Personal dotfiles that can be placed in the public repository
Also known as ηζ ½(bonsai) π³
columns 3
nixos(("β")) macos(("π")) windows(("πͺ"))
lima("Lima") quickemu("Quickemu") wsl2("WSL2")
podman("π¦") k8s("βΈοΈ")
nixos --> lima
nixos --> quickemu
macos --> lima
windows --> wsl2
vm --> container
nixos --> container
If you are using Podman, you can test the pre-built ubuntu container-image as follows.
bash <(curl -fsSL latest
Or, you can directly use some commands with nix run
without any installation steps.
nix run 'github:kachick/dotfiles#todo'
List them
nix flake show 'github:kachick/dotfiles' --json 2>/dev/null | jq '.packages | ."x86_64-linux" | to_entries | map("\(.key) # \(.value.description)")'
Using flake style is disabled in NixOS by default and you should inject git command to use flakes.
For example
nix --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' shell 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11#git' \
--command sudo nixos-rebuild switch \
--flake "github:kachick/dotfiles#$(hostname)" \
sudo reboot now
List defined hostnames
nix eval --json 'github:kachick/dotfiles#nixosConfigurations' --apply 'builtins.attrNames' | jq '.[]'
This repository intentionally reverts the home-manager NixOS module.
So, you should activate the user dotfiles with standalone home-manager even though NixOS.
nix run 'github:kachick/dotfiles#home-manager' -- switch -b backup --flake 'github:kachick/dotfiles#kachick@nixos-desktop'
See GH-680 for background
NixOS is often difficult for beginners like me. So I also use Lima for several issues.
List definitions
nix eval --json 'github:kachick/dotfiles#homeConfigurations' --apply 'builtins.attrNames' | jq '.[]'
Install Nix package manager with DeterminateSystems/nix-installer to enable Flakes by default.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
Make sure there is a nix directory that is used in the home-manager.
This is a workaround, See the thread for detailmkdir -p ~/.local/state/nix/profiles
Restart current shell to load Nix as a PATH
Apply dotfiles
nix run 'github:kachick/dotfiles#home-manager' -- switch -b backup --flake 'github:kachick/dotfiles#wsl-ubuntu'
home-manager installed OpenSSH disabled GSSAPI by default.
So suppress/etc/ssh/ssh_config line 53: Unsupported option "gssapiauthentication"
with following commandsudo chmod -r /etc/ssh/ssh_config
If you faced to lcoale errors such as
-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_TIME: cannot change locale (en_DK.UTF-8): No such file or directory
sudo localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_DK en_DK.UTF-8
Install uidmap without Nix for use of podman even if the podman will be installed from nixpkgs
- "shadow" in nixpkg is not enough for podman - NixOS/nixpkgs#138423
sudo apt-get install --assume-yes uidmap
Make sure putting /etc/containers/policy.json, it is not a home-manager role
sudo mkdir -p /etc/containers cd /etc/containers sudo curl -OL
Make sure the cgroup v1 is disabled if you on WSL, See the docs
Make sure you can run containers as
podman run cat /etc/os-release
After installing missing tools, you can complete same steps as Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install --assume-yes curl
sudo apt install --assume-yes dbus-user-session # For podman
Remember to set special config and reboot if you on WSL
echo '
systemd=true' | sudo tee /etc/wsl.conf
- Install WSL2 with default Ubuntu. Activate home-manager as
- Install NixOS-WSL. Activate home-manager with
- Adjust Windows experience as written in extracted steps and as written in CI for further detail.
Check traps
I basically give up to maintain macOS environment.
- Apply home-manager with
for minimum packages. - Install some packages without Nix
- Use Lima for development tasks.
- Setup Lima with default Ubuntu guest
- In the lima as
limactl start
, apply home-manager withkachick@lima
- You can run containers as
lima nerdctl run --rm hello-world
. You can also use podman after abovePodman on Ubuntu
Extracted to wiki
If you are developing this repository, putting .env
makes easy reactivations.
echo 'HM_HOST_SLUG=wsl-ubuntu' > .env
Then you can enable configurations with
task apply