string - The title of the notificationmessage
(required): string - The main message contentsubtitle
(optional): string - A subtitle to displaysound
(optional): boolean - Whether to play the default notification sound (default: true)
Show interactive dialog prompts to get user input.
(required): string - Text to display in the prompt dialogdefaultAnswer
(optional): string - Default text to pre-fillbuttons
(optional): string[] - Custom button labels (max 3)icon
(optional): 'note' | 'stop' | 'caution' - Icon to display
Use macOS text-to-speech capabilities.
(required): string - Text to speakvoice
(optional): string - Voice to use (defaults to system voice)rate
(optional): number - Speech rate (-50 to 50, defaults to 0)
Capture screenshots using macOS screencapture.
(required): string - Path where to save the screenshottype
(required): 'fullscreen' | 'window' | 'selection' - Type of screenshotformat
(optional): 'png' | 'jpg' | 'pdf' | 'tiff' - Image formathideCursor
(optional): boolean - Whether to hide the cursorshadow
(optional): boolean - Whether to include window shadow (only for window type)timestamp
(optional): boolean - Add timestamp to filename
Open native macOS file picker dialog.
(optional): string - Prompt messagedefaultLocation
(optional): string - Default directory pathfileTypes
(optional): object - File type filter (e.g., {"public.image": ["png", "jpg"]})multiple
(optional): boolean - Allow multiple file selection
// Send a notification
await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "send_notification", {
title: "Hello",
message: "World",
sound: true
// Show a prompt
const result = await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "prompt_user", {
message: "What's your name?",
defaultAnswer: "John Doe",
buttons: ["OK", "Cancel"]
// Speak text
await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "speak", {
text: "Hello, world!",
voice: "Samantha",
rate: -20
// Take a screenshot
await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "take_screenshot", {
path: "screenshot.png",
type: "window",
format: "png"
// Select files
const files = await client.use_mcp_tool("apple-notifier", "select_file", {
prompt: "Select images",
fileTypes: {
"public.image": ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]
multiple: true
See for development setup and guidelines.
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.