___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ /\ /__/\ / /\ / /\ ___ ___ /__/\
/ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/_ / /::\ /__/\ / /\ | |::\
/ /:/ \__\:\ / /:/ /\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ | |:|:\
/ /:/ ___ ___ / /::\ / /:/ /:/_ / /:/ \:\ \ \:\ /__/::\ __|__|:|\:\
/__/:/ / /\ /__/\ /:/\:\ /__/:/ /:/ /\ /__/:/ \__\:\ ___ \__\:\ \__\/\:\__ /__/::::| \:\
\ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ /__/\ | |:| \ \:\/\ \ \:\~~\__\/
\ \:\ /:/ \ \::/ \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\| |:| \__\::/ \ \:\
\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\__|:| /__/:/ \ \:\
\ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \::/ \__\::::/ \__\/ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ ~~~~ \__\/
Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua. Inspired by chemacs.
Cheovim is a plugin designed to make your life easier by being able to manage several Neovim configurations simultaneously and allow you to fully seamlessly transition between them.
By default your configuration is stored under a static ~/.config/nvim
directory. This means if you want to try out
another chad's configuration you must first move away your configuration into a backup folder, install the other person's config,
put it in the correct spot, clear your site/pack
directory so that the plugin manager can work without conflicts,
install the plugin manager, install the plugins and then start using the config. That's absolutely atrocious!
Afterwards switching back is the exact same awful process.
But what if we told you all of that could be fully automated?
❗ Cheovim requires at least Neovim 0.7+ to operate, and may not work on Windows machines!
Cheovim only works with configurations that use the new init.lua
configuration style. If we get enough requests we will
implement init.vim
support too, but for now keep up with the times!
To install cheovim, make sure to first move your configuration (located under ~/.config/nvim/
) out of the way (into e.g. ~/.config/nvim.bak/
Afterwards be sure to clear everything from ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/
, this is the directory where all of your current plugins are installed.
Cheovim uses symlinks as part of its magic and needs this directory to be clean. Optionally, to make your life easier, remove any files inside your config
that may autorun on startup and attempt to load plugins (like plugin/packer_compiled.lua
) - this isn't necessary but you'll see that it makes the initial
install a bunch easier in some cases.
Then we can start the installation!
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/cheovim ~/.config/nvim
Will clone cheovim into the config directory. You're almost ready to go! Now we just have to tell cheovim which configs to use:
Navigate to ~/.config/nvim/
and open the profiles.lua
file - this is where all the configuration resides.
This is the default file:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
/ /\ /__/\ / /\ / /\ ___ ___ /__/\
/ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/_ / /::\ /__/\ / /\ | |::\
/ /:/ \__\:\ / /:/ /\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ | |:|:\
/ /:/ ___ ___ / /::\ / /:/ /:/_ / /:/ \:\ \ \:\ /__/::\ __|__|:|\:\
/__/:/ / /\ /__/\ /:/\:\ /__/:/ /:/ /\ /__/:/ \__\:\ ___ \__\:\ \__\/\:\__ /__/::::| \:\
\ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ /__/\ | |:| \ \:\/\ \ \:\~~\__\/
\ \:\ /:/ \ \::/ \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\| |:| \__\::/ \ \:\
\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\__|:| /__/:/ \ \:\
\ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \::/ \__\::::/ \__\/ \ \:\
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ ~~~~ \__\/
A config switcher written in Lua by NTBBloodbath and Vhyrro.
-- Defines the profiles you want to use
local profiles = {
Here's an example:
<name_of_config> = { <path_or_url_to_config>, {
-- Where to install plugins under site/pack
plugins = "packer",
-- Whether or not to preconfigure a plugin manager for you
preconfigure = "packer:opt",
More in-depth information can be found in cheovim's README on GitHub.
my_config = { "<path_or_url>", {
plugins = "packer",
preconfigure = "packer",
-- return <name_of_config>, <list_of_profiles>
return "my_config", profiles
You can tweak this file as you see fit, although we recommend reading the next section to actually know what you're doing.
Cheovim has a fair amount of configuration that may not become apparent right off the bat. Here's the things that you can change:
local profiles = {
my_config = { "/my/path", {
setup = function()
config = "PackerSync",
plugins = "<plugin_location>",
preconfigure = "{packer|paq-nvim}:{start|opt}:<branch>",
return "my_config", profiles
- can be either a function or a string, if it is a string it will get wrapped in a vim.cmd, so be warned. Gets invoked before the new configuration gets loaded.config
- can also be either a function or a string. Gets invoked after the configuration has been fully loaded. Designed to also work with asynchronous configurations.plugins = "<plugin_location>"
- where under~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/
to install plugins. Defaults to"packer"
, meaning plugins will be installed under~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer
. By default different plugin managers will install themselves into different directories. Packer installs itself intopacker
, paq-nvim installs itself intopaq-nvim
, etc. There may be times where different configs install their plugin managers into different directories altogether, so you can change this value accordingly.preconfigure = "<config>"
- preconfigure a plugin manager before switching configs. Useful for seamless config transitions. Options are divided with:
, but you needn't supply all of them. For example, a value ofpacker:opt:fix/premature-display-opening
means "preconfigure packer, install it as an opt plugin, and use thefix/premature-display-opening
branch". Not supplying parts of these parameters will use the default values instead, sopacker::fix/premature-display-opening
will be the equivalent ofpacker:start:fix/premature-display-opening
will be the equivalent ofpacker:opt:master
and finallypacker
is the equivalent ofpacker:start:master
. The same principles apply topaq-nvim
. This value can be set tonil
too to perform no preconfiguration.return "my_config", profiles
- selects a configuration from a list of profiles. Make sure the first returned value has the same name as the key inside theprofiles
table (i.e. if I define a config calledmy_config = {}
make sure to return"my_config"
). Changing this will automatically switch configs the next time you launch Neovim.
Upon launching a new config that hasn't been preconfigured yet you will be greeted with a random message, can you find em' all?
Ohoho, it doesn't stop there. Cheovim also supplies a :Cheovim
command that you can use to clean up your configs, remove plugins,
force reload the configuration on next boot, etc. These are the subcommands available:
:Cheovim reload
- reloads the current configuration on next boot:Cheovim version
- prints the current version of cheovim:Cheovim deep-clean
- cleans all the configuration's plugins, deletes the current remote config if present and force reloads on next boot:Cheovim force-reload
- reloads the current configuration on next boot and also deletes the current remote config if present (remote configs are those that are pulled down by providing an url as the config path) for a completely clean start:Cheovim clean-plugins
- goes ahead and removes all the plugins from your current configuration:Cheovim clean-remote-configs
- removes all of the remote configurations that aren't defined in yourprofiles.lua
file, therefore removing unused leftover junk configs
- Add support for supplying URLs rather than regular paths to be able to check out different configurations without even needing to clone them yourself
- Add the ability to execute a lua function or some vimscript code after switching configs via the config variable (inspired by packer)
- Documentation for the above features
- Hot reloading of configs whenever a change to the profiles.lua file is detected