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A system of UI Panels to enable Panels to be easily resizable, persistent and configurable.


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React Panel System

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A system of resizable, persistent and configurable panels. Built with React.

Demo here.

Quick Start

yarn add react-panel-system

import React, { useState } from "react"
import * as ReactDOMClient from "react-dom/client"
import PanelManager, { Panel } from "react-panel-system"

// exmple panel data
    data: {
      A: { w: 0.5, h: 1.0, x: 0, y: 0 },
      B: { w: 0.5, h: 1.0, x: 0.5, y: 0 },
    adjList: [
      { A: { re: ["B"], le: [], tv: [], bv: [] } },
      { B: { le: ["A"], re: [], tv: [], bv: [] } },

const PanelA = () => (
      background: "#C23B23",
      display: "flex",
      flexGrow: 1,
    Panel A
const PanelB = () => (
      background: "#03C03C",
      display: "flex",
      flexGrow: 1,
    Panel B

const App = () => {
  const [panelData, setPanelData] = useState(EXAMPLE_PANEL_DATA)

  return (
          paddingTop: "1em",
          paddingBottom: "1em",
          display: "flex",
          flexDirection: "row",
          height: "90vh",
          flexGrow: 1,
          padding: "1em",
          flexBasis: 1,
            display: "flex",
            border: "1px solid darkblue",
            height: "100%",
            width: "100%",
            onPanelDataChange={(nextPanelData) => setPanelData(nextPanelData)}
            <Panel panelId="A">
              <PanelA />
            <Panel panelId="B">
              <PanelB />

const container = document.getElementById("root")

const root = ReactDOMClient.createRoot(container)

    <App />


PanelManager Props

Prop Type Description
array This is the core data structure of react-panel-system. Each item in this array consists of two properties, an object called data and an array called adjList.

The data object property describes the x offset and y offset, in percentage, of a certain panel from the top left corner (the (0,0) coordinate of the PanelManager). The top-level keys in data are the same panel ids that map directly to panelComponents.

The adjList array property is similar to an adjacency list, where each object in the array has a top-level key of it's panel Id, and then four arrays describing the kinds of edge-based relationships that a particular panel has. For example, in the "Simple Example", panel with id "A" shares a right edge with "B", and has no other relationships to "B" or any other node, because there are only 2 nodes in that example in the panelData. Conversely, in that example, panel with id "B" shares a left edge with "A".

NOTE: Panel relationships are intentionally "redundant" to ensure reliable transformation on "minimize" and "maximize" See Data Helper Functions. Additionally, if more than one item in the array is passed, the first item will be rendered first, that is, the bottom most layer.
any The PanelManager expects children to consist of only Panel Components. The order of the Panel Components as children does not matter, the important thing is for the panelData structure to be set as expected. See Panel Props for details on required Panel props.
function This is the callback prop that is passed the next state of panelData. This should directly correspond to the state value passed as panelData to PanelManager. A simple implementation of onPanelDataChange prop would look like this:

onPanelDataChange={panelData => this.setState({ panelData })}

or a React Hooks equivalent like:

onPanelDataChange={panelData => setPanelData(panelData)}
leftEdgeClassName string The CSS class to apply to the left edge (the draggable edge). If supplied, this will override the default CSS class.
rightEdgeClassName string The CSS class to apply to the right edge (the draggable edge). If supplied, this will override the default CSS class.
topEdgeClassName string The CSS class to apply to the top edge (the draggable edge). If supplied, this will override the default CSS class.
bottomEdgeClassName string The CSS class to apply to the bottom edge (the draggable edge). If supplied, this will override the default CSS class.

Panel Props

Prop Type Description
panelId string The unique id to pass to each Panel Component (rendered as children of the PanelManager). This id needs to equal the id passed to panelData in order for the PanelManager to correctly adjust the corresponding Panel.

NOTE: A Panel will not render if the given panelId is not found in panelData.
children any The children of the Panel. This can be any valid React element.

Data Helper Functions

Using these data helper functions, you can easily update panelData to respond to typical panel UX concerns, like "maximizing" and "minimizing" panels. These functions are exported from the root of the package, along with PanelManager

  • maximizePanel: Takes only the panel id of an existing panel in panelData and returns the next state of panelData with the corresponding panel "maximized". "Maximized" is defined as one panel, that is full width, full height of the container of PanelManager, with no draggable edges

  • minimizePanel: Takes the current panelData data structure, and a panel id of an existing panel in panelData and returns the next state of panelData with the corresponding panel "minimized". "Minimized" is defined as the panel removed from panelData, which means it's previous edge-based relationships are re-mapped correspondingly to it's former neighbors.


A system of UI Panels to enable Panels to be easily resizable, persistent and configurable.







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