Twitch Text-to-Speech bot
- Download the latest version of Go
- Follow the installation instructions for your OS
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Go to the new directory
cd twitch-tts
- Compile the binary using
go build
Run sudo apt install python3-gtts
to use your distribution's version of gTTS.
For a more recent version of gTTS, run:
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip install gTTS
After installing you may need to create a new terminal session for gtts-cli
to show up in the PATH
sudo apt install ffmpeg
Test that the ffplay
binary is found.
- The easy way:
export TWITCH_IRC_OAUTH="<your_token>"
(add this to ~/.profile and runsource ~/.profile
./twitch-tts --nick=<bot_name> --channel=<#your_channel>
Fork of Cards Against Humanity IRC/Twitch Bot (2015).