The package provides a level of know your customer service for banking and other financial services.
Note: They may have some missing records. The source file will be populated from time to time. The current PEP and sanctions entry count is 178866.
To start using identity check, install Go 1.16 or above. This package need Go modules to install. Run the following command to retrieve the library.
$ go get
The package needs name for filtering out results.
ic, err := identitycheck.NewIdentityCheck()
name := "Barack Obama"
results, err := ic.Check(name)
Result objects are JSON serializable, example output will be like,
"hash": "BRKBM",
"name": "Barack Obama",
"type": "pep",
"birth_day": 4,
"birth_month": 8,
"birth_year": 1961,
"alias": [
"باراك أوباما",
"Барак Обама",
"Барак Абама",
"Baracus Obama",
"ബറാക്ക് ഒബാമ",
"Барақ Обама",
"ባራክ ኦባማ"
"birth_date": "1961-08-04T00:00:00Z",
"country": {
"code": "US",
"iso": "USA",
"name": "United States of America"
You can see below the entry count by top 30 countries,