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Terranova is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools and logic to handle Terraform configurations at scale.


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Terranova is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools and logic to handle Terraform configurations at scale.

πŸ“¦ Prerequisites

✨ Features

  • Ability to share terraform configuration without modules.
  • Ability to define arbitrary resource layout.
  • Ability to auto-generate documentation using metadata attached to resource definition.
  • Ability to execute runbooks to interact with resources.
  • Ability to import variables between resource group.

🎯 Motivation

  • We needed a way to manage resources as code at scale.
  • The solution should leverage terraform to avoid re-implementing the wheel.
  • The solution shouldn't leverage the terraform configuration DSL to add features since it can change.

πŸ”¨ Workflow


The following steps will ensure your project is cloned properly.

  1. Clone repository:
    git clone
    cd terranova
  2. Install dependencies and setup environment:
    uv sync
    uv run poe env:configure


  • To lint you have to use the workflow.
uv run poe lint
  • It will lint the project code using pylint.


  • To format you have to use the workflow.
uv run poe fmt
  • It will format the project code using black and isort.

πŸ“– Usage

How to install it using Brew

# Install custom terranova tap
brew tap elastic/terranova

# Install terranova
brew install terranova

Single-line installation

curl -sSL | sh -s

If you use wget instead:

wget -qO- | sh -s

That will download terranova, put it inside /usr/local/bin/ and give it execution rights with chmod.

How to install as Standalone

# For MacOSX Apple Silicon
gh release download 0.6.5 -p '*-darwin-arm64' -O /usr/local/bin/terranova --clobber --repo elastic/terranova

# For MacOSX Intel
gh release download 0.6.5 -p '*-darwin-amd64' -O /usr/local/bin/terranova --clobber --repo elastic/terranova

# For Linux arm64
gh release download 0.6.5 -p '*-linux-arm64' -O /usr/local/bin/terranova --clobber --repo elastic/terranova

# For Linux amd64
gh release download 0.6.5 -p '*-linux-amd64' -O /usr/local/bin/terranova --clobber --repo elastic/terranova

# Make it executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/terranova

Define an arbitrary resource layout

  • terranova rely on the concept of resource groups.
  • You can define as many resource groups as you want.
  • The base layout should contain the directory resources and shared.
  • The resources directory contains resource groups.
  • The shared directory contains any sharable resource that will be symlink if defined as dependency.
  • A resource group is defined when a manifest.yml is present.
  • By default, terranova will look for a conf directory in the working directory that contain both above directories.
β”œβ”€β”€ resources
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ resource_group_1
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ runbooks
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   └──
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”‚   └── manifest.yml
β”‚   └── resource_group_2
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚       └── manifest.yml
└── shared
    β”œβ”€β”€ providers
    β”‚   └──
  • terranova will rely on the layout to apply change using terraform.
  • In the above case, running terranova apply resource_group_1 will run terraform on resources present in that directory.
  • terranova supports any depth within the layout.
  • This allows you to reflect any structure.

How to get start

  • Create a new directory in conf/resources.
  • Create a new manifest.yml file with the following content.
version: "1.2"

  name: Terranova Hello World
  description: Hello World
  contact: mailto:[email protected]
  • Define any resource using standard terraform configuration.
  • Add metadata on each resource to allow auto-generate documentation.
@attr-name attr-value
data "null_data_source" "values" {
  inputs = {}

@attr-name attr-value
resource "null_resource" "foobar" {}
  • You can now run terranova init <resource_group_name> and terranova apply <resource_group_name>.

How to define shared dependencies.

  • In some case, we need to share common terraform configuration or scripts across many resource group.
  • It's possible to define dependencies in the manifest and symlink them in any resource group.
  • Those common resources should be defined in the shared directory.
  • All symlink are maintained by terranova and are updated when the terranova init command is run.
# Supported since 1.0 manifest version.
  - source: providers/ # Which file or directory to symlink.
    target: # Where to symlink the file or directory.

How to define runbook.

  • In some case, we need to interact with terraform resources using specific tooling.
  • It's possible to define a runbook in the manifest and invoke arbitrary tools.
  • It's also possible to interact with terranova to extract information using outputs.
# Supported since 1.1 manifest version.
  - name: "<runbook_name>" # Used as argument in the command
    entrypoint: "<tool_entrypoint>" # Tool to invoke
    workdir: "<working_directory>" # Optional: Used to navigate in sub-directories.
      - <arguments> # List of arguments to pass
      - name: PATH # Inherit environment value
      - name: FOO # Override or define environment value
        value: bar

How to import variables across resource groups.

  • In some case, we need to interact across many resource groups and need to import variables from a resource group to another one.
  • It's possible to define imports in the manifest.
# Supported since 1.2 manifest version.
  - from: "<resource_group_path>" # Relative resource group path
    import: "<output_variable>" # Name of the output variable to import
    as: "<working_directory>" # Optional: Name of the input variable to map to.

How to regenerate the documentation.

  • Run the following command terranova docs.

How to apply configuration changes.

  • Run the following command terranova apply <path>.

How to import a resource.

  • Run the following command terranova import <path> <resource_address> <identifier>.
  • The import terraform command is used under the hood.

❀️ Contributing

If you find this project useful here's how you can help, please click the πŸ‘οΈ Watch button to avoid missing notifications about new versions, and give it a 🌟 GitHub Star!

You can also contribute by:

  • Sending a Pull Request with your awesome new features and bug fixed.
  • Be part of the community and help resolve Issues.

🧾 License

The terranova project is free and open-source software licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.


Terranova is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools and logic to handle Terraform configurations at scale.



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