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There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Install Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zshrc
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

This will automatically install Xcode Command Line Tools.

Make sure it’s working:

brew doctor

Generate a new SSH key, then add it to your GitHub profile:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

Clone this project:

mkdir -p ~/Developer
git clone ~/Developer/dotfiles

Sign into the Mac App Store with your Apple ID, so Homebrew can install macOS apps.

Install system dependencies defined in the Brewfile — this is going to take forever:

cd ~/Developer/dotfiles
brew bundle

Setup the dotfiles:

You’re done!

Check out the new apps you have installed:

find /Applications -type d -name '*.app' -cmin -120

Try one of the cool aliases:


Configuring macOS

This command will close a bunch of your apps, including Terminal. So do this at the end:

. ~/Developer/dotfiles/.macos

This file was derived from Mathias Bynens’s .macos file.

Other things to remember that the .macos script doesn’t handle for you:

  • Terminal > Settings > Profiles > Keyboard > Use Option as Meta key.

Setup Apps

  • Download and install Dropbox from their website instead of Homebrew because it’s a mess to setup these days with kernel extensions and/or File Provider. Once you’re signed in: Preferences > Sync Choose folders to selective sync > Only the essential folders (Apps and References). Wait until all Dropbox files are downloaded (this’ll take forever).

  • Log into 1Password to get software licenses.

  • Open GitHub Desktop then run Install Command Line Tool from the menu to get the github command-line tool.

  • Install NVM by running their install script. To avoid changes to .zshrc, either revert them after installation or run the script with PROFILE=/dev/null.


My shell configuration files.







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