-- import "vimagination.zapto.org/parser"
Package parser is a simple helper package for parsing strings, byte slices and io.Readers.
var (
ErrNoState = errors.New("no state")
ErrUnknownError = errors.New("unknown error")
type Parser struct {
Parser is a type used to get tokens or phrases (collection of token) from an input.
func New(t Tokeniser) Parser
New creates a new Parser from the given Tokeniser.
func (p *Parser) Accept(types ...TokenType) bool
Accept will accept a token with one of the given types, returning true if one is read and false otherwise.
func (p *Parser) AcceptRun(types ...TokenType) TokenType
AcceptRun will keep Accepting tokens as long as they match one of the given types.
It will return the type of the token that made it stop.
func (p *Parser) AcceptToken(tokens ...Token) bool
AcceptToken will accept a token matching one of the ones provided exactly, returning true if one is read and false otherwise.
func (p *Parser) Done() (Phrase, PhraseFunc)
Done is a PhraseFunc that is used to indicate that there are no more phrases to parse.
func (p *Parser) Error() (Phrase, PhraseFunc)
Error represents an error state for the phraser.
The error value should be set in Parser.Err and then this func should be called.
func (p *Parser) Except(types ...TokenType) bool
Except will Accept a token that is not one of the types given. Returns true if it Accepted a token.
func (p *Parser) ExceptRun(types ...TokenType) TokenType
ExceptRun will keep Accepting tokens as long as they do not match one of the given types.
It will return the type of the token that made it stop.
func (p *Parser) Get() []Token
Get retrieves a slice of the Tokens that have been read so far.
func (p *Parser) GetPhrase() (Phrase, error)
GetPhrase runs the state machine and retrieves a single Phrase and possibly an error.
func (p *Parser) GetToken() (Token, error)
GetToken runs the state machine and retrieves a single Token and possibly an error.
If a Token has already been 'peek'ed, that token will be returned without running the state machine.
func (p *Parser) Iter(yield func(Phrase) bool)
Iter yields each Phrase as it's returned, stopping after yielding a PhraseDone or PhraseError Phrase.
func (p *Parser) Len() int
Len returns how many tokens have been read.
func (p *Parser) Next() Token
Next returns the next Token and advances the read position.
func (p *Parser) Peek() Token
Peek takes a look at the upcoming Token and returns it.
func (p *Parser) PhraserState(pf PhraseFunc)
PhraserState allows the internal state of the Phraser to be set.
func (p *Parser) Return(typ PhraseType, fn PhraseFunc) (Phrase, PhraseFunc)
Return simplifies the returning from PhraseFns, taking a PhraseType and a next TokenFn, default to Done.
The returned phrase is of the type specified with the data set to the output of p.Get().
func (p *Parser) ReturnError(err error) (Phrase, PhraseFunc)
ReturnError simplifies the handling of errors, setting the error and calling Phraser.Error().
type Phrase struct {
Type PhraseType
Data []Token
Phrase represents a collection of tokens that have meaning together.
type PhraseFunc func(*Parser) (Phrase, PhraseFunc)
PhraseFunc is the type that the worker types implement in order to be used by the Phraser.
type PhraseType int
PhraseType represents the type of phrase being read.
Negative values are reserved for this package.
const (
PhraseDone PhraseType = -1 - iota
Constants PhraseError (-2) and PhraseDone (-1).
type State interface {
// Reset returns the byte stream to the position it was in when this
// object was created.
// Only valid until Tokeniser.Get is called.
Reset() bool
State represents a position in the byte stream of the Tokeniser.
type Token struct {
Type TokenType
Data string
Token represents data parsed from the stream.
type TokenFunc func(*Tokeniser) (Token, TokenFunc)
TokenFunc is the type that the worker funcs implement in order to be used by the tokeniser.
type TokenType int
TokenType represents the type of token being read.
Negative values are reserved for this package.
const (
TokenDone TokenType = -1 - iota
Constants TokenError (-2) and TokenDone (-1).
type Tokeniser struct {
Err error
Tokeniser is a state machine to generate tokens from an input.
func NewByteTokeniser(data []byte) Tokeniser
NewByteTokeniser returns a Tokeniser which uses a byte slice.
func NewReaderTokeniser(reader io.Reader) Tokeniser
NewReaderTokeniser returns a Tokeniser which uses an io.Reader.
func NewStringTokeniser(str string) Tokeniser
NewStringTokeniser returns a Tokeniser which uses a string.
func (t *Tokeniser) Accept(chars string) bool
Accept returns true if the next character to be read is contained within the given string.
Upon true, it advances the read position, otherwise the position remains the same.
func (t *Tokeniser) AcceptRun(chars string) rune
AcceptRun reads from the string as long as the read character is in the given string.
Returns the rune that stopped the run.
func (t *Tokeniser) AcceptString(str string, caseInsensitive bool) int
AcceptString attempts to accept each character from the given string, in order, returning the number of characters accepted before a failure.
func (t *Tokeniser) AcceptWord(words []string, caseInsensitive bool) string
AcceptWord attempts to parse one of the words (string of characters) provided in the slice.
Returns the longest word parsed, or empty string if no words matched.
func (t *Tokeniser) Done() (Token, TokenFunc)
Done is a TokenFunc that is used to indicate that there are no more tokens to parse.
func (t *Tokeniser) Error() (Token, TokenFunc)
Error represents an error state for the parser.
The error value should be set in Tokeniser.Err and then this func should be called.
func (t *Tokeniser) Except(chars string) bool
Except returns true if the next character to be read is not contained within the given string. Upon true, it advances the read position, otherwise the position remains the same.
func (t *Tokeniser) ExceptRun(chars string) rune
ExceptRun reads from the string as long as the read character is not in the given string.
Returns the rune that stopped the run.
func (t *Tokeniser) Get() string
Get returns a string of everything that has been read so far and resets the string for the next round of parsing.
func (t *Tokeniser) GetError() error
GetError returns any error that has been generated by the Tokeniser.
func (t *Tokeniser) GetToken() (Token, error)
GetToken runs the state machine and retrieves a single token and possible an error.
func (t *Tokeniser) Iter(yield func(Token) bool)
Iter yields each token as it's returned, stopping after yielding a TokenDone or TokenError Token.
func (t *Tokeniser) Len() int
Len returns the number of bytes that has been read since the last Get.
func (t *Tokeniser) Next() rune
Next returns the next rune and advances the read position.
func (t *Tokeniser) Peek() rune
Peek returns the next rune without advancing the read position.
func (t *Tokeniser) Reset()
Reset restores the state to after the last Get() call (or init, it Get() has not been called).
func (t *Tokeniser) Return(typ TokenType, fn TokenFunc) (Token, TokenFunc)
Return simplifies the returning from TokenFns, taking a TokenType and a next TokenFn, default to Done.
The returned token is of the type specified with the data set to the output of t.Get().
func (t *Tokeniser) ReturnError(err error) (Token, TokenFunc)
ReturnError simplifies the handling of errors, setting the error and calling Tokeniser.Error().
func (t *Tokeniser) State() State
Retrieve the current Tokeniser state that allows you to reset to that point. State is only valid until next 'Get' call.
func (t *Tokeniser) SubTokeniser() *Tokeniser
SubTokeniser create a new Tokeniser that uses this existing tokeniser as its source.
This allows the sub-tokenisers Get method to be called without calling it on its parent.
func (t *Tokeniser) TokeniserState(tf TokenFunc)
TokeniserState allows the internal state of the Tokeniser to be set.