Marky Mark is a parser written in Swift that converts markdown into native views. The way it looks it highly customizable and the supported markdown syntax is easy to extend.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 8.0+
CocoaPods 1.0.0+ is required to build MarkyMark
To integrate MarkyMark into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod "markymark"
Alternatively, add MarkyMark to your project using Swift Package Manager using:
let markDownView = MarkDownTextView()
markDownView.text = "# Header\nParagraph"
Markymark has many styling options, please check the examples in the styling section of this readme. A simple example:
let markDownView = MarkDownTextView()
markDownView.styling.headingStyling.textColorsForLevels = [
.orange, //H1 (i.e. # Title)
.black, //H2, ... (i.e. ## Subtitle, ### Sub subtitle)
markDownView.styling.linkStyling.textColor = .blue
markDownView.styling.paragraphStyling.baseFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
markDownView.text = "# Header\nParagraph"
Note: Different tags can be supported by either extending the ContentfulFlavor (default) or by implementing a class that comforms to Flavor
and implement the required Rule
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
- item
- item
* item
* item
+ item
+ item
a. item
b. item
1. item
2. item
~~Strike through~~

[Link text](
Default Styling instance
var styling = DefaultStyling()
Markdown example: Some text
styling.paragraphStyling.baseFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
styling.paragraphStyling.textColor = .black
styling.paragraphStyling.contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top:0, left: 0, bottom: 5, right: 0)
styling.paragraphStyling.lineHeight = 4
styling.paragraphStyling.isBold = false
styling.paragraphStyling.isItalic = false
styling.paragraphStyling.textAlignment = .left
Markdown example: # Title
or ## Subtitle
styling.headingStyling.fontsForLevels = [
UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(24), //H1
UIFont.systemFontOfSize(18), //H2
UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16) //H3, ... (last item will be next levels as well)
styling.headingStyling.colorsForLevels = [
.red, //H1
.black, //H2, ... (last item will be next levels as well)
// Margins
styling.headingStyling.contentInsetsForLevels = [
UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 0, bottom: 15, right: 10), // H1
UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 0, bottom: 5, right: 10) //H2, ... (last item will be next levels as well)
styling.headingStyling.isBold = false
styling.headingStyling.isItalic = false
styling.headingStyling.isUnderlined = false
styling.headingStyling.textAlignment = .left
Markdown Example [Google](
styling.linkStyling.textColor = .black
styling.linkStyling.baseFont = nil // Default: nil. Setting baseFont to nil will inherit font from paragraphStyling
styling.linkStyling.isBold = false
styling.linkStyling.isItalic = false
styling.linkStyling.isUnderlined = true
Markdown Example:
- List item 1
- List item 2
- Nested List item
// By default a font will be used with the bullet character `•`. Use the follow properties to configure it's size and color:
styling.listStyling.bulletFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
styling.listStyling.bulletColor = .black
// Bullets can also be images for more complex styling. When setting images, bullet font and color won't be used anymore
// Array of images used as bullet for each level of nested list items
styling.listStyling.bulletImages = [
UIImage(named: "circle"),
UIImage(named: "emptyCircle"),
UIImage(named: "line"),
UIImage(named: "square")
// Size of the images
styling.listStyling.bulletViewSize = CGSize(width: 16, height: 16)
styling.listStyling.baseFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
styling.listStyling.contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 10, right: 10)
//Amount of space underneath each list item
styling.listStyling.bottomListItemSpacing = 5
// Number of pixels to indent for each nested list level
styling.listStyling.listIdentSpace = 15
styling.listStyling.textColor = .black
Styling is also possible for:
Please check the DefaultStyling
class for more information
To enable Dynamic Type on MarkDownTextView:
markDownView.hasScalableFonts = true
In some cases you may want to configure a maximum size for each font (default is nil
An example on how to limit the font-size for paragraphs
markDownView.styling.paragraphStyling.maximumPointSize = 26
To set maximumPointSize for headings you can set 'maximumPointSizeForLevels' on headingStyling. The following example sets the maximum size for heading1, heading2, heading3:
markDownView.styling.headingStyling.maximumPointSizeForLevels = [36, 20, 18]
Advanced usage is only needed for very specific cases. Making subsets of styling, making different styling combinations, supporting different Markdown rules (syntax) or modifying certain views after that have been generated.
struct CustomMarkyMarkStyling: Styling {
var headerStyling = CustomHeaderStyling()
var paragraphStyling = ParagraphStyling()
var linkStyling = ListStyling()
var itemStylingRules: [ItemStyling] {
return [headerStyling, paragraphStyling, linkStyling]
You can implement CustomHeaderStyling
by checking how other Styling
objects have been implemented, like HeaderStyling
Make sure your CustomHeaderStyling
comforms to all styling rules you'd like your custom styling to support. i.e. comform to TextColorStylingRule
to support textStyle of your custom styling.
Each styling rule can be applied to a markDownItem by comforming to ItemStyling
and implement the required method like this:
public func isApplicableOn(_ markDownItem: MarkDownItem) -> Bool {
return markDownItem is HeaderMarkDownItem
This will let the mechanism know it should apply your styling to a HeaderMarkDownItem
You can inject your new styling object by passing it to the constructor of the MarkdownTextView
MarkDownTextView(styling: CustomMarkyMarkStyling())
Adding a new rule requires three new classes of based on the following protocol:
that can recoginizes the desired markdown syntaxMarkDownItem
for your new element that will be created by your new ruleLayoutBlockBuilder
that can convert your MarkDownItem to layout
Add the rule to MarkyMark
Or when using the MarkdownTextView:
markdownTextView.add(rule: MyCustomRule())
Add the block builder to your layout converter
Or when using the MarkdownTextView use either of these options (depending on the configuration view or attributedString):
If needed you can also add a custom styling class to the default styling
The converter has a callback method which is called every time a MarkDownItem
is converted to layout.
converter.didConvertElement = {
markDownItem, view in
// Do something with markDownItem and / or view here
When using the MarkdownTextView
markDownTextView.onDidConvertMarkDownItemToView = {
markDownItem, view in
By default Markymark opens URL's using
. links will only be openened when this method is implemented. Markymark allows changing this behavior by passing a custom URLOpener, an object that conforms to the URLOpener
let markDownView = MarkDownTextView()
markDownTextView?.urlOpener = MyCustomerURLOpener()
Markymark also supports usage the a Today extension. By default tapping url's is not working, since Extensions don't have access to UIApplication.shared, in order to support links you can pass a different url opener to a MarkyDownTextView. See the Example project for a working example:
markDownTextView?.urlOpener = ExtensionContextURLOpener(extensionContext: self.extensionContext)
M2mobi, [email protected]
MarkyMark is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.