Visualize Python AST/CST/ST in console using ASCII graphics using various engines.
Engines available:
Simply provide a valid Python source code string as an argument and a corresponding AST/CST/ST will be displayed.
Usage: astboom ast [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]
Display Abstract Syntax Tree for a given source.
--no-pos Hide 'col_offset' and 'lineno' fields.
--hide-empty Hide empty fields.
Usage: astboom cst [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]
Display Concrete Source Tree for a given source.
--show-prefix Display value stored in 'prefix' field of the node.
Usage: astboom st [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]
Display Python parse tree for a given source.
Usage: astboom libcst [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]
Display LibCST tree for a given source.
--hide-default Hide fields that contain default value
--hide-empty Hide fields that contain empty values ([], (), '').
--hide-fmt Hide formatting-related fields and objects (whitespace,
--show-children Show contents of the 'children' attribute.
If no source provided as an argument, then tool will attempt to read it from STDIN.
# pip install astboom
# git clone
# poetry install
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Kirill Borisov ([email protected])