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Darkine theme - KDE Plasma Darkine - SDDM theme Darkine - SDDM theme

Darkine KDE - Theme for KDE Plasma 5 desktop :

The full theme collection is available on and on KDE Plasma Discover.
You can also use the script below to install the latest version directly from this repo (independently on your distro).

Name Git (path) OpenDesktop (tar.gz) Misc
Plasma Look-and-Feel Pack 🔗 📥
Plasma Desktop Theme 🔗 📥
Plasma Color Scheme 🔗 📥
Aurorae Theme 🔗 📥
Kvantum Theme 🔗 📥
GTK Theme 🔗 📥 Known bug (Firefox)
Icon-pack 🔗 📥
SDDM Theme 🔗 📥
Konsole color-scheme 🔗 📥
Wallpapers 🔗 📥
Wallpapers (2018) 🔗 📥
Firefox Quantum Theme 🔗 📥 Darkine at



wget -qO- | sh


wget -qO- | uninstall=true sh

Note about SDDM theme :

The SDDM Thème is build from scratch with QtQuick 2 (Qt 5.7 >=).
This is compatible with and without KDE Plasma and not depend of KDE Framework.
You can learn more about it at : SDDM-Themes (Git).

Dependencies (sddm only)

On KDE Plasma desktop, you normally have nothing more to install, but if one dependency is not present on other environments here are those used :

● Debian / Ubuntu :
# On Ubuntu, universe repo maybe necessary : 
# add-apt-repository universe
apt-get update 
apt-get install qml-module-qtquick-layouts qml-module-qtquick-controls2 qml-module-qtquick-templates2 qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects
● Arch :
pacman -S qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-svg


  • For better looking please use this pack with Kvantum engine.
    Run kvantummanager --set Darkine to choose and apply theme.

Fonts :

# Arch :
sudo pacman -S adobe-source-code-pro-fonts ttf-roboto

# dnf (Fedora)
sudo dnf install adobe-source-code-pro-fonts google-roboto-fonts

# pkg(8) (FreeBSD)
pkg install sourcecodepro-ttf roboto-fonts-ttf

kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group General --key fixed "Source Code Pro,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"
kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group General --key font "Roboto,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"
kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group General --key menuFont "Roboto,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"
kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group General --key smallestReadableFont "Roboto,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"
kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group General --key toolBarFont "Roboto,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"
kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group WM --key activeFont "Roboto,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular"

qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure
kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell

Toolbar icon size :

kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group MainToolbarIcons --key Size "22"
kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group ToolbarIcons --key Size "22"

qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure
kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell

Known bug

● Firefox / Thunderbird + GTK3 theme :

The rendering is not perfect with dark theme, The main background of the selected tab and the highlighted text in the main menu follow bad or does not follow the colors of the GTK theme so I have tried to deal with that how i can.

To improve that, if you want keep the dark theme you can use the Firefox (WebExtension) theme specially made for it and available on

Alternative 1 : you can make Firefox (46+) ignore the GTK theme with the following commands examples :
# For KDE Desktop
env GTK_THEME=Breeze:light firefox
env GTK_THEME=Breeze:light thunderbird

# For Gnome Desktop
env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:light firefox
env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:light thunderbird

* Note : The current Firefox (WebExtension) theme style only the main window/tab and keep the menu white. It can be used in addition or without the GTK theme.

Alternative 2 : Change the GTK theme for content process only :

To force Firefox to use a light theme (e.g. Adwaita) for web content only :

1) Open about:config in the address bar.
2) Create a new widget.content.gtk-theme-override string type entry (right mouse button > New > String).
3) Set the value to the light theme to use for rendering purposes (e.g. Adwaita:light).
4) Restart Firefox.
HTML Textarea and checkbox :

This is another Firefox bug with GTK Theme, it's possible to fix that with a custom userContent.css file :

1) Create userContent.css file in your Firefox profil folder : ~/.mozilla/firefox/<your-profil>/chrome/userContent.css
2) Past the css code :

textarea, input, select {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    background-color: #eee;
    color: #111;

3) Restart Firefox.

Ref : Arch Wiki.


Source code of is licensed under GNU GPL version 3.
QML files are MIT licensed and images are CC BY 3.0.


  • Git - KDE Plasma - (Breeze).
  • Git - Papirus - (PapirusDevelopmentTeam).
  • Git - Sweet - (For the GTK WM icons).


The development, the publication and the different tests are done in my free time,
If you like my project, you can send a coffee at :

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