Oh My Zsh aliases for common pnpm commands
- Clone the repository
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/mat2ja/pnpm.plugin.zsh.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/pnpm
- Include it in your
plugins=(... pnpm)
Alias | Command | Description |
p | pnpm |
The pnpm command |
pa | pnpm add |
Install a package in dependencies (package.json ) |
pad | pnpm add --save-dev |
Install a package in devDependencies (package.json ) |
pap | pnpm add --save-peer |
Install a package in peerDependencies (package.json ) |
pao | pnpm add --save-optional |
Install a package in optionalDependencies (package.json ) |
pae | pnpm add --save-exact |
Install a package with an exact version (package.json ) |
prm | pnpm remove |
Remove package from node_modules and package.json |
pin | pnpm install |
Install dependencies specified in package.json |
pinh | pnpm install --shamefully-hoist |
Install dependencies with a flat node_modules structure |
pls | pnpm list |
List installed packages and their dependencies |
po | pnpm outdated |
Check for outdated packages |
pu | pnpm update |
Update dependencies |
pui | pnpm update --interactive |
Update dependencies interactively |
puil | pnpm update --interactive --latest |
Update all dependencies interactively, ignoring ranges specified in package.json |
pga | pnpm add --global |
Install a package globally |
pgrm | pnpm remove --global |
Remove a global package |
pgu | pnpm update --global |
Update packages globally |
pgls | pnpm list --global |
List global packages |
pr | pnpm run |
Run a script defined in package.json |
prun | pnpm run |
Run a script defined in package.json |
pex | pnpm exec |
Execute a shell command in scope of a project |
pdx | pnpm dlx |
Fetch a package from the registry without installing, hotload it and run it |
pd | pnpm dev |
Run the dev script defined in package.json |
pdo | pnpm dev --open |
Run the dev script defined in package.json and open browser on startup |
pb | pnpm build |
Run the build script defined in package.json |
pst | pnpm start |
Run the start script defined in package.json |
psv | pnpm serve |
Run the serve script defined in package.json |
ppr | pnpm preview |
Run the preview script defined in package.json |
pt | pnpm test |
Run the test script defined in package.json |
pln | pnpm lint |
Run the lint script defined in package.json |
pfm | pnpm format |
Run the format script defined in package.json |
pi | pnpm init |
Create a package.json file |
ppub | pnpm publish |
Publish a package to the registry |
pc | pnpm create |
Create a project from a create-* or @foo/create-* starter kit |
pnuke | rm -rf node_modules/ pnpm-lock.yaml |
Delete node_modules and pnpm-lock.yml |
pnrc | echo shamefully-hoist=true > .npmrc |
Create npm configuration file with shamefully-hoist=true |