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Extra functionality to compliment


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pgxtras - Extra functionality that compliments pgx

A few extra functions to extend functionality in the excellent library.


In a psql session, whether one row is expected or many rows are expected, getting back 0 rows is not a SQL error.

It has always bothered me that myPgxConnection.QueryRow() returns an error when no row is found (pgx.ErrNoRows) instead of an empty result. After all, rows, err := myPgxConnection.Query() returns no rows (strictly speaking, the first call to rows.Next() is false)

The same is true of the pgx.CollectOneRow() convenience method: when pgx.CollectOneRow() finds no rows, it returns an error (ErrNoRows). But when pgx.CollectRows() finds no rows, it does not return an error; it's just that the returned slice is length 0.

pgxtras.CollectOneRowOK() provides a way to also return without error when no rows are found. Whereas a caller of pgx.CollectRows() can check if the returned slice is length > 0 to determine if rows were found, a caller of pgxtras.CollectOneRowOK() can check the second return value (usually named ok) to see if a row was found.

This follows the "comma-OK" idiom found in other Go libraries. For instance, in the os package of the standard library, os.GetEnv() returns an empty string if an env var is not found; but os.LookupEnv() returns a second boolean value (by convention named ok) that is set to true if the env var was present but set to the empty string, or false if the env var truly was not present. Also, when getting a value from a map, the "comma-OK" idiom can be used for the same purpose.

pgxtras.RowToStructBySnakeToCamelName() and pgxtras.RowToAddrOfStructBySnakeToCamelName()

The pgx library has convenience functions pgx.RowToStructByName() and pgx.RowToAddrOfStructByName(), which ignore case when assigning column results to struct fields.

The pgextras convenience functions, pgxtras.RowToStructBySnakeToCamelName() and pgxtras.RowToAddrOfStructBySnakeToCamelName(), cover the common case of database columns being named in snake_case and Go struct fields being named in CamelCase. These are both rather common naming conventions, and these two convenince methods translate between them to relieve the user of having to use any special tags in Go structs, or any as column aliasing in SQL.

pgxtras.RowToStructBySimpleName() and pgxtras.RowToAddrOfStructBySimpleName()

pgxtras.RowToStructBySnakeToCamelName() and pgxtras.RowToAddrOfStructBySnakeToCamelName(), above, didn't do a perfect job of capturing the way people really name columns in SQL nor struct fields in Go.

Here is an obvious example:

In translating SQL column names to Go struct field names, one would expect

name ==> Name city ==> City

But following strict camel-casing rules, we get this translation:

id ==> Id

whereas surely we would prefer

id ==> ID

(To get CamelCase struct field ID from a snake-case column name, the column would have to be named i_d. Yuk.)

Clearly pgxtras.RowToStructBySnakeToCamelName() and pgxtras.RowToAddrOfStructBySnakeToCamelName() did not capture the subtleties of translating common SQL column names to common Go struct field names.

So pgxtras.RowToStructBySimpleName() and pgxtras.RowToAddrOfStructBySimpleName() take a different approach. SQL column names and Go struct fields are compared with each other by lowercasing and stripping all underscores, like so:

SQL column name   "simple" name    Go struct field name
first_name    ==> firsname     <== FirstName
last_name     ==> lastname     <== LastName
name          ==> name         <== Name
city          ==> city         <== City
id            ==> id           <== ID
http_address  ==> httpaddress  <== HTTPAddress

This way of determining which SQL column names go with which Go struct field names should cover a lot more of the standard naming conventions of both languages.


pgx has pgx.RowToMap() which returns a map[string]any.

pgxtras has pgxtras.RowToMapStrStr() which returns a map[string]string. Internally, RowToMapStrStr() just uses fmt.Sprintf("%v", val). If you want to control the string representation of your column, I recommend doing so in your SQL statement: if every column in your SQL result set is already of Postgres type text, then you know what you will be getting when Go does fmt.Sprintf("%v", val) to it.

Interfaces Querier, Execer, and QuerierExecer

I end up using these interfaces a lot in my code: instead of using concrete pgx.Conn, pgxpool.Pool, pgx.Tx, and pgxpool.Tx arguments in my functions and methods, I just use one of Querier, Execer, or QuerierExecer instead. This way, my data access functions and methods are not restricted to just using one of pgx.Conn, pgxpool.Pool, pgx.Tx, or pgxpool.Tx.

If you only intend to use these interfaces, don't bother importing this whole module; just cut and paste these interfaces into your own project; the license on this module is quite permissive.


Extra functionality to compliment







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