A Terraform template for EC2 Auto Recovery
This terraform module implements
This is useful when
- You need to have a group of EC2 instances that need static public IPs (EIP)
- The software on EC2 instances is relatively reliable and you only need to worry about EC2 system errors
- EC2 instances type is one of C3, C4, M3, R3, and T2
- When static IP (EIP) is not needed, ELB with auto scaling group should be considered.
- An auto scaling group with (1,1,1) configured and attach EIP at provision time. (need IAM role for instance)
: an EIP to be assigned to the EC2 instanceaws_instance.instance
: the EC2 instanceaws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.auto_recovery_alarm
: the Cloudwatch alarm to trigger EC2 instance Auto Recoveryaws_route53_health_check.route53_health_check
: an HTTP health check for the health of the EC2 instance (Assuming the instance serves HTTP traffic and has a health check)aws_route53_record.route53_record
: a Route53 record point to the EIP attached to the EC2 instnace with healthcheck.
module "static-ip-ec2-instances" {
source = "github.com/cxmcc/tf_aws_ec2_auto_recovery"
count = 2
domain = "static-ip.example.com"
route53_hosted_zone_id = "ZZZZFFFFEEEENNNN"
ami = "ami-1234567"
health_check_path = "/route53_health_check"
instance_type = "m3.medium"
name = "static-ip-instance"
key_name = "default"
subnet_ids = ["subnet-123456", "subnet-234567"]
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-1234567"]
user_data = <<EOF
hostname: static-ip-instance
manage_etc_hosts: true