A self-hosted web app for displaying, organizing and storing information about your servers (VPS/Dedi), shared & reseller hosting, seedboxes, domains, DNS and misc services.
Despite what the name infers this self-hosted web app isn't just for storing idling server information. By using a YABS output you can get disk & network speed values along with GeekBench 5 & 6 scores to do easier comparing and sorting. Of course storing other services e.g. web hosting is possible and supported too with My idlers.
Note: Create, Update and Delete are disabled on the demo site.
Currently seeking a project sponsor
- Updated PHP version to 8.3
- Updated Laravel version to ^11
- Updated composer package versions
- Updated routes into middleware grouping for auth
- Updated login and register forms
- Updated servers, shared, reseller and domains pages to use Datatables
- Added icons to back and submit button components
- Added icon button to shared and reseller create pages
- Added several updated OS versions to OsSeeder
- Added Font awesome Brands webfont
- Added IP whois data columns to the ips table
- Added IP whois data fetching and updating DB
- Added Note to API
- Fixed OS icons not loading in servers index page
- Fixed Settings being called without being created (existing)
- Fixed issue with OS:
Call to a member function toJson() on array
- Fixed due in (days) column showing a massive float
- Removed 1 user being seeded
- Removed doctrine/dbal
composer update
php artisan migrate
php artisan route:cache
php artisan cache:clear
- PHP 8.3
- Add servers
- Add shared hosting
- Add domains
- Auto get IP's from hostname
- Check up/down status
- Get YABS data from output
- Compare 2 servers
- Save & view YABS output
- Update YABS disk & network results
- Next due date system
- Multi currency compatibility
- Multi payment-term compatibility
- Pre-defined operating systems
- Assign labels
- Assign server type (KVM, OVZ, LXC & dedi)
- Easy to edit values
- Assign notes
- Run
git clone https://github.com/cp6/my-idlers.git
into your directory of choice - Run
composer install
- Run
cp .env.example .env
- Edit (If needed) MySQL details in .env
- Run
php artisan key:generate
- Run
php artisan make:database my_idlers
to create database - Run
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
to create tables and seed data - Run
php artisan serve
If you already have at least version 2.0 installed:
- Run
git clone https://github.com/cp6/my-idlers.git
- Run
composer install
- Run
composer update
- Run
php artisan migrate
- Run
php artisan route:cache
- Run
php artisan cache:clear
docker run \
-p 8000:8000\
-e APP_URL=https://... \
-e DB_HOST=... \
-e DB_DATABASE=... \
-e DB_USERNAME=... \
-e DB_PASSWORD=... \
docker exec ... php artisan migrate:fresh --seed --force # Set up database one time
Run with a single click on PikaPods.com
yabs.sh now has JSON formatted response and can POST the output directly from calling the script.
With My idlers you can use your API key and the server id to directly POST the benchmark result
Example yabs.sh call to POST the result:
curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s -- -s "https://yourdomain.com/api/yabs/SERVERID/USERAPIKEYISHERE"
IP who is data provided by ipwhois.io
For GET requests the header must have Accept: application/json
and your API token (found at /account
Authorization : Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE
All API requests must be appended with api/
e.g mydomain.com/api/servers/gYk8J0a7
GET request:
POST requests
Create a server
Body content template
"active": 1,
"show_public": 0,
"hostname": "test.domain.com",
"ns1": "ns1",
"ns2": "ns2",
"server_type": 1,
"os_id": 2,
"provider_id": 10,
"location_id": 15,
"ssh_port": 22,
"bandwidth": 2000,
"ram": 2024,
"ram_type": "MB",
"ram_as_mb": 2024,
"disk": 30,
"disk_type": "GB",
"disk_as_gb": 30,
"cpu": 2,
"has_yabs": 0,
"was_promo": 1,
"ip1": "",
"ip2": null,
"owned_since": "2022-01-01",
"currency": "USD",
"price": 4.00,
"payment_term": 1,
"as_usd": 4.00,
"usd_per_month": 4.00,
"next_due_date": "2022-02-01"
PUT requests
Update a server
Body content template
"active": 1,
"show_public": 0,
"hostname": "test.domain.com",
"ns1": "ns1",
"ns2": "ns2",
"server_type": 1,
"os_id": 2,
"provider_id": 10,
"location_id": 15,
"ssh_port": 22,
"bandwidth": 2000,
"ram": 2024,
"ram_type": "MB",
"ram_as_mb": 2024,
"disk": 30,
"disk_type": "GB",
"disk_as_gb": 30,
"cpu": 2,
"has_yabs": 0,
"was_promo": 1,
"owned_since": "2022-01-01"
Update pricing
Body content template
"price": 10.50,
"currency": "USD",
"term": 1
DELETE requests
Delete a server
Public viewable listings
If enabled the public viewable table for your server listings is at /servers/public
You can configure what you want viewable at /settings
Due date / due soon
This is simply just a reminder. If the homepage is requested (viewed) when a service is over due date it will get reset to plus the term from the old due date.
E.g if the term is a month then the due date gets updated to be 1 month from the old due date.
Supporting YABS commands:
curl -sL yabs.sh | bash
curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s -- -r
Logo icons created by Freepik - Flaticon