is the zip-clone with tar-interface.
Download binaries
( To install with scoop-installer, type scoop install
- I often forget
option on the native zip-interface- I prefer the tar-interface. But my colleagues do not know tar-archives. I have to use zip-archives.
- I want to know the filenames are encoded by UTF8 or not ?
- The fifth field of the output that
zar tvf
indicates the encoding of the filename.U
... UTF8A
... NonUTF8(ANSI)
- The fifth field of the output that
- Are The files contained correctly ?
zar --md5 -tvf
show md5 checksum of contained fileszar --sha1 -tvf
show sha1 checksum of contained fileszar --sha256 -tvf
show sha256 checksum of contained files
$ zar --md5 -tvf
b52fa7c45800545279d3a8264484386b -rw-rw-rw- 694516 2021/10/23 00:28 U zar
zar cvf [files...]
zar cvf - [files...] > ARCHIVE.ZIP
The filename encoding is always set as UTF8.
removes files from disk after adding them to the archive.-C DIRECTORY
change directory
zar tvf [files...]
zar tvf - [files...] < ARCHIVE.ZIP
show MD5SUMs of contained files
zar xvf [files...]
zar xvf - [files...] < ARCHIVE.ZIP
- Reading the archive file from STDIN is slow because the ZIP file has the file list in the tail of the archive and we have to make a temporary file to access randomly.
- By golang's "archive/zip" package.