Kubernetes management with Nix
WARN: this is a work in progress, expect breaking changes
A minimal example flake.nix
(build with nix build
inputs.kubenix.url = "github:hall/kubenix";
outputs = {self, kubenix, ... }@inputs: let
system = "x86_64-linux";
in {
packages.${system}.default = (kubenix.evalModules.${system} {
module = { kubenix, ... }: {
imports = [ kubenix.modules.k8s ];
kubernetes.resources.pods.example.spec.containers.nginx.image = "nginx";
Or, if you're not using flakes, a default.nix
file (build with nix-build
{ kubenix ? import (builtins.fetchGit {
url = "https://github.com/hall/kubenix.git";
ref = "main";
}) }:
(kubenix.evalModules.x86_64-linux {
module = { kubenix, ... }: {
imports = [ kubenix.modules.k8s ];
kubernetes.resources.pods.example.spec.containers.nginx.image = "nginx";
Either way the JSON manifests will be written to ./result
See the examples for more.
While kubenix is compatible with just about any deployment system, there's a simple builtin CLI which can:
- show a diff, prompt for confirmation, then apply
- prune removed resources
- pipe manifests through vals for the ability to inject secrets without writing them to the nix store
To configure this, override the default package, passing the arguments of evalModules.
kubenix = inputs.kubenix.packages.${pkgs.system}.default.override {
module = import ./cluster;
# optional; pass custom values to the kubenix module
specialArgs = { flake = self; };
Then apply the resources with
nix run '.#kubenix'
which will print a diff and prompt for confirmation:
diff -N -u -I ' kubenix/hash: ' -I ' generation: ' /tmp/LIVE-2503962153/apps.v1.Deployment.default.home-assistant /tmp/MERGED-231044561/apps.v1.Deployment.default.home-assistant
--- /tmp/LIVE-2503962153/apps.v1.Deployment.default.home-assistant 2023-07-06 23:33:29.841771295 -0400
+++ /tmp/MERGED-231044561/apps.v1.Deployment.default.home-assistant 2023-07-06 23:33:29.842771296 -0400
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
automountServiceAccountToken: true
- - image: homeassistant/home-assistant:2023.5
+ - image: homeassistant/home-assistant:2023.6
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
failureThreshold: 3
apply? [y/N]:
HINT: use
for more commands
Optionally, write the resources to ./result/manifests.json
nix build '.#kubenix'
This project was forked from GTrunSec, which was forked from xtruder, with commits incorporated from blaggacao.
Logo is a mishmash of the Kubernetes wheel and the NixOs snowflake.