Gavin Henry (ghenry22) has been maintaining a fork that should be updated and working better than this one. Please use his fork.
Music controls for Cordova applications. Display a 'media' notification with play/pause, previous, next buttons, allowing the user to control the play. Handle also headset event (plug, unplug, headset button).
- Android (4.1+)
- Windows (10+, by filfat)
- iOS 8+ (by 0505gonzalez)
cordova plugin add
- Create the media controls:
track : 'Time is Running Out', // optional, default : ''
artist : 'Muse', // optional, default : ''
album : 'Absolution', // optional, default: ''
cover : 'albums/absolution.jpg', // optional, default : nothing
// cover can be a local path (use fullpath 'file:///storage/emulated/...', or only 'my_image.jpg' if my_image.jpg is in the www folder of your app)
// or a remote url ('http://...', 'https://...', 'ftp://...')
isPlaying : true, // optional, default : true
dismissable : true, // optional, default : false
// hide previous/next/close buttons:
hasPrev : false, // show previous button, optional, default: true
hasNext : false, // show next button, optional, default: true
hasClose : true, // show close button, optional, default: false
// iOS only, optional
duration : 60, // optional, default: 0
elapsed : 10, // optional, default: 0
hasSkipForward : true, //optional, default: false. true value overrides hasNext.
hasSkipBackward : true, //optional, default: false. true value overrides hasPrev.
skipForwardInterval : 15, //optional. default: 0.
skipBackwardInterval : 15, //optional. default: 0.
hasScrubbing : false, //optional. default to false. Enable scrubbing from control center progress bar
// Android only, optional
// text displayed in the status bar when the notification (and the ticker) are updated
ticker : 'Now playing "Time is Running Out"',
//All icons default to their built-in android equivalents
//The supplied drawable name, e.g. 'media_play', is the name of a drawable found under android/res/drawable* folders
playIcon: 'media_play',
pauseIcon: 'media_pause',
prevIcon: 'media_prev',
nextIcon: 'media_next',
closeIcon: 'media_close',
notificationIcon: 'notification'
}, onSuccess, onError);
- Destroy the media controller:
MusicControls.destroy(onSuccess, onError);
- Subscribe events to the media controller:
function events(action) {
const message = JSON.parse(action).message;
switch(message) {
case 'music-controls-next':
// Do something
case 'music-controls-previous':
// Do something
case 'music-controls-pause':
// Do something
case 'music-controls-play':
// Do something
case 'music-controls-destroy':
// Do something
// External controls (iOS only)
case 'music-controls-toggle-play-pause' :
// Do something
case 'music-controls-seek-to':
const seekToInSeconds = JSON.parse(action).position;
elapsed: seekToInSeconds,
isPlaying: true
// Do something
// Headset events (Android only)
// All media button events are listed below
case 'music-controls-media-button' :
// Do something
case 'music-controls-headset-unplugged':
// Do something
case 'music-controls-headset-plugged':
// Do something
// Register callback
// Start listening for events
// The plugin will run the events function each time an event is fired
- Toggle play/pause:
MusicControls.updateIsPlaying(true); // toggle the play/pause notification button
- iOS Specific Events: Allows you to listen for iOS events fired from the scrubber in control center.
elapsed: 208, // seconds
isPlaying: true
- Default:
- Android only:
'music-controls-media-button-next', 'music-controls-media-button-pause', 'music-controls-media-button-play',
'music-controls-media-button-play-pause', 'music-controls-media-button-previous', 'music-controls-media-button-stop',
'music-controls-media-button-fast-forward', 'music-controls-media-button-rewind', 'music-controls-media-button-skip-backward',
'music-controls-media-button-skip-forward', 'music-controls-media-button-step-backward', 'music-controls-media-button-step-forward',
'music-controls-media-button-meta-left', 'music-controls-media-button-meta-right', 'music-controls-media-button-music',
'music-controls-media-button-volume-up', 'music-controls-media-button-volume-down', 'music-controls-media-button-volume-mute',
- iOS Only:
'music-controls-skip-forward', 'music-controls-skip-backward'
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request