is Golang cron expression parser ported from adhocore/cron-expr with task runner
and daemon that supports crontab like task list file. Use it programatically in Golang or as standalone binary instead of crond. If that's not enough, you can use gronx to find the next (NextTick()
) or previous (PrevTick()
) run time of an expression from any arbitrary point of time.
- Zero dependency.
- Very fast because it bails early in case a segment doesn't match.
- Built in crontab like daemon.
- Supports time granularity of Seconds.
Find gronx in
go get -u
import (
gron := gronx.New()
expr := "* * * * *"
// check if expr is even valid, returns bool
gron.IsValid(expr) // true
// check if expr is due for current time, returns bool and error
gron.IsDue(expr) // true|false, nil
// check if expr is due for given time
gron.IsDue(expr, time.Date(2021, time.April, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, time.UTC)) // true|false, nil
Validity can be checked without instantiation:
import ""
gronx.IsValid("* * * * *") // true
If you have multiple cron expressions to check due on same reference time use BatchDue()
gron := gronx.New()
exprs := []string{"* * * * *", "0 */5 * * * *"}
// gives []gronx.Expr{} array, each item has Due flag and Err enountered.
dues := gron.BatchDue(exprs)
for _, expr := range dues {
if expr.Err != nil {
// Handle err
} else if expr.Due {
// Handle due
// Or with given time
ref := time.Now()
gron.BatchDue(exprs, ref)
To find out when is the cron due next (in near future):
allowCurrent = true // includes current time as well
nextTime, err := gronx.NextTick(expr, allowCurrent) // gives time.Time, error
// OR, next tick after certain reference time
refTime = time.Date(2022, time.November, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, time.UTC)
allowCurrent = false // excludes the ref time
nextTime, err := gronx.NextTickAfter(expr, refTime, allowCurrent) // gives time.Time, error
To find out when was the cron due previously (in near past):
allowCurrent = true // includes current time as well
prevTime, err := gronx.PrevTick(expr, allowCurrent) // gives time.Time, error
// OR, prev tick before certain reference time
refTime = time.Date(2022, time.November, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, time.UTC)
allowCurrent = false // excludes the ref time
nextTime, err := gronx.PrevTickBefore(expr, refTime, allowCurrent) // gives time.Time, error
The working of
are mostly the same except the direction. They differ in lookback or lookahead.
In a more practical level, you would use this tool to manage and invoke jobs in app itself and not
mess around with crontab
for each and every new tasks/jobs.
In crontab just put one entry with * * * * *
which points to your Go entry point that uses this tool.
Then in that entry point you would invoke different tasks if the corresponding Cron expr is due.
Simple map structure would work for this.
Check the section below for more sophisticated way of managing tasks automatically using gronx
daemon called tasker
Tasker is a task manager that can be programatically used in Golang applications. It runs as a daemon and invokes tasks scheduled with cron expression:
package main
import (
func main() {
taskr := tasker.New(tasker.Option{
Verbose: true,
// optional: defaults to local
Tz: "Asia/Bangkok",
// optional: defaults to stderr log stream
Out: "/full/path/to/output-file",
// add task to run every minute
taskr.Task("* * * * *", func(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
// do something ...
// then return exit code and error, for eg: if everything okay
return 0, nil
}).Task("*/5 * * * *", func(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { // every 5 minutes
// you can also log the output to Out file as configured in Option above:
taskr.Log.Printf("done something in %d s", 2)
return 0, nil
// run task without overlap, set concurrent flag to false:
concurrent := false
taskr.Task("* * * * * *", , tasker.Taskify("sleep 2", tasker.Option{}), concurrent)
// every 10 minute with arbitrary command
taskr.Task("@10minutes", taskr.Taskify("command --option val -- args", tasker.Option{Shell: "/bin/sh -c"}))
// ... add more tasks
// optionally if you want tasker to stop after 2 hour, pass the duration with Until():
taskr.Until(2 * time.Hour)
// finally run the tasker, it ticks sharply on every minute and runs all the tasks due on that time!
// it exits gracefully when ctrl+c is received making sure pending tasks are completed.
By default the tasks can run concurrently i.e if previous run is still not finished but it is now due again, it will run again. If you want to run only one instance of a task at a time, set concurrent flag to false:
taskr := tasker.New(tasker.Option{})
concurrent := false
expr, task := "* * * * * *", tasker.Taskify("php -r 'sleep(2);'")
taskr.Task(expr, task, concurrent)
It can also be used as standalone task daemon instead of programmatic usage for Golang application.
First, just install tasker command:
go install
Or you can also download latest prebuilt binary from release for platform of your choice.
Then prepare a taskfile (example) in crontab format (or can even point to existing crontab).
is not supported: it is just cron expr followed by the command.
Finally run the task daemon like so
tasker -file path/to/taskfile
You can pass more options to control the behavior of task daemon, see below.
-file string <required>
The task file in crontab format
-out string
The fullpath to file where output from tasks are sent to
-shell string
The shell to use for running tasks (default "/usr/bin/bash")
-tz string
The timezone to use for tasks (default "Local")
-until int
The timeout for task daemon in minutes
The verbose mode outputs as much as possible
tasker -verbose -file path/to/taskfile -until 120 # run until next 120min (i.e 2hour) with all feedbacks echoed back
tasker -verbose -file path/to/taskfile -out path/to/output # with all feedbacks echoed to the output file
tasker -tz America/New_York -file path/to/taskfile -shell zsh # run all tasks using zsh shell based on NY timezone
File extension of taskfile for (
option) does not matter: can be any or none. The directory for outfile (-out
option) must exist, file is created by task daemon.
Same timezone applies for all tasks currently and it might support overriding timezone per task in future release.
In Windows if it doesn't find bash.exe
or git-bash.exe
it will use powershell
may not be compatible with Unix flavored commands. Also to note:
you can't do chaining with cmd1 && cmd2
but rather cmd1 ; cmd2
A complete cron expression consists of 7 segments viz:
<second> <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <weekday> <year>
However only 5 will do and this is most commonly used. 5 segments are interpreted as:
<minute> <hour> <day> <month> <weekday>
in which case a default value of 0 is prepended for <second>
In a 6 segments expression, if 6th segment matches <year>
(i.e 4 digits at least) it will be interpreted as:
<minute> <hour> <day> <month> <weekday> <year>
and a default value of 0 is prepended for <second>
For each segments you can have multiple choices separated by comma:
0 0,30 * * * *
means either 0th or 30th minute.
To specify range of values you can use dash:
0 10-15 * * * *
means 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th minute.
To specify range of step you can combine a dash and slash:
0 10-15/2 * * * *
means every 2 minutes between 10 and 15 i.e 10th, 12th and 14th minute.
For the <day>
and <weekday>
segment, there are additional modifiers (optional).
And if you want, you can mix the multiple choices, ranges and steps in a single expression:
0 5,12-20/4,55 * * * *
matches if any one of5
matches the minute.
You can use real abbreviations (3 chars) for month and week days. eg: JAN
, dec
, fri
Following tags are available and they are converted to real cron expressions before parsing:
- @yearly or @annually - every year
- @monthly - every month
- @daily - every day
- @weekly - every week
- @hourly - every hour
- @5minutes - every 5 minutes
- @10minutes - every 10 minutes
- @15minutes - every 15 minutes
- @30minutes - every 30 minutes
- @always - every minute
- @everysecond - every second
For BC reasons,
still means every minute for now, in future release it may mean every seconds instead.
// Use tags like so:
Following modifiers supported
- Day of Month / 3rd of 5 segments / 4th of 6+ segments:
stands for last day of month (eg:L
could mean 29th for February in leap year)W
stands for closest week day (eg:10W
is closest week days (MON-FRI) to 10th date)
- Day of Week / 5th of 5 segments / 6th of 6+ segments:
stands for last weekday of month (eg:2L
is last tuesday)#
stands for nth day of week in the month (eg:1#2
is second monday)
© MIT | 2021-2099, Jitendra Adhikari
This project is ported from adhocore/cron-expr and release managed by please.
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