The goal of this project is to parse a mathematical formulae written in unicode and to transpile is into an ExprGraph
of the Gorgonia project.
This parser is generated from a yacc
file from the subdirectory src
If you want to contribute or add some new functionalities, you may need the goyacc
tool and then run go generate
from the src
For a more complete explanation, you can refer to this blog post
As of today, the parser understands the following opreations on node objects (tensor based):
Operation | Gorgonia Operation | Symbol | Unicode character |
Multiplication | Mul | · | U+00B7 |
Hadamard Product | HadamardProd | * | |
Addition | Add | + | |
Substraction | Sub | - | |
Pointwise Negation | Neg | - | |
Sigmoid | Sigmoid | σ | U+03C3 |
Tanh | Tanh | tanh | |
Softmax | Softmax | softmax |
import (
G ""
func main(){
g := G.NewGraph()
wfT := tensor.New(tensor.WithShape(2, 2), tensor.WithBacking([]float32{1, 1, 1, 1}))
wf := G.NewMatrix(g, tensor.Float32, G.WithName("wf"), G.WithShape(2, 2), G.WithValue(wfT))
htprevT := tensor.New(tensor.WithBacking([]float32{1, 1}), tensor.WithShape(2))
htprev := G.NewVector(g, tensor.Float32, G.WithName("ht-1"), G.WithShape(2), G.WithValue(htprevT))
xtT := tensor.New(tensor.WithBacking([]float32{1, 1}), tensor.WithShape(2))
xt := G.NewVector(g, tensor.Float32, G.WithName("xt"), G.WithShape(2), G.WithValue(xtT))
bfT := tensor.New(tensor.WithBacking([]float32{1, 1}), tensor.WithShape(2))
bf := G.NewVector(g, tensor.Float32, G.WithName("bf"), G.WithShape(2), G.WithValue(bfT))
p := parser.NewParser(g)
p.Set(`Wf`, wf)
p.Set(`h`, htprev)
p.Set(`x`, xt)
p.Set(`bf`, bf)
result, _ := p.Parse(`σ(1*Wf·h+ Wf·x+ bf)`)
machine := G.NewLispMachine(g, G.ExecuteFwdOnly())
if err := machine.RunAll(); err != nil {
res := result.Value().Data().([]float32)
- The parser is internally using a
and is not concurrent safe. - The errors are not handle correctly