zgtk3 is a library currently in development that aims to implement GTK3 for the Zig programming language. This project will enable developers to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using Zig.
- Build applications from templates as zig structures using
- Run command-line commands more simply using
See in releases of project.
Once completed, zgtk3 will allow for creating windows and other GUI elements in Zig. Here is a simple example of what the usage might look like:
const gtk = @import("zgtk3");
const buildInterface = gtk.buildInterface;
const c = gtk.c;
pub fn main() !u8 {
c.gtk_init(0, null);
_ = buildInterface(@import("ui.zig").template);
return 0;
const c = @import("gtk").c;
pub const template = .{
.class = "window",
.@"window:title" = "Hello World!",
.@"window:default_size" = .{ 400, 600 },
.@"widget:visible" = 1,
.children = .{.{
.class = "button",
.@"widget:visible" = 1,
.@"button:label" = "Test",
Comprehensive documentation will be available once the project is further along in development.
Just run
zig build example
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
I am grateful to Jesus Christ for giving me the strength and inspiration to work on this project.