BF4 Webcon intends to support the Something Awful Forums Battlefield community with a companion web browser tab to Battlelog. Although development will be tailored to SA's needs and humor, the majority of code will work with any community. This is meant to provide more capabilities than my Battlefield 3 RCON PHP Scripts project.
- Community player authentication via Steam OpenID and SA Forums profile scraping.
- Constant connection to servers for event listening and logging.
- Community player whitelisting.
- Friends of community player whitelisting and tracking (if friend is banned, community player may be banned too).
- Bad behavior reporting via server and website.
- Player kicking/banning via server and website by server renter, server admins, and/or community player voting.
- PunkBuster ban tracking to prevent PB-banned players from rejoining (if possible).
BF4 Webcon is a Ruby on Rails 4.0 app designed to be deployed via Heroku. This repository follows the Git Flow development model. Development is based on the assumption that BF4's RCON protocol will be nearly identical to BF3's RCON protocol.
BF4 Webcon by Rob Freiburger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
If you would like to use BF4 Webcon for commercial purposes, please contact me.