Catppuccin for Python
Install with pip
or your preferred dependency management tool.
pip install catppuccin
Get access to the palette with the catppuccin.PALETTE
from catppuccin import PALETTE
# '#8839ef'
# RGB(r=148, g=226, b=213)
The Palette
data structure matches the palette JSON.
Both Palette
and FlavorColors
can be iterated to yield flavors and colors respectively:
for flavor in PALETTE:
# Latte
# FrappΓ©
# Macchiato
# Mocha
for color in PALETTE.latte.colors:
print(f"{color.name}: {color.hex}")
# Rosewater: #f2d5cf
# Flamingo: #eebebe
# Pink: #f4b8e4
# ...
# Base: #303446
# Mantle: #292c3c
# Crust: #232634
, Flavor
, Color
et cetera are all dataclasses
so you can also inspect and iterate their fields using methods from the dataclass module.
For example, to list all color names and their hex codes:
from dataclasses import fields
from catppuccin import PALETTE
flavor = PALETTE.frappe
for field in fields(flavor.colors):
color = getattr(flavor.colors, field.name)
print(f"{field.name}: {color.hex}")
# rosewater: #f2d5cf
# flamingo: #eebebe
# pink: #f4b8e4
# ...
# base: #303446
# mantle: #292c3c
# crust: #232634
This package provides a Pygments style for each of the four Catppuccin flavors.
Install Catppuccin with the pygments
feature to include the relevant dependencies:
pip install catppuccin[pygments]
The styles are registered as importlib entrypoints, which allows Pygments to find them by name:
from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
# catppuccin.extras.pygments.FrappeStyle
The following style names are available:
They can also be accessed by directly importing them:
from catppuccin.extras.pygments import MacchiatoStyle
A minimal configuration:
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.true_color = True
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style = "catppuccin-mocha"
Putting this into your IPython configuration
and ensuring catppuccin[pygments]
is installed in the same environment will
give you Catppuccin Mocha syntax highlighting in the REPL. See here
for an example of a more complete configuration.
The library tries to register styles and colormaps if matplotlib
is installed.
See the examples below for some use cases:
Load a style, using
import catppuccin import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mpl.style.use(catppuccin.PALETTE.mocha.identifier) plt.plot([0,1,2,3], [1,2,3,4]) plt.show()
Mix it with different stylesheets!
import catppuccin import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mpl.style.use(["ggplot", catppuccin.PALETTE.mocha.identifier]) plt.plot([0,1,2,3], [1,2,3,4]) plt.show()
Load individual colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import catppuccin from catppuccin.extras.matplotlib import load_color color = load_color(catppuccin.PALETTE.latte.identifier, "peach") plt.plot([0,1,2,3], [1,2,3,4], color=color) plt.show()
Define custom colormaps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import catppuccin from catppuccin.extras.matplotlib import get_colormap_from_list cmap = get_colormap_from_list( catppuccin.PALETTE.frappe.identifier, ["red", "peach", "yellow", "green"], ) rng = np.random.default_rng() data = rng.integers(2, size=(30, 30)) plt.imshow(data, cmap=cmap) plt.show()
If you are looking to contribute, please read through our CONTRIBUTING.md first!
This project is maintained with uv. If you don't have uv yet, you can install it using the installation instructions.
Install the project's dependencies including extras:
uv sync --all-extras
is generated by a build script based on the contents of palette.json
To update after downloading a new palette JSON file:
uv run build.py
Formatting this file is done manually as with any other file, see Code Standards
All of the tools listed in this section are automatically installed by uv as
part of the dev
dependency group.
Tests are run with pytest
To run tests and display coverage:
$ pytest --cov catppuccin
Type checking is performed by mypy
To run type checks:
$ mypy .
Code linting and formatting is done by ruff
To lint the code:
$ ruff check
To format the code:
$ ruff format
Copyright Β© 2022-present Catppuccin Org