If your project is spread over multiple git repositories, it can be hard to keep track of all the open pull requests.
The gm_pr project gives you a simple web page where you can see all the open pull requests with the number of reviews, labels, milestones, etc.
As a bonus, we also have a Slack bot :-)
The recommended method to run gm_pr is to use the docker image.
A Dockerfile is available. Building and running the image can be done in a few lines:
docker build -t gm_pr .
docker volume create --name gmpr
# mount the volume in /var/www/gm_pr/rw for log and sqlite db
docker run -v gmpr:/var/www/gm_pr/rw -e GM_PR_ORG=MyOrg -e GM_PR_GITHUB_OAUTHTOKEN=xxxx -e GM_PR_ADMIN_LOGIN="admin" -e GM_PR_ADMIN_PASSWORD="admin" --name gm_pr -p 8000:80 -d gm_pr
- GM_PR_ORG: Your GitHub organisation
- GM_PR_GITHUB_OAUTHTOKEN: oauth token for your GitHub account, see https://github.com/settings/tokens
- GM_PR_ADMIN_LOGIN and GM_PR_ADMIN_PASSWORD configure a login/password for gm_pr administration
Now, you can simply point your browser to http://localhost:8000.
The prefered way to configure gm_pr is to set environment variables for docker. Alternatively, you can modify 2 files:
- gm_pr/settings.py: this is the standard Django configuration file
- gm_pr/settings_projects.py: configure your GitHub and Slack organization and authentication here.
Refer to the Django project if you want to change the configuration. Normally you should only need to adjust a few settings:
ALLOWED_HOSTS list the hosts allowed to connect to this app.
Use "*" to allow everything.
This is the first thing to check if you see a "Bad Request (400)"
This parameter is configurable with environment variable GM_PR_ALLOWED_HOSTS
STATIC_URL Add the full URL to your static directory
Open gm_pr/settings_projects.py and read the comments. You should be able to customize your installation by setting environment variables.
To add projects, visit the "admin/" page. Add a project then add all the related GitHub repos
You can also have some initial projects when starting docker with the
environment variable GM_PR_INITIAL_PROJECTS
eg: GM_PR_INITIAL_PROJECTS="Material design repos=material-design-lite,material-design-icons;GCM repos=gcm,go-gcm"
You can see your pull requests from Slack.
You need to add a "slash command" in Slack settings:
- Open https://my.slack.com/services/new/slash-commands
- Choose a command name, for eg: "/pr"
- For the URL, append "/bot/" to your gm_pr URL.
- In order to make things easy with the Django CSRF protection, you have to choose the GET method.
- Copy the token and add it in settings_project.py (SLACK_TOKEN)
- click on "Save Integration"
Then you need to add an incoming-webhook to let the bot send messages to Slack:
- Open https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
- Choose a channel (the bot will be able to override it, so it doesn't really matter what you enter)
- Copy the webhook URL in setting_project.py (SLACK_URL)
Now, go to the channel related to your project and type "/pr". After a few seconds the list of pull requests should appear in your channel.
: list of host allowed to connect on the app (default "*")GM_PR_GITHUB_OAUTHTOKEN
: GitHub oauth tokenGM_PR_ORG
: Info in the activity column (see settings_project.py)GM_PR_WEB_URL
: used by Slack bot, link to the web versionGM_PR_SLACK_TOKEN
: Slack tokenGM_PR_SLACK_URL
: number of days before a PR is marked as oldGM_PR_ADMIN_LOGIN
: Django admin loginGM_PR_ADMIN_EMAIL
: Django admin emailGM_PR_ADMIN_PASSWORD
: Django admin passwordGM_PR_INITIAL_PROJECTS
: comma-separated initial projects "project1=repo1,repo2;project2=repo3"GM_PR_DEFAULT_COLUMNS
: comma-separated list of columns to display (see settings_project.py)
You need to install Django for Python 3, Celery and RabbitMQ.
Here is the command line for macOS, using Homebrew:
brew doctor
brew update
brew install python3 rabbitmq-server
pip3 install -r requirements/commons.txt
On Debian-like systems:
sudo apt-get install python3 celeryd rabbitmq-server
sudo pip3 install -r requirements/commons.txt
Create a user and vhost for RabbitMQ:
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user gm_pr gm_pr
sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost gm_pr
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p gm_pr gm_pr ".*" ".*" ".*"
Run the following commands to start the server:
python3 manage.py migrate
env GM_PR_ORG=MyOrg GM_PR_ALLOWED_HOSTS="," python3 manage.py runserver
Run the following command in a new terminal:
env GM_PR_GITHUB_OAUTHTOKEN=xxxx python3 manage.py celeryd
Open the web page at http://localhost:8000
Gm_pr is an open-source project distributed under the Apache license version 2
If you like this project, click on the star button on GitHub :-)
Feel free to send us issues, and of course PRs!!