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Package javascript provides tools to tokenise and parse javascript source files


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-- import ""


const (
	TokenWhitespace parser.TokenType = iota

Javascript Token values

var (
	ErrInvalidQuoted                        = errors.New("invalid quoted string")
	ErrInvalidMethodName                    = errors.New("invalid method name")
	ErrInvalidPropertyName                  = errors.New("invalid property name")
	ErrInvalidClassDeclaration              = errors.New("invalid class declaration")
	ErrInvalidCallExpression                = errors.New("invalid CallExpression")
	ErrMissingOptional                      = errors.New("missing optional chain punctuator")
	ErrInvalidOptionalChain                 = errors.New("invalid OptionalChain")
	ErrInvalidFunction                      = errors.New("invalid function")
	ErrReservedIdentifier                   = errors.New("reserved identifier")
	ErrNoIdentifier                         = errors.New("missing identifier")
	ErrMissingFunction                      = errors.New("missing function")
	ErrMissingOpeningParenthesis            = errors.New("missing opening parenthesis")
	ErrMissingClosingParenthesis            = errors.New("missing closing parenthesis")
	ErrMissingOpeningBrace                  = errors.New("missing opening brace")
	ErrMissingClosingBrace                  = errors.New("missing closing brace")
	ErrMissingOpeningBracket                = errors.New("missing opening bracket")
	ErrMissingClosingBracket                = errors.New("missing closing bracket")
	ErrMissingComma                         = errors.New("missing comma")
	ErrMissingArrow                         = errors.New("missing arrow")
	ErrMissingCaseClause                    = errors.New("missing case clause")
	ErrMissingExpression                    = errors.New("missing expression")
	ErrMissingCatchFinally                  = errors.New("missing catch/finally block")
	ErrMissingSemiColon                     = errors.New("missing semi-colon")
	ErrMissingColon                         = errors.New("missing colon")
	ErrMissingInitializer                   = errors.New("missing initializer")
	ErrInvalidStatementList                 = errors.New("invalid statement list")
	ErrInvalidStatement                     = errors.New("invalid statement")
	ErrInvalidDeclaration                   = errors.New("invalid declaration")
	ErrInvalidLexicalDeclaration            = errors.New("invalid lexical declaration")
	ErrInvalidAssignment                    = errors.New("invalid assignment operator")
	ErrInvalidSuperProperty                 = errors.New("invalid super property")
	ErrInvalidMetaProperty                  = errors.New("invalid meta property")
	ErrInvalidTemplate                      = errors.New("invalid template")
	ErrInvalidAsyncArrowFunction            = errors.New("invalid async arrow function")
	ErrInvalidImport                        = errors.New("invalid import statement")
	ErrInvalidExportDeclaration             = errors.New("invalid export declaration")
	ErrInvalidNameSpaceImport               = errors.New("invalid namespace import")
	ErrMissingFrom                          = errors.New("missing from")
	ErrMissingModuleSpecifier               = errors.New("missing module specifier")
	ErrInvalidNamedImport                   = errors.New("invalid named import list")
	ErrInvalidImportSpecifier               = errors.New("invalid import specifier")
	ErrInvalidExportClause                  = errors.New("invalid export clause")
	ErrDuplicateDefaultClause               = errors.New("duplicate default clause")
	ErrInvalidIterationStatementDo          = errors.New("invalid do iteration statement")
	ErrInvalidIterationStatementWhile       = errors.New("invalid while iteration statement")
	ErrInvalidIterationStatementFor         = errors.New("invalid for iteration statement")
	ErrInvalidForLoop                       = errors.New("invalid for loop")
	ErrInvalidForAwaitLoop                  = errors.New("invalid for await loop")
	ErrInvalidIfStatement                   = errors.New("invalid if statement")
	ErrInvalidSwitchStatement               = errors.New("invalid switch statement")
	ErrInvalidWithStatement                 = errors.New("invalid with statement")
	ErrInvalidTryStatement                  = errors.New("invalid try statement")
	ErrInvalidVariableStatement             = errors.New("invalid variable statement")
	ErrLabelledFunction                     = errors.New("LabelledItemFunction not allowed here")
	ErrInvalidCharacter                     = errors.New("invalid character")
	ErrInvalidSequence                      = errors.New("invalid character sequence")
	ErrInvalidRegexpCharacter               = errors.New("invalid regexp character")
	ErrInvalidRegexpSequence                = errors.New("invalid regexp sequence")
	ErrInvalidNumber                        = errors.New("invalid number")
	ErrUnexpectedBackslash                  = errors.New("unexpected backslash")
	ErrInvalidUnicode                       = errors.New("invalid unicode escape sequence")
	ErrInvalidEscapeSequence                = errors.New("invalid escape sequence")
	ErrUnexpectedLineTerminator             = errors.New("line terminator in string")
	ErrBadRestElement                       = errors.New("bad rest element")
	ErrInvalidAssignmentProperty            = errors.New("invalid assignment property")
	ErrInvalidDestructuringAssignmentTarget = errors.New("invalid DestructuringAssignmentTarget")
	ErrNotSimple                            = errors.New("not a simple expression")


func QuoteTemplate

func QuoteTemplate(t string, templateType TemplateType) string

QuoteTemplate creates a minimally quoted template string.

templateType determines the prefix and suffix.

| Template Type | Prefix | Suffix | |------------------------|----------|----------| | TemplateNoSubstitution | "" | "" | | TemplateHead | "" | "${" | | TemplateMiddle | "}" | "}" | | TemplateTail | "}" | "" |

func SetTokeniser

func SetTokeniser(t *parser.Tokeniser) *parser.Tokeniser

SetTokeniser provides javascript parsing functions to a Tokeniser

func Unquote

func Unquote(str string) (string, error)

Unquote parses a javascript quoted string and produces the unquoted version

func UnquoteTemplate

func UnquoteTemplate(t string) (string, error)

UnquoteTemplate parses a javascript template (either NoSubstitution Template, or any template part), and produces the unquoted version.

type AdditiveExpression

type AdditiveExpression struct {
	AdditiveExpression       *AdditiveExpression
	AdditiveOperator         AdditiveOperator
	MultiplicativeExpression MultiplicativeExpression
	Tokens                   Tokens

AdditiveExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If AdditiveOperator is not AdditiveNone then AdditiveExpression must be non-nil, and vice-versa.

func (AdditiveExpression) Format

func (f AdditiveExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type AdditiveOperator

type AdditiveOperator int

AdditiveOperator determines the additive type for AdditiveExpression

const (
	AdditiveNone AdditiveOperator = iota

Valid AdditiveOperator's

func (AdditiveOperator) String

func (a AdditiveOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type Argument

type Argument struct {
	Spread               bool
	AssignmentExpression AssignmentExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

Argument is an item in an ArgumentList and contains the spread information and the AssignementExpression

func (Argument) Format

func (f Argument) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type Arguments

type Arguments struct {
	ArgumentList []Argument
	Tokens       Tokens

Arguments as defined in TC39

func (Arguments) Format

func (f Arguments) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ArrayAssignmentPattern

type ArrayAssignmentPattern struct {
	AssignmentElements    []AssignmentElement
	AssignmentRestElement *LeftHandSideExpression
	Tokens                Tokens

ArrayAssignmentPattern as defined in ECMA-262

func (ArrayAssignmentPattern) Format

func (f ArrayAssignmentPattern) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ArrayBindingPattern

type ArrayBindingPattern struct {
	BindingElementList []BindingElement
	BindingRestElement *BindingElement
	Tokens             Tokens

ArrayBindingPattern as defined in ECMA-262

func (ArrayBindingPattern) Format

func (f ArrayBindingPattern) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ArrayElement

type ArrayElement struct {
	Spread               bool
	AssignmentExpression AssignmentExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

ArrayElement is an element of ElementList in ECMA-262

func (ArrayElement) Format

func (f ArrayElement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ArrayLiteral

type ArrayLiteral struct {
	ElementList []ArrayElement
	Tokens      Tokens

ArrayLiteral as defined in ECMA-262

func (ArrayLiteral) Format

func (f ArrayLiteral) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ArrowFunction

type ArrowFunction struct {
	Async                bool
	BindingIdentifier    *Token
	FormalParameters     *FormalParameters
	AssignmentExpression *AssignmentExpression
	FunctionBody         *Block
	Tokens               Tokens

ArrowFunction as defined in ECMA-262

Also includes AsyncArrowFunction.

Only one of BindingIdentifier or FormalParameters must be non-nil.

Only one of AssignmentExpression or FunctionBody must be non-nil.

func (ArrowFunction) Format

func (f ArrowFunction) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type AssignmentElement

type AssignmentElement struct {
	DestructuringAssignmentTarget DestructuringAssignmentTarget
	Initializer                   *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens                        Tokens

AssignmentElement as defined in ECMA-262

func (AssignmentElement) Format

func (f AssignmentElement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type AssignmentExpression

type AssignmentExpression struct {
	ConditionalExpression  *ConditionalExpression
	ArrowFunction          *ArrowFunction
	LeftHandSideExpression *LeftHandSideExpression
	AssignmentPattern      *AssignmentPattern
	Yield                  bool
	Delegate               bool
	AssignmentOperator     AssignmentOperator
	AssignmentExpression   *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens                 Tokens

AssignmentExpression as defined in ECMA-262

It is only valid for one of ConditionalExpression, ArrowFunction, LeftHandSideExpression, and AssignmentPattern to be non-nil.

If LeftHandSideExpression, or AssignmentPattern are non-nil, then AssignmentOperator must not be AssignmentNone and AssignmentExpression must be non-nil.

If LeftHandSideArray, or LeftHandSideObject are non-nil, AssignmentOperator must be AssignmentAssign.

If Yield is true, AssignmentExpression must be non-nil.

It is only valid for Delagate to be true if Yield is also true.

If AssignmentOperator is AssignmentNone LeftHandSideExpression must be nil.

If LeftHandSideExpression, and AssignmentPattern are nil and Yield is false, AssignmentExpression must be nil.

func (AssignmentExpression) Format

func (f AssignmentExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type AssignmentOperator

type AssignmentOperator uint8

AssignmentOperator specifies the type of assignment in AssignmentExpression

const (
	AssignmentNone AssignmentOperator = iota

Valid AssignmentOperator's

func (AssignmentOperator) String

func (a AssignmentOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type AssignmentPattern

type AssignmentPattern struct {
	ObjectAssignmentPattern *ObjectAssignmentPattern
	ArrayAssignmentPattern  *ArrayAssignmentPattern
	Tokens                  Tokens

AssignmentPattern as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of ObjectAssignmentPattern or ArrayAssignmentPattern must be non-nil

func (AssignmentPattern) Format

func (f AssignmentPattern) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type AssignmentProperty

type AssignmentProperty struct {
	PropertyName                  PropertyName
	DestructuringAssignmentTarget *DestructuringAssignmentTarget
	Initializer                   *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens                        Tokens

AssignmentProperty as defined in ECMA-262

func (AssignmentProperty) Format

func (f AssignmentProperty) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type BindingElement

type BindingElement struct {
	SingleNameBinding    *Token
	ArrayBindingPattern  *ArrayBindingPattern
	ObjectBindingPattern *ObjectBindingPattern
	Initializer          *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

BindingElement as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of SingleNameBinding, ArrayBindingPattern, or ObjectBindingPattern must be non-nil.

The Initializer is optional.

func (BindingElement) Format

func (f BindingElement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type BindingProperty

type BindingProperty struct {
	PropertyName   PropertyName
	BindingElement BindingElement
	Tokens         Tokens

BindingProperty as defined in ECMA-262

A SingleNameBinding, with or without an initializer, is cloned into the Property Name and Binding Element. This allows the Binding Element Identifier to be modified while keeping the correct Property Name

func (BindingProperty) Format

func (f BindingProperty) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type BitwiseANDExpression

type BitwiseANDExpression struct {
	BitwiseANDExpression *BitwiseANDExpression
	EqualityExpression   EqualityExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

BitwiseANDExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (BitwiseANDExpression) Format

func (f BitwiseANDExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type BitwiseORExpression

type BitwiseORExpression struct {
	BitwiseORExpression  *BitwiseORExpression
	BitwiseXORExpression BitwiseXORExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

BitwiseORExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (BitwiseORExpression) Format

func (f BitwiseORExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type BitwiseXORExpression

type BitwiseXORExpression struct {
	BitwiseXORExpression *BitwiseXORExpression
	BitwiseANDExpression BitwiseANDExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

BitwiseXORExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (BitwiseXORExpression) Format

func (f BitwiseXORExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type Block

type Block struct {
	StatementList []StatementListItem
	Tokens        Tokens

Block as defined in ECMA-262

func (Block) Format

func (f Block) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type CallExpression

type CallExpression struct {
	MemberExpression  *MemberExpression
	SuperCall         bool
	ImportCall        *AssignmentExpression
	CallExpression    *CallExpression
	Arguments         *Arguments
	Expression        *Expression
	IdentifierName    *Token
	TemplateLiteral   *TemplateLiteral
	PrivateIdentifier *Token
	Tokens            Tokens

CallExpression as defined in ECMA-262

It is only valid for one of MemberExpression, ImportCall, or CallExpression to be non-nil or SuperCall to be true.

If MemberExpression is non-nil, or SuperCall is true, Arguments must be non-nil.

If CallExpression is non-nil, only one of Arguments, Expression, IdentifierName, TemplateLiteral, or PrivateIdentifier must be non-nil.

func (CallExpression) Format

func (f CallExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

func (*CallExpression) IsSimple

func (ce *CallExpression) IsSimple() bool

IsSimple returns whether or not the CallExpression is classed as 'simple'

type CaseClause

type CaseClause struct {
	Expression    Expression
	StatementList []StatementListItem
	Tokens        Tokens

CaseClause as defined in ECMA-262

func (CaseClause) Format

func (f CaseClause) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ClassDeclaration

type ClassDeclaration struct {
	BindingIdentifier *Token
	ClassHeritage     *LeftHandSideExpression
	ClassBody         []ClassElement
	Tokens            Tokens

ClassDeclaration as defined in ECMA-262

Also covers ClassExpression when BindingIdentifier is nil.

func (ClassDeclaration) Format

func (f ClassDeclaration) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ClassElement

type ClassElement struct {
	Static           bool
	MethodDefinition *MethodDefinition
	FieldDefinition  *FieldDefinition
	ClassStaticBlock *Block
	Tokens           Tokens

ClassElement as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of MethodDefinition, FieldDefinition, or ClassStaticBlock must be non-nil.

If ClassStaticBlock is non-nil, Static should be true

func (ClassElement) Format

func (f ClassElement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ClassElementName

type ClassElementName struct {
	PropertyName      *PropertyName
	PrivateIdentifier *Token
	Tokens            Tokens

ClassElementName as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of PropertyName or PrivateIdentifier must be non-nil

func (ClassElementName) Format

func (f ClassElementName) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type CoalesceExpression

type CoalesceExpression struct {
	CoalesceExpressionHead *CoalesceExpression
	BitwiseORExpression    BitwiseORExpression
	Tokens                 Tokens

CoalesceExpression as defined in TC39

func (CoalesceExpression) Format

func (f CoalesceExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ConditionalExpression

type ConditionalExpression struct {
	LogicalORExpression *LogicalORExpression
	CoalesceExpression  *CoalesceExpression
	True                *AssignmentExpression
	False               *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens              Tokens

ConditionalExpression as defined in TC39

One, and only one, of LogicalORExpression or CoalesceExpression must be non-nil.

If True is non-nil, False must be non-nil also.

func WrapConditional

func WrapConditional(p ConditionalWrappable) *ConditionalExpression

WrapConditional takes one of many types and wraps it in a *ConditionalExpression.

The accepted types/pointers are as follows:

FunctionDeclaration (FunctionExpression)
ClassDeclaration (ClassExpression)

func (ConditionalExpression) Format

func (f ConditionalExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ConditionalWrappable

type ConditionalWrappable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ConditionalWrappable is an interface that is implemented by all types that are accepted by the WrapConditional function, and is the returned type of the UnwrapConditional function

func UnwrapConditional

func UnwrapConditional(c *ConditionalExpression) ConditionalWrappable

UnwrapConditional returns the first value up the ConditionalExpression chain that contains all of the information required to rebuild the lower chain.

Possible returns types are as follows:

*FunctionDeclaration (FunctionExpression)
*ClassDeclaration (ClassExpression)

type Declaration

type Declaration struct {
	ClassDeclaration    *ClassDeclaration
	FunctionDeclaration *FunctionDeclaration
	LexicalDeclaration  *LexicalDeclaration
	Tokens              Tokens

Declaration as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of ClassDeclaration, FunctionDeclaration or LexicalDeclaration must be non-nil

func (Declaration) Format

func (f Declaration) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type DestructuringAssignmentTarget

type DestructuringAssignmentTarget struct {
	LeftHandSideExpression *LeftHandSideExpression
	AssignmentPattern      *AssignmentPattern
	Tokens                 Tokens

DestructuringAssignmentTarget as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of LeftHandSideExpression or AssignmentPattern must be non-nil

func (DestructuringAssignmentTarget) Format

func (f DestructuringAssignmentTarget) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type EqualityExpression

type EqualityExpression struct {
	EqualityExpression   *EqualityExpression
	EqualityOperator     EqualityOperator
	RelationalExpression RelationalExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

EqualityExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If EqualityOperator is not EqualityNone, then EqualityExpression must be non-nil, and vice-versa.

func (EqualityExpression) Format

func (f EqualityExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type EqualityOperator

type EqualityOperator int

EqualityOperator determines the type of EqualityExpression

const (
	EqualityNone EqualityOperator = iota

Valid EqualityOperator's

func (EqualityOperator) String

func (e EqualityOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type Error

type Error struct {
	Err     error
	Parsing string
	Token   Token

Error is a parsing error with trace details.

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

Error returns the error string.

func (Error) Unwrap

func (e Error) Unwrap() error

Unwrap returns the wrapped error.

type ExponentiationExpression

type ExponentiationExpression struct {
	ExponentiationExpression *ExponentiationExpression
	UnaryExpression          UnaryExpression
	Tokens                   Tokens

ExponentiationExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (ExponentiationExpression) Format

func (f ExponentiationExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ExportClause

type ExportClause struct {
	ExportList []ExportSpecifier
	Tokens     Tokens

ExportClause as defined in ECMA-262

func (ExportClause) Format

func (f ExportClause) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ExportDeclaration

type ExportDeclaration struct {
	ExportClause                *ExportClause
	ExportFromClause            *Token
	FromClause                  *FromClause
	VariableStatement           *VariableStatement
	Declaration                 *Declaration
	DefaultFunction             *FunctionDeclaration
	DefaultClass                *ClassDeclaration
	DefaultAssignmentExpression *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens                      Tokens

ExportDeclaration as defined in ECMA-262

It is only valid for one of ExportClause, ExportFromClause, VariableStatement, Declaration, DefaultFunction, DefaultClass, or DefaultAssignmentExpression to be non-nil.

FromClause can be non-nil exclusively or paired with ExportClause.

func (ExportDeclaration) Format

func (f ExportDeclaration) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ExportSpecifier

type ExportSpecifier struct {
	IdentifierName  *Token
	EIdentifierName *Token
	Tokens          Tokens

ExportSpecifier as defined in ECMA-262

IdentifierName must be non-nil, EIdentifierName should be non-nil.

func (ExportSpecifier) Format

func (f ExportSpecifier) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type Expression

type Expression struct {
	Expressions []AssignmentExpression
	Tokens      Tokens

Expression as defined in ECMA-262

Expressions must have a length of at least one to be valid.

func (Expression) Format

func (f Expression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type FieldDefinition

type FieldDefinition struct {
	ClassElementName ClassElementName
	Initializer      *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens           Tokens

FieldDefinition as defined in ECMA-262

func (FieldDefinition) Format

func (f FieldDefinition) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ForType

type ForType uint8

ForType determines which kind of for-loop is described by IterationStatementFor

const (
	ForNormal ForType = iota

Valid ForType's

func (ForType) String

func (ft ForType) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type FormalParameters

type FormalParameters struct {
	FormalParameterList  []BindingElement
	BindingIdentifier    *Token
	ArrayBindingPattern  *ArrayBindingPattern
	ObjectBindingPattern *ObjectBindingPattern
	Tokens               Tokens

FormalParameters as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of BindingIdentifier, ArrayBindingPattern, or ObjectBindingPattern can be non-nil.

func (FormalParameters) Format

func (f FormalParameters) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type FromClause

type FromClause struct {
	ModuleSpecifier *Token
	Tokens          Tokens

FromClause as defined in ECMA-262

ModuleSpecifier must be non-nil.

func (FromClause) Format

func (f FromClause) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type FunctionDeclaration

type FunctionDeclaration struct {
	Type              FunctionType
	BindingIdentifier *Token
	FormalParameters  FormalParameters
	FunctionBody      Block
	Tokens            Tokens

FunctionDeclaration as defined in ECMA-262

Also parses FunctionExpression, for when BindingIdentifier is nil.

Include TC39 proposal for async generator functions

func (FunctionDeclaration) Format

func (f FunctionDeclaration) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type FunctionType

type FunctionType uint8

FunctionType determines which type of function is specified by FunctionDeclaration

const (
	FunctionNormal FunctionType = iota

Valid FunctionType's

func (FunctionType) String

func (ft FunctionType) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type IfStatement

type IfStatement struct {
	Expression    Expression
	Statement     Statement
	ElseStatement *Statement
	Tokens        Tokens

IfStatement as defined in ECMA-262

func (IfStatement) Format

func (f IfStatement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ImportClause

type ImportClause struct {
	ImportedDefaultBinding *Token
	NameSpaceImport        *Token
	NamedImports           *NamedImports
	Tokens                 Tokens

ImportClause as defined in ECMA-262

At least one of ImportedDefaultBinding, NameSpaceImport, and NamedImports must be non-nil.

Both NameSpaceImport and NamedImports can not be non-nil.

func (ImportClause) Format

func (f ImportClause) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ImportDeclaration

type ImportDeclaration struct {
	Tokens Tokens

ImportDeclaration as defined in ECMA-262

func (ImportDeclaration) Format

func (f ImportDeclaration) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ImportSpecifier

type ImportSpecifier struct {
	IdentifierName  *Token
	ImportedBinding *Token
	Tokens          Tokens

ImportSpecifier as defined in ECMA-262

ImportedBinding must be non-nil, and IdentifierName should be non-nil.

func (ImportSpecifier) Format

func (f ImportSpecifier) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type IterationStatementDo

type IterationStatementDo struct {
	Statement  Statement
	Expression Expression
	Tokens     Tokens

IterationStatementDo is the do-while part of IterationStatement as defined in ECMA-262

func (IterationStatementDo) Format

func (f IterationStatementDo) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type IterationStatementFor

type IterationStatementFor struct {
	Type ForType

	InitExpression *Expression
	InitVar        []VariableDeclaration
	InitLexical    *LexicalDeclaration
	Conditional    *Expression
	Afterthought   *Expression

	LeftHandSideExpression  *LeftHandSideExpression
	ForBindingIdentifier    *Token
	ForBindingPatternObject *ObjectBindingPattern
	ForBindingPatternArray  *ArrayBindingPattern
	In                      *Expression
	Of                      *AssignmentExpression

	Statement Statement
	Tokens    Tokens

IterationStatementFor is the for part of IterationStatement as defined in ECMA-262

Includes TC39 proposal for for-await-of

The Type determines which fields must be non-nil:

ForInLeftHandSide: LeftHandSideExpression and In
ForInVar, ForInLet, ForInConst: ForBindingIdentifier, ForBindingPatternObject, or ForBindingPatternArray and In
ForOfLeftHandSide, ForAwaitOfLeftHandSide: LeftHandSideExpression and Of
ForOfVar, ForAwaitOfVar, ForOfLet, ForAwaitOfLet, ForOfConst, ForAwaitOfConst: ForBindingIdentifier, ForBindingPatternObject, or ForBindingPatternArray and Of

func (IterationStatementFor) Format

func (f IterationStatementFor) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type IterationStatementWhile

type IterationStatementWhile struct {
	Expression Expression
	Statement  Statement
	Tokens     Tokens

IterationStatementWhile is the while part of IterationStatement as defined in ECMA-262

func (IterationStatementWhile) Format

func (f IterationStatementWhile) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type LeftHandSideExpression

type LeftHandSideExpression struct {
	NewExpression      *NewExpression
	CallExpression     *CallExpression
	OptionalExpression *OptionalExpression
	Tokens             Tokens

LeftHandSideExpression as defined in ECMA-262

It is only valid for one of NewExpression, CallExpression or OptionalExpression to be non-nil.

Includes OptionalExpression as per TC39 (2020-03)

func (LeftHandSideExpression) Format

func (f LeftHandSideExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

func (*LeftHandSideExpression) IsSimple

func (lhs *LeftHandSideExpression) IsSimple() bool

IsSimple returns whether or not the LeftHandSideExpression is classed as 'simple'

type LetOrConst

type LetOrConst bool

LetOrConst specifies whether a LexicalDeclaration is a let or const declaration

const (
	Let   LetOrConst = false
	Const LetOrConst = true

Valid LetOrConst values

func (LetOrConst) String

func (l LetOrConst) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type LexicalBinding

type LexicalBinding struct {
	BindingIdentifier    *Token
	ArrayBindingPattern  *ArrayBindingPattern
	ObjectBindingPattern *ObjectBindingPattern
	Initializer          *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

LexicalBinding as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of BindingIdentifier, ArrayBindingPattern or ObjectBindingPattern must be non-nil. The Initializer is optional only for a BindingIdentifier.

func (LexicalBinding) Format

func (f LexicalBinding) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type LexicalDeclaration

type LexicalDeclaration struct {
	BindingList []LexicalBinding
	Tokens      Tokens

LexicalDeclaration as defined in ECMA-262

func (LexicalDeclaration) Format

func (f LexicalDeclaration) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type LogicalANDExpression

type LogicalANDExpression struct {
	LogicalANDExpression *LogicalANDExpression
	BitwiseORExpression  BitwiseORExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

LogicalANDExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (LogicalANDExpression) Format

func (f LogicalANDExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type LogicalORExpression

type LogicalORExpression struct {
	LogicalORExpression  *LogicalORExpression
	LogicalANDExpression LogicalANDExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

LogicalORExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (LogicalORExpression) Format

func (f LogicalORExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type MemberExpression

type MemberExpression struct {
	MemberExpression  *MemberExpression
	PrimaryExpression *PrimaryExpression
	Expression        *Expression
	IdentifierName    *Token
	TemplateLiteral   *TemplateLiteral
	SuperProperty     bool
	NewTarget         bool
	ImportMeta        bool
	Arguments         *Arguments
	PrivateIdentifier *Token
	Tokens            Tokens

MemberExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If PrimaryExpression is nil, SuperProperty is true, NewTarget is true, or ImportMeta is true, Expression, IdentifierName, TemplateLiteral, Arguments and PrivateIdentifier must be nil.

If Expression, IdentifierName, TemplateLiteral, Arguments, or PrivateIdentifier is non-nil, then MemberExpression must be non-nil.

It is only valid if one of Expression, IdentifierName, TemplateLiteral, Arguments, and PrivateIdentifier is non-nil.

func (MemberExpression) Format

func (f MemberExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

func (*MemberExpression) IsSimple

func (me *MemberExpression) IsSimple() bool

IsSimple returns whether or not the MemberExpression is classed as 'simple'

type MethodDefinition

type MethodDefinition struct {
	Type             MethodType
	ClassElementName ClassElementName
	Params           FormalParameters
	FunctionBody     Block
	Tokens           Tokens

MethodDefinition as specified in ECMA-262

func (MethodDefinition) Format

func (f MethodDefinition) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type MethodType

type MethodType uint8

MethodType determines the prefixes for MethodDefinition

const (
	MethodNormal MethodType = iota

Valid MethodType's

func (MethodType) String

func (mt MethodType) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type Module

type Module struct {
	ModuleListItems []ModuleItem
	Tokens          Tokens

Module represents the top-level of a parsed javascript module

func ParseModule

func ParseModule(t Tokeniser) (*Module, error)

ParseModule parses a javascript module

func ScriptToModule

func ScriptToModule(s *Script) *Module

ScriptToModule converts a Script type to a Module type

func (Module) Format

func (f Module) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ModuleItem

type ModuleItem struct {
	ImportDeclaration *ImportDeclaration
	StatementListItem *StatementListItem
	ExportDeclaration *ExportDeclaration
	Tokens            Tokens

ModuleItem as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of ImportDeclaration, StatementListItem, or ExportDeclaration must be non-nil.

func (ModuleItem) Format

func (f ModuleItem) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type MultiplicativeExpression

type MultiplicativeExpression struct {
	MultiplicativeExpression *MultiplicativeExpression
	MultiplicativeOperator   MultiplicativeOperator
	ExponentiationExpression ExponentiationExpression
	Tokens                   Tokens

MultiplicativeExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If MultiplicativeOperator is not MultiplicativeNone then MultiplicativeExpression must be non-nil, and vice-versa.

func (MultiplicativeExpression) Format

func (f MultiplicativeExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type MultiplicativeOperator

type MultiplicativeOperator int

MultiplicativeOperator determines the multiplication type for MultiplicativeExpression

const (
	MultiplicativeNone MultiplicativeOperator = iota

Valid MultiplicativeOperator's

func (MultiplicativeOperator) String

func (m MultiplicativeOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type NamedImports

type NamedImports struct {
	ImportList []ImportSpecifier
	Tokens     Tokens

NamedImports as defined in ECMA-262

func (NamedImports) Format

func (f NamedImports) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type NewExpression

type NewExpression struct {
	News             uint
	MemberExpression MemberExpression
	Tokens           Tokens

NewExpression as defined in ECMA-262

The News field is a count of the number of 'new' keywords that proceed the MemberExpression

func (NewExpression) Format

func (f NewExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ObjectAssignmentPattern

type ObjectAssignmentPattern struct {
	AssignmentPropertyList []AssignmentProperty
	AssignmentRestElement  *LeftHandSideExpression
	Tokens                 Tokens

ObjectAssignmentPattern as defined in ECMA-262

func (ObjectAssignmentPattern) Format

func (f ObjectAssignmentPattern) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ObjectBindingPattern

type ObjectBindingPattern struct {
	BindingPropertyList []BindingProperty
	BindingRestProperty *Token
	Tokens              Tokens

ObjectBindingPattern as defined in ECMA-262

func (ObjectBindingPattern) Format

func (f ObjectBindingPattern) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ObjectLiteral

type ObjectLiteral struct {
	PropertyDefinitionList []PropertyDefinition
	Tokens                 Tokens

ObjectLiteral as defined in ECMA-262

func (ObjectLiteral) Format

func (f ObjectLiteral) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type OptionalChain

type OptionalChain struct {
	OptionalChain     *OptionalChain
	Arguments         *Arguments
	Expression        *Expression
	IdentifierName    *Token
	TemplateLiteral   *TemplateLiteral
	PrivateIdentifier *Token
	Tokens            Tokens

OptionalChain as defined in TC39

It is only valid for one of Arguments, Expression, IdentifierName, TemplateLiteral, or PrivateIdentifier to be non-nil.

func (OptionalChain) Format

func (f OptionalChain) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type OptionalExpression

type OptionalExpression struct {
	MemberExpression   *MemberExpression
	CallExpression     *CallExpression
	OptionalExpression *OptionalExpression
	OptionalChain      OptionalChain
	Tokens             Tokens

OptionalExpression as defined in TC39

It is only valid for one of NewExpression, CallExpression or OptionalExpression to be non-nil.

func (OptionalExpression) Format

func (f OptionalExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ParenthesizedExpression

type ParenthesizedExpression struct {
	Expressions []AssignmentExpression
	Tokens      Tokens

ParenthesizedExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (ParenthesizedExpression) Format

func (f ParenthesizedExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type PrimaryExpression

type PrimaryExpression struct {
	This                    *Token
	IdentifierReference     *Token
	Literal                 *Token
	ArrayLiteral            *ArrayLiteral
	ObjectLiteral           *ObjectLiteral
	FunctionExpression      *FunctionDeclaration
	ClassExpression         *ClassDeclaration
	TemplateLiteral         *TemplateLiteral
	ParenthesizedExpression *ParenthesizedExpression
	Tokens                  Tokens

PrimaryExpression as defined in ECMA-262

It is only valid is one IdentifierReference, Literal, ArrayLiteral, ObjectLiteral, FunctionExpression, ClassExpression, TemplateLiteral, or ParenthesizedExpression is non-nil or This is true.

func (PrimaryExpression) Format

func (f PrimaryExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

func (*PrimaryExpression) IsSimple

func (pe *PrimaryExpression) IsSimple() bool

IsSimple returns whether or not the PrimaryExpression is classed as 'simple'

type PropertyDefinition

type PropertyDefinition struct {
	IsCoverInitializedName bool
	PropertyName           *PropertyName
	AssignmentExpression   *AssignmentExpression
	MethodDefinition       *MethodDefinition
	Tokens                 Tokens

PropertyDefinition as defined in ECMA-262

One, and only one, of AssignmentExpression or MethodDefinition must be non-nil.

It is only valid for PropertyName to be non-nil when AssignmentExpression is also non-nil.

The IdentifierReference is stored within PropertyName.

func (PropertyDefinition) Format

func (f PropertyDefinition) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type PropertyName

type PropertyName struct {
	LiteralPropertyName  *Token
	ComputedPropertyName *AssignmentExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

PropertyName as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of LiteralPropertyName or ComputedPropertyName must be non-nil.

func (PropertyName) Format

func (f PropertyName) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type RelationalExpression

type RelationalExpression struct {
	PrivateIdentifier    *Token
	RelationalExpression *RelationalExpression
	RelationshipOperator RelationshipOperator
	ShiftExpression      ShiftExpression
	Tokens               Tokens

RelationalExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If PrivateIdentifier is non-nil, then RelationshipOperator should be RelationshipIn.

If PrivateIdentifier is nil and RelationshipOperator does not equal RelationshipNone, then RelationalExpression should be non-nil

func (RelationalExpression) Format

func (f RelationalExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type RelationshipOperator

type RelationshipOperator int

RelationshipOperator determines the relationship type for RelationalExpression

const (
	RelationshipNone RelationshipOperator = iota

Valid RelationshipOperator's

func (RelationshipOperator) String

func (r RelationshipOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type Script

type Script struct {
	StatementList []StatementListItem
	Tokens        Tokens

Script represents the top-level of a parsed javascript text

func ParseScript

func ParseScript(t Tokeniser) (*Script, error)

ParseScript parses a javascript input into an AST.

It is recommended to use ParseModule instead of this function.

func (Script) Format

func (f Script) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ShiftExpression

type ShiftExpression struct {
	ShiftExpression    *ShiftExpression
	ShiftOperator      ShiftOperator
	AdditiveExpression AdditiveExpression
	Tokens             Tokens

ShiftExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If ShiftOperator is not ShiftNone then ShiftExpression must be non-nil, and vice-versa.

func (ShiftExpression) Format

func (f ShiftExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type ShiftOperator

type ShiftOperator int

ShiftOperator determines the shift tyoe for ShiftExpression

const (
	ShiftNone ShiftOperator = iota

Valid ShiftOperator's

func (ShiftOperator) String

func (s ShiftOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type Statement

type Statement struct {
	Type                    StatementType
	BlockStatement          *Block
	VariableStatement       *VariableStatement
	ExpressionStatement     *Expression
	IfStatement             *IfStatement
	IterationStatementDo    *IterationStatementDo
	IterationStatementWhile *IterationStatementWhile
	IterationStatementFor   *IterationStatementFor
	SwitchStatement         *SwitchStatement
	WithStatement           *WithStatement
	LabelIdentifier         *Token
	LabelledItemFunction    *FunctionDeclaration
	LabelledItemStatement   *Statement
	TryStatement            *TryStatement
	Tokens                  Tokens

Statement as defined in ECMA-262

It is only valid for one of the pointer type to be non-nil.

If LabelIdentifier is non-nil, either one of LabelledItemFunction, or LabelledItemStatement must be non-nil, or Type must be StatementContinue or StatementBreak.

If Type is StatementThrow, ExpressionStatement must be non-nil.

func (Statement) Format

func (f Statement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type StatementListItem

type StatementListItem struct {
	Statement   *Statement
	Declaration *Declaration
	Tokens      Tokens

StatementListItem as defined in ECMA-262 Only one of Statement, or Declaration must be non-nil.

func (StatementListItem) Format

func (f StatementListItem) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type StatementType

type StatementType uint8

StatementType determines the type of a Statement type

const (
	StatementNormal StatementType = iota

Valid StatementType's

func (StatementType) String

func (st StatementType) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type SwitchStatement

type SwitchStatement struct {
	Expression             Expression
	CaseClauses            []CaseClause
	DefaultClause          []StatementListItem
	PostDefaultCaseClauses []CaseClause
	Tokens                 Tokens

SwitchStatement as defined in ECMA-262

func (SwitchStatement) Format

func (f SwitchStatement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type TemplateLiteral

type TemplateLiteral struct {
	NoSubstitutionTemplate *Token
	TemplateHead           *Token
	Expressions            []Expression
	TemplateMiddleList     []*Token
	TemplateTail           *Token
	Tokens                 Tokens

TemplateLiteral as defined in ECMA-262

If NoSubstitutionTemplate is non-nil it is only valid for TemplateHead, Expressions, TemplateMiddleList, and TemplateTail to be nil.

If NoSubstitutionTemplate is nil, the TemplateHead, Expressions, and TemplateTail must be non-nil. TemplateMiddleList must have a length of one less than the length of Expressions.

func (TemplateLiteral) Format

func (f TemplateLiteral) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type TemplateType

type TemplateType byte

TemplateType determines the type of Template used in QuoteTemplate.

const (
	TemplateNoSubstitution TemplateType = iota

func TokenTypeToTemplateType

func TokenTypeToTemplateType(tokenType parser.TokenType) TemplateType

TokenTypeToTemplateType converts from a parser.TokenType to the appropriate TemplateType.

Invalid TokenTypes return 255.

type Token

type Token struct {
	Pos, Line, LinePos uint64

Token represents a single parsed token with source positioning.

func (Token) Format

func (t Token) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type Tokeniser

type Tokeniser interface {
	Iter(func(parser.Token) bool)
	GetError() error

Tokeniser is an interface representing a tokeniser.

func AsTypescript

func AsTypescript(t Tokeniser) Tokeniser

AsTypescript converts the tokeniser to one that reads Typescript.

When used with ParseScript or ParseModule, will produce Javascript AST from most valid Typescript files, though it may also parse invalid Typescript.

Currently does not support any Typescript feature that requires codegen or lookahead/lookback, such as the Typescript 'private' modifier, or the 'enum' and 'namespace' declarations.

type Tokens

type Tokens []Token

Tokens is a collection of Token values.

func (Tokens) Format

func (t Tokens) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type TryStatement

type TryStatement struct {
	TryBlock                           Block
	CatchParameterBindingIdentifier    *Token
	CatchParameterObjectBindingPattern *ObjectBindingPattern
	CatchParameterArrayBindingPattern  *ArrayBindingPattern
	CatchBlock                         *Block
	FinallyBlock                       *Block
	Tokens                             Tokens

TryStatement as defined in ECMA-262

Only one of CatchParameterBindingIdentifier, CatchParameterObjectBindingPattern, and CatchParameterArrayBindingPattern can be non-nil, and must be so if CatchBlock is non-nil.

If one of CatchParameterBindingIdentifier, CatchParameterObjectBindingPattern, CatchParameterArrayBindingPattern is non-nil, then CatchBlock must be non-nil.

func (TryStatement) Format

func (f TryStatement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type Type

type Type interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Type is an interface satisfied by all javascript structural types.

type UnaryExpression

type UnaryExpression struct {
	UnaryOperators   []UnaryOperator
	UpdateExpression UpdateExpression
	Tokens           Tokens

UnaryExpression as defined in ECMA-262

func (UnaryExpression) Format

func (f UnaryExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type UnaryOperator

type UnaryOperator byte

UnaryOperator determines a unary operator within UnaryExpression

const (
	UnaryNone UnaryOperator = iota

Valid UnaryOperator's

func (UnaryOperator) String

func (u UnaryOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type UpdateExpression

type UpdateExpression struct {
	LeftHandSideExpression *LeftHandSideExpression
	UpdateOperator         UpdateOperator
	UnaryExpression        *UnaryExpression
	Tokens                 Tokens

UpdateExpression as defined in ECMA-262

If UpdateOperator is UpdatePreIncrement or UpdatePreDecrement UnaryExpression must be non-nil, and vice-versa. In all other cases, LeftHandSideExpression must be non-nil.

func (UpdateExpression) Format

func (f UpdateExpression) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type UpdateOperator

type UpdateOperator int

UpdateOperator determines the type of update operation for UpdateExpression

const (
	UpdateNone UpdateOperator = iota

Valid UpdateOperator's

func (UpdateOperator) String

func (u UpdateOperator) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface

type VariableDeclaration

type VariableDeclaration = LexicalBinding

VariableDeclaration as defined in ECMA-262

type VariableStatement

type VariableStatement struct {
	VariableDeclarationList []VariableDeclaration
	Tokens                  Tokens

VariableStatement as defined in ECMA-262

VariableDeclarationList must have a length or at least one.

func (VariableStatement) Format

func (f VariableStatement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface

type WithStatement

type WithStatement struct {
	Expression Expression
	Statement  Statement
	Tokens     Tokens

WithStatement as defined in ECMA-262

func (WithStatement) Format

func (f WithStatement) Format(s fmt.State, v rune)

Format implements the fmt.Formatter interface


Package javascript provides tools to tokenise and parse javascript source files







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