Releases: go-vgo/robotgo
Releases · go-vgo/robotgo
v0.110.6 (v1.0.0-rc4)
What's Changed
- Update by @ronaldpetty in #701
- Update: updated go mod by @vcaesar in #708
- Refactor: simplify mouse movement implementation for Windows, use set… by @vcaesar in #711
New Contributors
- @ronaldpetty made their first contribution in #701
Full Changelog: v0.110.5...v0.110.6
v0.110.5 (v1.0.0-rc4)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.110.4...v0.110.5
v0.110.4 (v1.0.0-rc4)
What's Changed
- Update: move scale to screen and rename pub mdata by @vcaesar in #691
- Fixed: default use high capture resolution in macos15 by @vcaesar in #692
- capture error by @aohanhongzhi in #663
- Update: update screen capture code and examples by @vcaesar in #693
New Contributors
- @aohanhongzhi made their first contribution in #663
Full Changelog: v0.110.3...v0.110.4
v0.110.3 (v1.0.0-rc4)
What's Changed
- Update: update CI to newest by @vcaesar in #675
- Update: update go mod by @vcaesar in #681
- Update: update screengrab to fixed macos 15 by @vcaesar in #682
- Add: export xClose main display function by @vcaesar in #684
- Add: export Handle data and add more window handle function #683 by @vcaesar in #685
Full Changelog: v0.110.2...v0.110.3
v0.110.2 (v1.0.0-rc3)
v0.110.1 (v1.0.0-rc3)
What's Changed
- Update: update by @vcaesar in #622
- Update: update by @vcaesar in #623
- fix: x11 capslock reference the wrong constant by @sleep2144985 in #629
- Add: add next Linux and Windows files by @vcaesar in #630
- Update: bump CI to newest by @vcaesar in #643
- chore: fix function names in comment by @rustfix in #651
- fix: DragSmooth Repeat Call MoveScale by @nzlov in #649
New Contributors
- @sleep2144985 made their first contribution in #629
- @rustfix made their first contribution in #651
- @nzlov made their first contribution in #649
Full Changelog: v0.110.0...v0.110.1
v0.110.0 (v1.0.0-rc3)
v1.0.0-rc3 for public.
Merge pull request #610 from go-vgo/bitmap-pr Update: update gomod and fixed warning
Merge pull request #607 from testwill/typo fix: continuous typo
Merge pull request #559 from go-vgo/bitmap-pr Add: add more capture screens hot support and fixed bug