The Gopher API, is a evolutive simple CRUD API for formative purpose, we're building it while writing the posts of the blog.
In this API we've learnt differents, features and patterns in Go:
- Using Gorilla Mux to create an simple API
- Using a SOLID, Hexagonal Architecture
- Testing HTTP handlers
- Integration with CircleCI
- Using Wire to build dependencies only in v0.3.1
- Using pattern contextkey
- Using instrumenting with Zipkin
$ go get -u
Usage Launch server with predefined data
$ gopherapi --withData
The gopher server is on tap now: http://localhost:8080
If you want to start the server using zipkin you will need use the next option
$ gopherapi --withTrace
If you want start the server using cockroachdb you will need use the next option
$gopherapi --cockroach
Fetch all gophers
GET /gophers
Fetch a gopher by ID
GET /gophers/{gopher_id}
Add a gopher
POST /gophers
Modify a gopher
PUT /gophers/{gopher_id}
Remove a gopher
DELETE /gophers/{gopher_id}
You can import the Postman collection into api/GopherApi.postman_collection
docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
If you think that you can improve with new endpoints, and functionallities the API feel free to contribute with this project with fork this repo and send your Pull Request.
MIT License, see LICENSE