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Release v3.4.0

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@purple4reina purple4reina released this 23 Mar 19:49
· 1394 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • Attribute http.statusCode has been added to external span events
    representing the status code on an http response. This attribute will be
    included when added to an ExternalSegment in one of these three ways:

    1. Using
      with your http.Client
    2. Including the http.Response as a field on your
    3. Using the new
      API to set the status code directly

    To exclude the http.statusCode attribute from span events, update your
    agent configuration like so, where cfg is your newrelic.Config object.

    cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude = append(cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude, newrelic.SpanAttributeHTTPStatusCode)
  • Error attributes error.class and error.message are now included on the
    span event in which the error was noticed, or on the root span if an error
    occurs in a transaction with no segments (no chid spans). Only the most recent error
    information is added to the attributes; prior errors on the same span are

    To exclude the error.class and/or error.message attributes from span events, update your
    agent configuration like so, where cfg is your newrelic.Config object.

    cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude = append(cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude, newrelic.newrelic.SpanAttributeErrorClass, newrelic.SpanAttributeErrorMessage)


  • Use
    for transaction names when using Gin version 1.5.0 or greater. Gin
    transactions were formerly named after the
    which uses reflection. This change improves transaction naming and reduces
    overhead. Please note that because your transaction names will change, you
    may have to update any related dashboards and alerts to match the new name.

    // Transactions previously named
    "GET main.handleGetUsers"
    // will be change to something like this match the full path
    "GET /user/:id"