A program to identify and display the best next move for the game Pokémon Shuffle. I do not own any part of Pokémon Shuffle, which is the property of Nintendo. All credit is given in the documentation within the source code.
Update to at least Java 8 (Java 8u51 for best performance).
See here for the Java 8u51 archive.
Launch Shuffle Move vX.X.X.jar
Windows: Use Shuffle Move vX.X.X.exe
Other: Use Shuffle Move vX.X.X.jar or from the command line navigate to this directory and enter:java -jar "<Jar name>"
- Install
- Launch program
- Click Help → Help to see the help documentation. For all other problems, see the release thread listed at Reddit.
See the Issues page.
Email: [email protected]
GitHub: https://github.com/Loreinator/Shuffle-Move
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShuffleMove/wiki/index
Copyright 2015-2017 Andrew Meyers
Splash screen and window icons: http://reddit.com/u/ArmpitWrestling
German Translations: http://reddit.com/u/ArmpitWrestling
Finnish Translations: https://github.com/Igetin
Chinese Translations: http://reddit.com/u/Pingtendo
French Translations: http://reddit.com/u/TherkFr
Portuguese Translations: Rafael Dias Gomes
Species Icons: http://serebii.net
This program is licensed under GNU General Public License Version 3. Please read and agree to the terms of the included license before use.
- v0.3.128 - 2018-02-24
- Updates for February 13th
- v0.3.127 - 2018-02-03
- Updates for January 23rd
- v0.3.126 - 2018-01-21
- Fix Mega Gardevoir (Shiny)
- v0.3.125 - 2017-12-27
- Updates for December 26th
- v0.3.124 - 2017-12-18
- Updates for December 12th
- v0.3.123 - 2017-12-01
- Updates for November 21st and 28th
- v0.3.122 - 2017-11-16
- Updates for November 14th
- v0.3.121 - 2017-11-10
- Updates for November 7th
- v0.3.120 - 2017-10-30
- Spanish translations added
- Updates for October 28th
- v0.3.119 - 2017-10-13
- Fix Tyranitar repeat starting board
- Update Pikachu name from Costumed to Spooky
- Fix Paralyze+ duration
- Fix other stun-inducing effect to the correct duration
- v0.3.118 - 2017-10-12
- Updates for October 10th
- v0.3.117 - 2017-10-01
- Updates for September 26th
- v0.3.116 - 2017-09-14
- Updates for August 12th
- v0.3.115 - 2017-09-04
- Updates for August 29th
- v0.3.114 - 2017-08-27
- Fixed French species translations
- Mega slot list ordering is now sorted by team position
- Fixed a bug with selecting between megas with the same name
- v0.3.113 - 2017-08-24
- Updates for August 22nd
- v0.3.112 - 2017-08-10
- Updates for August 8th
- v0.3.111 - 2017-07-30
- Updates for July 25th
- v0.3.110 - 2017-07-17
- Updates for July 11th
- Window offscreen safety added. It can be disabled from the Help menu.
- Fixed 4Up configuration
- Stage 485 Burmy is now Bug type
- Minor config fixes
- v0.3.109 - 2017-07-09
- Fixed i18n for French
- Fixed Cross Attack+ damage calculation
- Updates for June 27th
- Fixed splash.png meta data
- SP_084 and SP_084A special grading mode functionality improved
- v0.3.108 - 2017-06-25
- Fixed i18n for French
- Ability fixes
- Added default boards
- v0.3.107 - 2017-06-15
- Updates for June 6th and 13th
- Pyre updated, Paralyze durations fixed
- French i18n updated
- v0.3.106 - 2017-06-01
- Updates for May 30th
- Updated French i18n for Species names
- v0.3.105 - 2017-05-20
- Updates for May 16th
- v0.3.104 - 2017-05-12
- Fixed the shot skills
- Super Tackle multipler x12 -> x8
- Multiple default boards added
- v0.3.103 - 2017-05-02
- Fixed Ninetales
- v0.3.102 - 2017-05-01
- Fixed Vivillon_pb name
- Alolan update
- v0.3.101 - 2017-04-14
- Added Poison status
- Updates for April 11th
- v0.3.100 - 2017-04-05
- Updates for April 4th and 5th
- v0.3.99 - 2017-03-29
- Updates for March 28th
- v0.3.98 - 2017-03-22
- Updates for March 21st
- v0.3.97 - 2017-03-18
- Updates for March 14th
- v0.3.96 - 2017-03-10
- Updates for March 7th
- v0.3.95 - 2017-03-02
- Fixed L500 escalation health parsing
- Added "Delete Species" function (Ctrl-D) which removes all species in the grid that match your currently selected paint.
- Updates for February 28th
- v0.3.94 - 2017-02-24
- Updates for February 21st
- v0.3.93 - 2017-02-18
- Added Mega for Aggron
- v0.3.92 - 2017-02-15
- Updates for February 14th
- v0.3.91 - 2017-01-31
- Updates for January 31st
- v0.3.90 - 2017-01-24
- Fixed Mewtwo's effect options
- Updates for January 24th
- v0.3.89 - 2017-01-18
- Updates for January 17th
- v0.3.88 - 2017-01-14
- Updates for January 10th
- v0.3.87 - 2017-01-04
- Updates for January 3rd
- Fix Gourgeist Icon
- Dec 20th HP Nerf
- v0.3.86 - 2016-12-21
- Updates for December 20th
- v0.3.85 - 2016-12-14
- Added all icons from http://www.pkparaiso.com/shuffle/sprites.php
- Added default boards for the new stages
- v0.3.84 - 2016-12-11
- Updates for December 8th
- v0.3.83 - 2016-11-30
- Added Archeops Default Board
- v0.3.82 - 2016-11-22
- Implemented Grid Printing (Ctrl-P)
- Updates for November 22nd
- v0.3.81 - 2016-11-16
- Updates for November 16th
- v0.3.80 - 2016-11-13
- Fixed Castform (Winking)
- v0.3.79 - 2016-11-12
- Updates for November 8th
- v0.3.78 - 2016-11-05
- Updates for November 1st
- v0.3.77 - 2016-10-30
- Updates for October 25th
- v0.3.76 - 2016-10-23
- Updates for October 18th
- v0.3.75 - 2016-10-15
- Default Boards added for SP_001W, SP_007W, SP_012M, SP_338T, SP_411W
- Corrected Mega Pidgeot Effect
- v0.3.74 - 2016-10-08
- Updates for October 4th
- Corrected Metagross Attack Power
- v0.3.73 - 2016-10-01
- Added Winking Cottonee and Whimsicott
- Fixed the problem with effects ordering for skill swappers
- v0.3.72 - 2016-09-29
- Entry Mode now persists
- Updates for September 20th
- Updates for September 27th
- v0.3.71 - 2016-09-15
- Default board for Mega Alakazam
- v0.3.70 - 2016-09-10
- Updates for September 6th
- Max level increased to 20
- v0.3.69 - 2016-09-02
- Updates for August 30th
- Default Boards added
- Minor fixes for stage data
- v0.3.68 - 2016-08-26
- Updates for August 23rd
- v0.3.67 - 2016-08-17
- Default boards for Typhlosion and Mega Garchomp
- v0.3.66 - 2016-08-11
- Updates for August 9th
- Combo Score glitch disabled
- v0.3.65 - 2016-08-02
- Bug fixes
- Added default boards for update of July 26th
- v0.3.64 - 2016-07-30
- Bug fixes
- Updates for July 26th
- v0.3.63 - 2016-07-17
- Bug fixes
- v0.3.62 - 2016-07-17
- Implemented Mega Gyarados & Mega Gyarados (Shiny)
- Translation updates
- Bug fixes
- Updates for July 12th
- v0.3.61 - 2016-06-28
- Bug fixes for several effects and mechanics
- Added status effects
- Super effective filter added
- Translations added and updated for several components
- Updates for June 28th
- Skill Swappers implemented via the Roster Editor (eligible Species will have an effect selector at the bottom of the window).
- v0.3.60 - 2016-06-19
- Updates for June 14th
- v0.3.59 - 2016-06-07
- Corrections for the updates for May 31st
- v0.3.58 – 2016-06-06
- Giratina Escalation health added
- v0.3.57 – 2016-06-05
- Tweaked Wood Shatter behaviour
- Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Banette tweak for thawing edge-case
- Portuguese translations added - Thank You Rafael!
- Tweaks for Brute Force, Combo abilities, Fearless, etc.
- Load default fixed for weekend Meowth special behaviour
- Stabilize is now far more accurate
- Burn fixed
- Updates for May 31st
- Available locales is now hard-coded
- v0.3.56 – 2016-05-25
- Bug fix for several effects
- v0.3.55 – 2016-05-24
- Bug fixes for Eject, T Boost, + Boost, Stabilize, Brute Force, and more.
- v0.3.54 – 2016-05-23
- Updates and default boards for May 17th 2016
- Corrected Mega scores for the pattern clearing mega effects
- Many new effects added (27 new, also implemented support/non-support functionality). Species in team = support. Not in team = non support.
- Non-support functionality is now user-specified in addition to the base assumption that non-team species are non-support. Click the entries in the Team Editor to toggle them between Support (Green) or Non-Support (Red).
- Implemented damage bonus for Spookify, Freeze, and Sleep Charm
- Skill Boosters are now implemented. Set the skill level via the roster editor (select a species and modify the selector at the bottom of the window)
- The main window will now remember its position.
- Cloud clear effects are now simulated. The interface is not yet available though.
- SP_084 special behaviour: sets moves to 15 when selected, and grading mode to WeekendMeowth. Grading Mode becomes "Score" when at 1 or fewer moves remaining. This switching behaviour can be disengaged by setting the grading mode to something else.
- Brute force, Swat, and Fearless have had their implementations greatly improved.
- Immunities are now implemented for Burn, Freeze, Paralyze, Quake, Shock Attack, Sleep Charm, and Spookify. See here for the immunities chart used.
- v0.3.53 – 2016-05-10
- Added default boards for the update of April 26th 2016
- Corrected Chinesse translations for Zygarde Formes
- Stage name for main stage 150 for 3DS has been corrected to "Mega Mewtwo Y"
- Mega Rayquaza effect fix for issue #130
- v0.3.52 – 2016-05-01
- Added Azelf and corrected Unown ?'s entry number to allow it to be visible.
- v0.3.51 – 2016-04-30
- Increased score display limit to 999,999
- Added the google doc link for the mega guide for Pokemon Shuffle
- Added icon for Greninja (Ash's)
- Added functionality for manipulating icons on the board: Middle click (aka Mouse Button 2) or scroll wheel will swap the selected SpeciesPaint with the stored icon. The stored icon defaults to an empty cell.
- Updates for 3DS 1.3.8
- Updates for Mobile 1.5.13
- v0.3.50 – 2016-04-16
- Fixed Mega Charizard X's type
- Fixed bugs with Mega Progress in Survival Mode
- Default boards added for stages 251-350 and many Special/Expert stages. Thanks to /u/Manitary!
- Updates for 3DS 1.3.6
- Updates for Mobile 1.5.10
- Also added escalation health for Latios and Keldeo (Resolute). Thanks to /u/Manitary
- Readme is now a *.md format. Thanks to /u/Manitary
- Updated Build Process
- Update Checker is now invoked in a separate thread and will no longer block GUI responsiveness
- Stage data for main mobile stages have been corrected
- Effect activation rates and effects have been updated for 3DS
- Added a "Links" menu, with links for the latest release and the subreddit
- Improved adherence to UTF-8 encoding on all reads and writes to files
- v0.3.49 – 2016-03-29
- Express entry is now more logically consistent, including the freeze paint.
- Removed 3DS glitch code (fixed in game).
- Survival Mode added - An stage-isolated persistent team for use while working on Survival Mode.
- Roster levels can now be set up to 15, and attack power will match according to http://pastebin.com/08rfcFxv
- Updates for 3DS 1.3.0 - 1.3.4
- Updates for Mobile 1.5.8
- v0.3.48 – 2016-03-20
- Updates for 3DS 1.2.35
- Updates for Mobile 1.5.7
- v0.3.47 – 2016-03-02
- Fixed the logging bug (wasn't working for portable)
- Fixed the i18n problem with Flabebe
- Diancie's effect has been fixed
- Documents can now be internationalized
- French translations now added, including help, bug report, and update dialogs
- The "Name" filter box will now be wide enough in all languages
- Global GUI Scaling See here for details: https://github.com/Loreinator/Shuffle-Move/wiki/Display-Size-Configuration
- Metal blocks are now not advanced in express mode unless enabled via Move Preferences
- While in 3ds mode, the combo duplication glitch is simulated
- Updates for 3DS 1.2.34
- Updates for Mobile v1.5.6
- Escape and Enter now do something when a popup dialog is focused
- Mega Charizard X effect implemented
- v0.3.46 – 2016-02-20
- Mega Evolutions can now have a different type than their base species
- Extra entries have been added for Charizard and Mewtwo to for allow their "X" Mega Evolutions
- Starting with Diancie, escalation stages will scale their health according to the level
- Updates for Mobile v1.5.3
- Updates for 3DS v1.2.32
- Freeze paint now added! Added from the Team Editor, you can use it to paint freeze or thaw across the board. Use Ctrl-F to apply it everywhere at once.
- v0.3.45 – 2016-02-07
- Fixed Mega Swampert's Ability
- Updates for Mobile v1.5.2
- Updates for 3DS v1.2.31
- v0.3.44 – 2016-01-25
- Implemented Mega Rayquaza's ability
- v0.3.43 – 2016-01-19
- Updates for Mobile v1.4.6
- Updates for 3DS v1.2.30
- v0.3.42 – 2016-01-13
- Updates for Mobile v1.4.4
- Updates for 3DS v1.2.29
- Fixed a bug for stages available in one version and not the other.
- v0.3.41 – 2015-12-31
- Misc bug fixes with abilities and framework
- Tweaking Weekend Meowth grading mode again.
- Corrected all mobile stages moves and hp values
- Added updates for the patches on Dec 22nd.
- Added i18n and icon for Keldeo_r (Keldeo's Resolute form)
- Fixed an issue with Barrier Bash
- Added "MIN" and "MAX" as grading metric modifiers
- Fixed an issue with the initial grading mode being the hard-coded default regardless of configuration
- Effect multipliers are now set by configuration for both mobile and 3ds
- v0.3.40 – 2015-12-10
- Corrected Thundurus's type, and Mega Lucario stage # moves
- Added Boards, Species, and Stages for updates of December 8th 2015
- Stage Manager is now split into stages.txt and stages_mobile.txt because some stages have more health on mobile.
- Weekend Meowth grading mode has been tweaked based on feedback. It is now GOLD,PROGRESS,COMBOS where it used to be COMBOS,GOLD
- v0.3.39 – 2015-11-28
- Bug fix for the Bug report tool.
- Updates for Pokémon Shuffle v1.2.25
- Move Chooser's Do Move button has become more adaptable.
- When filtering roster or team species by mega, all shown icons are mega evolved.
- v0.3.38 – 2015-11-16
- Updates for Pokémon Shuffle v1.2.24
- v0.3.37 – 2015-11-09
- Updates for Pokémon Shuffle v1.2.23
- Load Default Board will now reset the score, moves, and mega progress, even if there is no default board.
- Load Default Board will now clear the board if there is no default board.
- v0.3.36 – 2015-10-26
- Updates for Pokémon Shuffle v1.2.22
- v0.3.35 – 2015-10-20
- In-program Help document improved
- All effects, stages, species, and default boards added for Pokémon Shuffle update 1.2.21
- Fixed a bug where the Paint Pallet's Moves dropdown tooltip wasn't updating for language changes
- v0.3.34 – 2015-10-12
- 4Combos+ grading mode added (behaves like score, but puts 4+ combos above all others)
- Tooltips added, and menu improvements thanks to Kpwbo
- Bug fixed for move chooser not updating language of title & buttons
- Stages, Species, and Default boards added for Pokémon Shuffle update 1.2.20
- Latios placeholder added to species.txt
- Mega Absol threshold corrected to 18 (down from 30)
- v0.3.33 – 2015-10-05
- Fixed a bug with the team editor's apply not working as intended
- Improved simulation accuracy when a Mega would de-activate a combo
- Added stage and default boards for Mega Absol and Palkia
- Adjusted the effect and species configurations for Absol and Palkia
- v0.3.32 – 2015-09-29
- Unfreezing blocks no longer causes a wood shatter, unless it is a Mega block
- v0.3.31 – 2015-09-28
- New Stage and Species added for Pokémon Shuffle's 1.2.18 update (Latias)
- Added the Latias Mega Effect
- Fixed a double-activation bug regarding fully frozen combos
- Changed the wiki link for the help doc included in the program to the GitHub wiki instead
- Improved the help document regarding recent changes
- v0.3.30 – 2015-09-18
- Configurable Grading Modes
- New Stages, Species, and Default Boards added for Pokémon Shuffle's 1.2.17 update
- Added Mega Charizard's Ability
- v0.3.29 – 2015-09-14
- German and Chinese translations updated
- Fix for mode switch bug on 'do move' when auto swap to paint is enabled
- Added Stage for Diancie
- Added Species for Diancie and Ho-oh
- Updated default board for Regirock
- Updated stage data for Regirock
- v0.3.28 – 2015-09-13
- Performance Improvements to the simulation - will no longer use more than one simulation if there is no real benefit (no complex randomness)
- i18n for Species have been updated/improved
- Implemented effects: Mega Boost++, Hyper Punch, Nosedive, Super Bolt
- Feeder 'height' disabled for now due to inconsistency with new simulation framework, will be re-implemented internally in a future version
- Move Chooser translations for Finnish have been updated
- Effect chances are no longer hard-coded
- Mobile effect chances can be toggled on in the move preferences window.
- Default number of feeders increased to 50
- v0.3.27 – 2015-09-08
- Relicanth and Shuckle AP corrected
- Chinese and German Translations updated
- Fix for Metal_1 bug
- Move Chooser visualization tweak for readability
- v0.3.26 – 2015-09-07
- When bug reports or updates are saved, their folder will automatically open for you.
- Default number of feeders increased to 20
- Metal blocks are now properly handled when vanishing
- Settle is now handled more accurately, using the number of instances you configure
- Move chooser is now a JTable instead of a JList, which greatly improves readability
- Metal blocks now shatter wood when they expire
- The new Move Chooser table will now retain your custom column order
- Translations updated
- Matches that cause Mega evolution no longer force-clear frozen tiles
- Fixed a bug when filtering by name in the roster and team editors (now follows localized name)
- Lugia and Carnivine order has been fixed
- Temporary fix for the GUI loading too large
- Test case added to guarantee settle behavior
- v0.3.25 – 2015-09-04
- Massive performance gains (about 80-85% reduction in simulation time)
- Mega Sharpedo added, and his stage
- All versioning is now auto generated from a single source
- v0.3.24 – 2015-09-02
- Finnish Translations updated
- New species and stages added
- Chinese Translations updated
- Default boards for all stages
- v0.3.23 – 2015-08-30
- Can now be launched portably, or with a customized save path
- Bug with bug report file names fixed
- Bug report file names improved (now includes time zone)
- Bug report detail improved
- Species names are now localized (does not include stages)
- Arrows can now navigate the board in express mode
- Move highly is now a background, cursor is double the thickness
- Falling wood blocks are now immune to shatter in the simulation
- v0.3.22 – 2015-08-26
- Bug fixes: Focus issue, last 3 abilities proc when there is 3 turns left, not from the 3rd turn.
- Abilities corrected: Sky Blast, Double Normal
- Save prompt now included if your data changes in any way, before you close.
- Translations updated
- Account for chain breaks due to thawing
- v0.3.21 – 2015-08-23
- Bug fixes
- v0.3.20 – 2015-08-23
- Metal blocks are now fully simulated - they expire after 5 turns, and disappear after moves are chosen and before they are simulated.
- HP and Score visualization improvements
- You can now fill the board with your selected Paint by pressing Ctrl-F or clicking the item in the Board menu
- The roster panel can now be filtered by team.
- Effects can now be told to only occur if they at least meet a threshold for likelihood (non-random check).
- A threshold of 0 will allow all effects, and a threshold of 100 will only allow 'without fail' effects.
- If the odds equal the threshold, the result is otherwise undefined.
- v0.3.19 – 2015-08-22
- Fix for settle taking a move away
- Team data checking and usage improved
- Finnish translations updated
- Effects can now be forced off via the Move Preferences window
- Off by one correction to combo multiplier query
- German translations updated
- Stage moves remaining can now be increased by up to 5 higher than the max for that stage
- Rounding error corrected for scores when using the 1.15 chain multiplier (core float adjustment)
- Attack Power Up can now be toggled on and off in the paint pallet. This effectively doubles the base power of all species in the simulation.
- v0.3.18 – 2015-08-17
- Bugfix for spellfixes not being adopted when upgrading
- Spellfixes for Vivillon and Terrakion
- v0.3.17 – 2015-08-17
- Visual bug with paint pallet not showing the scroll bar or allowing scrolling has been fixed.
- Health and Moves remaining is now modeled for all main stages and select special stages.
- Effects now simulated properly: Poisonous Mist, Downpour, Swarm, Steely Resolve, Vitality Drain, and Last Ditch Effort.
- Species updated for entries 2820-3030
- Stages added: 211-220, EX_25-EX_27, SP_303 (Darkrai)
- Stage updated: SP_003M (Mega Venusaur with move-based competition)
- v0.3.16 – 2015-08-14
- Updater will now tell you where the new *.zip is located.
- Simulation Accuracy improvements
- Effects with ++ in their name are properly displayed on the team and roster editor bottom label.
- Preferences default number of simulations per move is now 5 (up from 1) to better reflect randomness.
- None and Wood are no longer listed in the stages selector
- Freezing delay is now included in the simulation (1 additional frame before releasing a block)
- Mega Garchomp's Effect is included in both configuration and the simulation
- v0.3.15 – 2015-08-08
- Fixed a serious bug that was present whenever you had no Mega slot selected.
- Improved the build task script.
- v0.3.14 – 2015-08-06
- Changed working directory to user.home for all platforms
- Updated species and stages for the new content
- Now simulating Dragon Talon and Heavy Hitter appropriately
- Species configs will now update if they are out of date, automatically.
- Improved active Mega handling for frozen tiles
- Improved the Migration service, it will temporarily remember where you were looking.
- v0.3.13 – 2015-07-29
- Blaziken's Mega is now included
- Bug fixes
- Finnish translations updated
- v0.3.12 – 2015-07-23
- Species updated for new patch: Cresselia
- Including new stages: Cresselia, Blaziken, Wobbuffet
- New Effect added: BARRIER_BASH_P (Barrier Bash+)
- Barrier bash effect corrected
- Fixed a bug with the freezing toggle for paints
- Fixed a bug with effects not properly triggering in the simulation
- Improved the occurrence of all effects according to http://pastebin.com/5uvZBN8S
- Place-holders for most remaining effects added, with the odds mentioned above.
- Crowd Control is now much more accurately scored, thanks to the research of /u/JustAnotherRandomLad
- Fixed an issue where an initial Mega combo sometimes allowed a normal ability to also activate
- Fixed the attack bonus for AP 30 species as they level
- v0.3.11 – 2015-07-14
- Menu i18n keys updated
- v0.3.10 – 2015-07-12
- Sky Blast added for Braviary
- Unfreezing is now registered as a disruption again, in every way that an unfreeze action can occur.
- New Grading mode: Rank by Coordinate
- Updated the built-in preferences.txt to include the CELL_BORDER_THICK_OUTER key (defines the from & to border thickness).
- Fixed Manectric's ability thanks to /u/screw_dog
- Fixed Ampharos' ability thanks to /u/screw_dog
- Fixed a bug with prospective combo traversal - now using a TreeSet instead of a PriorityQueue
- v0.3.9 – 2015-07-09
- Chinese translations added
- Fonts for interface elements will now use the java default font, but inherit the size and style as defined in your configurations
- Some display bugs fixed
- Separated line thickness for inner and outer cell borders
- Fixed the fine point about Mega progress versus frozen states. The Mega increase will only increase for comboed unfrozen blocks now.
- Updated species and stages to include the new content
- Mega Manectric and Mega Heracross's abilities are now included
- Moves can be ranked by Mega Progress
- The Move Chooser information is much more detailed, including (if necessary) the range and average instead of just a truncated average.
- v0.3.8 – 2015-06-22
- Corrected Spiritomb's attack power
- Including missing feature from v0.3.5 (delete in express mode)
- Updated species list to include new species (Manaphy, Phione, etc.)
- v0.3.7 – 2015-06-15
- Fixed bug with Dialga's ability
- v0.3.6 – 2015-06-15
- Corrected Finnish translations
- Added stages for SP_Dialga, SP_Giratina, SP_Blastoise
- Added stages for ex22-24
- Added Dialga
- Added BLOCK_SMASH_P for Block Smash+ as an available effect.
- Windows Executable added, requires the jar to be in the same location as itself though.
- v0.3.5 – 2015-06-08
- Bug fix for a network issue.
- Included i18n for Finland
- Main window is now resizable
- Bug fix for the missing border on the selected paint for teams
- Pressing delete in express mode will now erase cells and advance the cursor
- Mega, Frozen, Coin, Metal, and Wood buttons and selectors are now included in the main interface.
- New species added: Giratina, stages 190-200.
- Effect rates updated
- Mega speedups included in roster editor, and accounted for in the simulation and interfaces
- Some responsiveness gains in the interface at the expense of simulation expediency (decreased thread priority to MIN_PRIORITY).
- Migration tool now works with legacy and current configurations.
- If the file ends with teams.txt or roster.txt it will be treated like the pre-v0.3.2 data files
- Otherwise, it is treated like the current teamsData.txt and rosterData.txt data files
- v0.3.4 – 2015-05-31
- Bug fix for score issue when you have more than one feeder on a stage with coins.
- v0.3.3 – 2015-05-30
- Shaymin added, Victini added
- All icons added, with their mappings.
- See config/defaults/icons.txt for the names to use for new species as they are added to the game.
- Bugfixes for Linux & Mac
- Update service interface rework and optimizations for a better user experience
- German Translations added
- Language selection added to Help menu
- Program can now load remotely via command line
- Roster and Teams editors gain new filter options: Mega (yes or any), and by effect (selected only, or any).
- New Team functionality - retains current team if the new stage doesn't have a non-empty team.
- Program is now packaged into a single jar for all required resources and functions fine in any OS or file system.
- Performance optimizations for all image loading
- No longer saves empty files
- Board defaults are now included inside the jar
- i18n is now open for any new language
- Release jar is now signed automatically
- Configurable size of teams and roster editor - saves position whenever you resize them and hit file-> save
- Lucario, Lopunny, and Kangaskhan bug fix for score and effect
- Ampharos bug fix for pattern of effect
- Simulation bug fix for score combo multipliers
- Effects now include:
- All Megas, Power of 4, Power of 5, Opportunist,
- Block Bash, Pummel, Burn, Pixie Power, Freeze,
- Pyre, Rock Break, Barrier Bash, Dancing Dragons,
- Sinister Power, Quake, Crowd Control, Counterattack,
- Hitting Streak, Damage Streak, Swat, Brute Force,
- Spookify, Stabilize, Stabilize+, Quirky, Quirky+
- Improved combo multiplier handling
- Improved image rendering, Bicubic image interpolation will be used if your renderer allows it (smoother icons)
- Mega progress tracking is now included, selectable via the teams editor and the team menu.
- v0.3.2 – 2015-05-24
- Config Framework rework
- I18n framework and base now included (translations welcome)
- Move chooser dialog
- Migration service
- Many interface components are customizable though configurations.
- Bug fixes for Mega Lucario, etc.
- Settle feature returns
- fix bug with the order of keybinds in the team editor
- added rock break and block bash
- v0.3.1 – 2015-05-19
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception for Mega Mewtwo Y
- v0.3.0 – 2015-05-18
- Complete rework, very little of v0.2.5 remains
- Teams and Roster editing included
- Smoother user experience overall
- Update checker improvements
- Simulation redesign to account for 1/120ths of a second resolution
- All Megas re-implemented to completely account for their actual effects
- Feeders added for the simulation (randomly generates blocks to fall into the board)
- Multithreading support for simulation (multicore CPUs will experience a performance advantage for the simulation)
- Teams are stage based
- In-program help and about documentation
- etc... the list goes on
- v0.2.5 – 2015-04-20
- Bug fix for renaming blocks with upper case letters to "M", then to something else
- v0.2.4 – 2015-04-18
- now includes Mega Aerodactyl. The only unsupported Mega is Ampharos now.
- auto update checking now implemented
- metal block hard-coded
- special blocks no longer appear on the block config panel
- air blocks do not appear in the paint pallet anymore, but are still fully functional
- v0.2.3
- compatibility fix block rows
- v0.2.2
- bug fixes for frozen handling, etc.
- save/load by type feature added
- v0.2 – 2015-04-15
- GUI release
- Many features added
- Program is now under GNU GPLv3
- v0.1 – 2015-04-12 Initial release