A framework to connect other cryptocurrencies to the Waves platform. Requires Python 3.5 or newer.
For detailed usage instructions please refer to the source code documentation that may be exported by using the commands described below. The framework exports a class Gateway. This class has to instantiated. Once done, the Gateway can be started by calling the run method on the resulting instance.
The constructor of the Gateway class requires instances of certain interfaces. Those interfaces define the required functionality that a concrete Gateway implementation has to provide. You may also take a look at an example implementation that realizes a Waves-Gateway for Litecoin: https://github.com/jansenmarc/WavesGatewayLTCExample.
pip install waves-gateway
python3.5 -m pip install coverage mypy pylint Sphinx
The PyLint package is required for linting.
Install it like this: pip install pylint
python3.5 setup.py lint
The MyPy package performs static type analysis to prevent errors.
python3.5 setup.py mypy
python3.5 setup.py test
The convention is to write Unittests for every class in a separate file
starting with test_
This is the default prefix of the python
Unittest module.
python3.5 setup.py coverage
Creates a folder docs with the generated HTML documentation.
pip install . -U
python3.5 setup.py docs
Doctests are not used in this project. Write Unittests instead.
This project uses yapf (https://github.com/google/yapf) as a formatting tool So, please format your code before commiting by running this:
python3.5 -m yapf -r waves_gateway --style pep8 --style {COLUMN_LIMIT:120} -i
The pipeline will fail if the code is not properly formatted.
First, run npm run build:prod
to update the assets.
After that, run python3.5 setup.py sdist
to create an installable tar archive.
Publish to test.pypi.org:
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
Regular publish:
twine upload dist/*
- Use Python 3.5 for development.
- PyCharm users should enable Gevent compatible debugging: https://blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2012/08/gevent-debug-support/.