Specto makes it easy to switch certain test blocks on and off depending on the language and test framework functionality, so that they can be "only" executed or "skipped".
Toggle test modifiers in JavaScript/TypeScript test files
- Works with
blocks too
Support for Ruby RSpec files
- Toggle skip prefix:
- Works with
, andtest
- Toggle skip prefix:
Smart detection of common test files (e.g.
, etc.) -
Dot-repeat previous actions
Triggering a toggle only applies to the block in which the cursor is currently located.
describe('context', () => {
// ↓ toggle applies here
it.skip('something', () => {
// ^ cursor here
- Neovim >= 0.9.0
- nvim-treesitter
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
opts = {}
:Specto toggle skip
:Specto toggle only
:Specto toggle todo
The feature set depends on the respective language and its testing framework.
The provided commands can either be called directly via :Specto toggle *
a test block or used via keybinding.
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>to", "<cmd>Specto toggle only<CR>", { desc = "Toggle test only" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ts", "<cmd>Specto toggle skip<CR>", { desc = "Toggle test skip" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tt", "<cmd>Specto toggle todo<CR>", { desc = "Toggle test todo" })
Specto comes with the following defaults:
require("specto").setup({ -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_OPTS
exclude = {
filetypes = { -- exclude certain files by default
languages = {
-- set default config for all defined languages
["*"] = {
filetypes = {},
file_patterns = {},
features = {},
-- ... other languages
See config.lua for more details.
Each language can define an individual set for only
and skip
javascript = { -- example: "ruby", etc.
filetypes = { "javascript", "typescript" }, -- a subset of supported language
-- Files or directories where tests can be found.
-- Expects an array of string patterns that can be used with `string.match`.
file_patterns = { }, -- eg. `{ "__tests__/", "%.?spec%." }`
features = {
-- subset of criteria of each feature
only = { -- or skip, todo
flag = "only", -- identfier name
keywords = { "it", "describe", "test" }, -- defines on which blocks it can be attached to
prefix = false, -- position of flag, false adds flag at the end of a keyword
separator = ".", -- defines if a flag came with a certain mark eg. `describe.only`
All contributions are welcome! Just open a pull request. Please read CONTRIBUTING.md.