New Features 🎁
Onboarding flow - ensures every user can get a good intro to the platform
New Agent Library Experience - provides much better UX for running agents and seeing their status and outputs
- feat(platform/library): Agent Library v2 by @Pwuts in #9407
- feat(platform): Cost indication for agent runs by @Pwuts in #9527
- feat(platform): Library Agent "Delete" functionality by @Pwuts in #9546
- feat(platform): Agent Run "Stop" + "Delete" functionality by @Pwuts in #9547
- feat(backend): Integrate Ideogram for auto-generating created agent thumbnail by @majdyz in #9568
- fix(library): Anchor message to bottom of page by @andrewhooker2 in #9572
- fix(frontend/library): Use correct graph version to render I/O by @Pwuts in #9591
Smart Decision Maker Block
- feature(platform) Smart Decision Maker Block by @Swiftyos in #9490
- feat(blocks): Enabled block Usage for Smart Decision Maker Block by @Swiftyos in #9514
- fix(platform): Add Block Costs for SDM Block by @Swiftyos in #9531
- feat(backend): Add conversation history as Smart Decision Block output by @majdyz in #9540
- fix(backend): Append prompt into the conversations output & Remove unused output pin on SmartDecisionBlock by @majdyz in #9550
- fix(backend): Use raw content from the LLM as conversation history by @majdyz in #9551
- feat(backend): Add tool execution response on Smart Decision Block by @majdyz in #9552
- feat(backend): Improve SmartDecisionMaker Agent-loop capability & add Anthropics support by @majdyz in #9585
- feat(backend): low balance notiifcation by @ntindle in #9534
- feat(blocks): add list comments and update comment blocks by @ntindle in #9583
UI/UX Improvements ✨
- fix(frontend): Minor UI tweak, fix non-accessible button on phone screen by @majdyz in #9504
- fix(frontend): Minor UI changes; Align badges & buttons on LibraryV1 by @majdyz in #9512
- feat(backend): Enable safe URL redirect on web requests for blocks by @majdyz in #9555
- fix(frontend): Featured agents cards layout+sizing by @Bentlybro in #9482
- feat(frontend): Loading indicator for button click handlers by @Pwuts in #9573
Bugfixes 🐛🔨
- fix(frontend): Fix
button on Builder page refresh by @kcze in #9503 - fix(backend): serialize the pydantic objects correctly for github checks and statuses by @ntindle in #9582
- fix(backend): Unbreak
by @Pwuts in #9578
Technical improvements ⚙️
- HTTP RPC to replace Pyro
- feat(backend): Pyro to FastAPI migration for micro service by @majdyz in #9508
- fix(backend): Use Pyro for RPC by default by @Pwuts in #9528
- fix(backend): Fix exception response on RPC error & Missing Graph
Status by @majdyz in #9529 - feat(backend): Propagate error arguments on RPC exceptions by @majdyz in #9533
- fix(backend): allow more than one arg on the tuple by @ntindle in #9535
- fix(backend): Increase logging level threshold of RPC service to WARNING by @majdyz in #9576
- chore(backend/deps): bump websockets from 13.1 to 14.2 in /autogpt_platform/backend by @dependabot in #9398
- feat: add Codecov test analytics for flaky and failed tests by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #9420
- chore(libs/deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.9.3 to 0.9.6 in /autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs in the development-dependencies group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #9454
- feat(backend): handle bounced emails from postmark by @ntindle in #9506
- fix(frontend): Remove unused Stripe on frontend by @majdyz in #9536
- fix(backend): Error out execution when no starting node is available by @majdyz in #9566
- Enhance process management with error handling and lifecycle improvements by @rahmanlibi47 in #9565
Documentation improvements 📖
- docs(security): Update disclosure timeline by @ntindle in #9581
- Feat(Otto) Add Initial Otto Chat Bot code by @Bentlybro in #9266
Thanks to Our Contributors! 🎉
A huge shoutout to everyone who contributed to this release. Special thanks to our new contributors:
As well as our returning contributors:
How to Get This Update 📥
To update to this version, run:
git pull origin autogpt-platform-beta-v0.5.0
Or download it directly from the
Releases page.
For a complete list of changes, see the Full Changelog.
Feedback and Issues 📝
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please join our Discord and let us know!
Full Changelog: autogpt-platform-beta-v0.4.11...autogpt-platform-beta-v0.5.0