This module hosts miscellaneous scripts which can be used with oak-run.
- Repository Statistics - Generates useful statistics report for repository content
- Index Consistency Checker - Checks consistency of Lucene indexes
To make use of this script
$ wget -O oak-run-1.6.0.jar ''
Or download it from here
Run console and load the script. Standard usage
java -jar oak-run*.jar console /path/to/segmentstore ":load"
This would load the script and execute it and output would be dumped to console. Some scripts may also generate some output files in the launch directory
Following are various variants
Usage with new segment tar (Oak >= 1.6)
console /path/to/segmentstore
Usage with old segment (Oak < 1.6)
console --segment=true /path/to/segmentstore
Usage with FileDataStore
console -fds-path=/path/to/datastore /path/to/segmentstore
Usage with Mongo
console mongodb://server:27017/dbname
Running via ssh
Set system property -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal
when running the command via nohup
$ nohup java -Xmx4g -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -jar oak-run*.jar console --segment=true /path/to/segmentstore ":load" &
S3 support pending OAK-6077