Download your movie subtitles in one click
subseek is a software application for microsoft windows designed to download english movies subtitles in one click only.
The subtitle it will download for a particular movie or tv serial will get automatically saved by your movie name saving you from dragging the subtitle file to load subtitle..
Installation is user friendly...
->Download and Install the recent version of SubSeek installer file.
->After installation right click on any movie file of which you want to download its subtitle..
->In right click option menu --click on "Download Subtitle" option and Voila!!
->Your Favourate movie subtitle is downloaded...
===================================== Licence GNU2.0
Version 1.4 Feature added 1)Multiple language support. 2)Multiple language subtitle download in upto 26 different language added. 3)Automatic update check and installation of newer version feature added. 4)Several bugs fixed. 5)IMDB Movie info grabber feature added and several bugs fixed. 6)Automatic uninstall of previous version while installing a newer added.
Licence GNU2.0
Current Subtitle download server database
Advanced Movie search from IMDB
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