WebmasterToolsApi provides a easy and dynamic facade over Google Webmaster Tools API.
You can either download the source and compile it yourself, or use the latest build:
WebmasterToolsApi authenticates via Client Login using a token. To request a new token, simply use the GoogleAuthorization class:
var token = GoogleAuthorization.GetAuthorizationToken("[email protected]", "password"))
Requesting a new token every time is not performant. Since all tokens are valid for 7 days (source needed), we can cache it:
var token = TokenCache.GetToken("token.cache", () => GoogleAuthorization.GetAuthorizationToken("[email protected]", "password"))
This will read a token from token.cache. If the file could not be found or it's not valid, we request a new token and cache that.
Please note that this library is far from finished and only a few resources are implemented. However, implementing this yourself should not be of any trouble.
Getting a list of all sites is easy. GetSites will return the actual feed, but as a ExpandoObject.
var tools = new WebmasterTools(token);
var sites = tools.GetSites();
foreach(var site in sites.entry) {
It is also possible to retrieve the feed for a specific site:
var tools = new WebmasterTools(token);
var site = tools.GetSite("http://nyqui.st/");
To get all messages for a specific account:
var tools = new WebmasterTools(token);
var messages = tools.GetMessages();
foreach(var message in messages.entry) {
To get a list of all crawler issues:
var issues = tools.GetCrawlIssues("http://nyqui.st/");
foreach (var issue in issues.entry) {
Note that dashes are converted into underscores.
To get a list of all sitemaps submitted for a specific site:
var sitemaps = tools.GetSitemaps("http://nyqui.st/");
foreach (var sitemap in sitemaps.entry) {
To get a list of all keywords:
var keywords = tools.GetKeywords("http://nyqui.st/");
foreach (var keyword in keywords.keyword) {