An OpenAPI middleware for the Echo framework using getkin/kin-openapi to validate HTTP requests and responses.
go get
package main
import (
mw ""
# openapi.yaml
openapi: 3.0.4
version: 1.0.0
title: Test API
description: A test API
description: Hello
- name: message
in: query
required: true
type: string
minLength: 1
maxLength: 100
description: Successful response
type: object
additionalProperties: false
- message
type: string
description: Welcome message
minLength: 4
type Handler struct {
func (h *Handler) Hello(c echo.Context) error {
msg := c.QueryParam("message")
return h.Validate(c, http.StatusOK, echo.Map{"message": msg})
func main() {
e := echo.New()
h := &Handler{mw.NewHandler()}
e.Add(http.MethodPost, "/hello", h.Hello)
Send an invalid request to test request validation:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:1323/hello
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:31:24 GMT
Content-Length: 117
{"message":"Validation error","errors":["parameter 'message' in query has an error: value is required but missing"]}
Send a valid request:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:1323/hello\?message\=hello
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:31:47 GMT
Content-Length: 19
Send a valid request with an invalid response:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:1323/hello\?message\=a
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:31:01 GMT
Content-Length: 36
{"message":"Internal Server Error"}
You should also have the following in the server's log to help you debug your schema:
{"error":"failed validating response: message: minimum string length is 4"}
type Config struct {
// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
Skipper middleware.Skipper
// Schema defines the OpenAPI that will be loaded and
// that the request and responses will be validated against.
// Required.
Schema string
// ContextKey defines the key that will be used to store the validator
// on the echo.Context when the request is successfully validated.
// Optional. Defaults to "validator".
ContextKey string
// ExemptRoutes defines routes and methods that don't require tokens.
// Optional.
ExemptRoutes map[string][]string
type HandlerConfig struct {
// ContentType sets the Content-Type header of the response.
// Optional. Defaults to "application/json".
ContentType string
// ValidatorKey defines the key that will be used to read the
// *openapi3filter.RequestValidationInput from the echo.Context
// set by the middleware.
// Optional. Defaults to "validator".
ValidatorKey string
// ExcludeRequestBody makes Validate skips request body validation.
// Optional. Defaults to false.
ExcludeRequestBody bool
// ExcludeResponseBody makes Validate skips response body validation.
// Optional. Defaults to false.
ExcludeResponseBody bool
// IncludeResponseStatus makes Validate fail on response
// statuses not defined in the OpenAPI spec.
// Optional. Defaults to true.
IncludeResponseStatus bool