Your own clipboard in the cloud, copy and paste text with gist. Inspired by pbcopy/pbpaste from Mac OS X.
Copy text on a remote system to the cloud:
echo "Hello, Cloud Clipboard" | cloudclip -c
Paste on a local system from the cloud:
cloudclip -p
And you will see the text coppied from the remote system:
Hello, Cloud Clipboard
Same access token and gist id must be setup before copy/paste, see below
Clone the repository from github:
git clone
Add repository path to your $PATH
For linux, add these line at the bottom of your .bashrc
export PATH="/path-to-cloud-clip:$PATH"
For Windows:
Manully setup the PATH in your control panel.
usage: python [...] operations:
-i <token> [id] Initialize token and id, create a new gist if id is empty
-c [name] Takes the standard input and places it in the cloud
-p [name] Read content from cloud and output to standard output
-l List information of the gist
-e Clean the clipboard
A github access token is needed before everything, you can generate a new one from:
Create a new gist with "-i token" on your own PC, remember the gist id. then use "-i token id" on a remote one which you may exchange data with.
For convenience, two aliases can be created:
alias cloudcopy='python /path/to/ -c'
alias cloudpaste='python /path/to/ -p'
- Python 2
- requests
Install requests with pip:
pip install requests