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Notion MCP Server

MCP Server for the Notion API, enabling Claude to interact with Notion workspaces.


Here is a detailed explanation of the steps mentioned above in the following articles:

  1. Create a Notion Integration:

    • Visit the Notion Your Integrations page.
    • Click "New Integration".
    • Name your integration and select appropriate permissions (e.g., "Read content", "Update content").
  2. Retrieve the Secret Key:

    • Copy the "Internal Integration Token" from your integration.
    • This token will be used for authentication.
  3. Add the Integration to Your Workspace:

    • Open the page or database you want the integration to access in Notion.
    • Click the navigation button in the top right corner.
    • Click "Connect to" button and select your integration.
  4. Configure Claude Desktop: Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "notion": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["-y", "@suekou/mcp-notion-server"],
      "env": {
        "NOTION_API_TOKEN": "your-integration-token"


  "mcpServers": {
    "notion": {
      "command": "node",
      "args": ["your-built-file-path"],
      "env": {
        "NOTION_API_TOKEN": "your-integration-token"


If you encounter permission errors:

  1. Ensure the integration has the required permissions.
  2. Verify that the integration is invited to the relevant pages or databases.
  3. Confirm the token and configuration are correctly set in claude_desktop_config.json.


  1. notion_append_block_children

    • Append child blocks to a parent block.
    • Required inputs:
      • block_id (string): The ID of the parent block.
      • children (array): Array of block objects to append.
    • Returns: Information about the appended blocks.
  2. notion_retrieve_block

    • Retrieve information about a specific block.
    • Required inputs:
      • block_id (string): The ID of the block to retrieve.
    • Returns: Detailed information about the block.
  3. notion_retrieve_block_children

    • Retrieve the children of a specific block.
    • Required inputs:
      • block_id (string): The ID of the parent block.
    • Optional inputs:
      • start_cursor (string): Cursor for the next page of results.
      • page_size (number, default: 100, max: 100): Number of blocks to retrieve.
    • Returns: List of child blocks.
  4. notion_delete_block

    • Delete a specific block.
    • Required inputs:
      • block_id (string): The ID of the block to delete.
    • Returns: Confirmation of the deletion.
  5. notion_retrieve_page

    • Retrieve information about a specific page.
    • Required inputs:
      • page_id (string): The ID of the page to retrieve.
    • Returns: Detailed information about the page.
  6. notion_update_page_properties

    • Update properties of a page.
    • Required inputs:
      • page_id (string): The ID of the page to update.
      • properties (object): Properties to update.
    • Returns: Information about the updated page.
  7. notion_create_database

    • Create a new database.
    • Required inputs:
      • parent (object): Parent object of the database.
      • title (array): Title of the database as a rich text array.
      • properties (object): Property schema of the database.
    • Returns: Information about the created database.
  8. notion_query_database

    • Query a database.
    • Required inputs:
      • database_id (string): The ID of the database to query.
    • Optional inputs:
      • filter (object): Filter conditions.
      • sorts (array): Sorting conditions.
      • start_cursor (string): Cursor for the next page of results.
      • page_size (number, default: 100, max: 100): Number of results to retrieve.
    • Returns: List of results from the query.
  9. notion_retrieve_database

    • Retrieve information about a specific database.
    • Required inputs:
      • database_id (string): The ID of the database to retrieve.
    • Returns: Detailed information about the database.
  10. notion_update_database

    • Update information about a database.
    • Required inputs:
      • database_id (string): The ID of the database to update.
    • Optional inputs:
      • title (array): New title for the database.
      • description (array): New description for the database.
      • properties (object): Updated property schema.
    • Returns: Information about the updated database.
  11. notion_create_database_item

    • Create a new item in a Notion database.
    • Required inputs:
      • database_id (string): The ID of the database to add the item to.
      • properties (object): The properties of the new item. These should match the database schema.
    • Returns: Information about the newly created item.
  12. notion_search

    • Search pages or databases by title.
    • Optional inputs:
      • query (string): Text to search for in page or database titles.
      • filter (object): Criteria to limit results to either only pages or only databases.
      • sort (object): Criteria to sort the results
      • start_cursor (string): Pagination start cursor.
      • page_size (number, default: 100, max: 100): Number of results to retrieve.
    • Returns: List of matching pages or databases.
  13. notion_list_all_users

    • List all users in the Notion workspace.
    • Note: This function requires upgrading to the Notion Enterprise plan and using an Organization API key to avoid permission errors.
    • Optional inputs:
      • start_cursor (string): Pagination start cursor for listing users.
      • page_size (number, max: 100): Number of users to retrieve.
    • Returns: A paginated list of all users in the workspace.
  14. notion_retrieve_user

    • Retrieve a specific user by user_id in Notion.
    • Note: This function requires upgrading to the Notion Enterprise plan and using an Organization API key to avoid permission errors.
    • Required inputs:
      • user_id (string): The ID of the user to retrieve.
    • Returns: Detailed information about the specified user.
  15. notion_retrieve_bot_user

    • Retrieve the bot user associated with the current token in Notion.
    • Returns: Information about the bot user, including details of the person who authorized the integration.
  16. notion_create_comment

    • Create a comment in Notion.
    • Requires the integration to have 'insert comment' capabilities.
    • Either specify a parent object with a page_id or a discussion_id, but not both.
    • Required inputs:
      • rich_text (array): Array of rich text objects representing the comment content.
    • Optional inputs:
      • parent (object): Must include page_id if used.
      • discussion_id (string): An existing discussion thread ID.
    • Returns: Information about the created comment.
  17. notion_retrieve_comments

    • Retrieve a list of unresolved comments from a Notion page or block.
    • Requires the integration to have 'read comment' capabilities.
    • Required inputs:
      • block_id (string): The ID of the block or page whose comments you want to retrieve.
    • Optional inputs:
      • start_cursor (string): Pagination start cursor.
      • page_size (number, max: 100): Number of comments to retrieve.
    • Returns: A paginated list of comments associated with the specified block or page.


This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.