Includes nginx, phpfpm, php5, cron and certbot (Lets encrypt) running with supervisor
$ sudo docker build -t yourname/nginx-php .
Nginx will look for files in /var/html/www so you need to map your application to that directory.
Let's encrypt can be used for SSL certificates using ENVs. Certificates will be stored on /data/letsencrypt
- SSL_USE_LETSENCRYPT - Nonempty value will trigger using letsencrypt certbot for certificates retrieval
- LE_EMAIL - Lets encrypt registration email
- LE_DOMAIN - Primary domain ( used in nginx config to locate certificate )
- LE_DOMAINS - Optional, Lets encrypt domain list for certificate, comma separated. If not provided will be equal to LE_DOMAIN
If not using Lets encrypt, SSL requires ssl certificate passed in ENV variables, you need to provide those:
- SSL_CERT - Server SSL certificate - you can generate this string from
awk 1 ORS='\\n' web-ssl-cert.pem
- SSL_KEY - Server SSL certificate private key - can be obtained by running
awk 1 ORS='\\n' web-ssl-pkey.pem
- SSL_DH - Diffie-Hellman parameters - you can generate file with
openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 4096
and use this valueawk 1 ORS='\\n' dhparam.pem
For client authentication following ENV variables are used
- SSL_IGNORE_CA_CERT - If not empty the client certification will not be required and will not be used by nginx
- SSL_CLIENT_CA_CERT - CA public certificate for client certification validation
sudo docker run -d -p 8000:80 --volumes-from APPDATA -v /home/me/myphpapp:/var/html/www --name lemp yourname/nginx-php
The --volumes-from argument means that you're using a Data-only container pattern.
If you want to link the container to a Postgres contaier do:
sudo docker run -d -p 8000:80 --volumes-from APPDATA -v /home/me/myphpapp:/var/html/www --name lemp postgres-container:pg yourname/nginx-php
All ENV variables are passed to PHP, with SSL client certificate values added from nginx:
- SSL_C_VERIFIED $ssl_client_verify;
- SSL_C_DN $ssl_client_s_dn;
- SSL_C_SN $ssl_client_serial;
- SSL_C_CERT $ssl_client_raw_cert;
- Credit to: Nian Wang
- Original work can be found at:
- Credit to: Luis Elizondo
- Original work can be found at:
The original author didn't relase the code with a License. But this code is released under the MIT License.