Releases: snowflakedb/gosnowflake
Releases · snowflakedb/gosnowflake
- Please check Snowflake community page for release notes.
- Please check Snowflake community page for release notes.
Production Release
- Please check our community page for release notes.
Production Release
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where file decryption was causing a panic.
- Reverted the go-ieproxy library back to version 0.0.1.
Production Release
- Add MultiFactor Authentication mechanism and caching for MFA/Id token.
- Fix issue where 405 error is thrown when S3 bucket acceleration is disabled.
Production Release
- Removed support for Go 1.7 and added support fro Go 1.17.
- Changed the format for float and numeric values when converting arrow types.
- Added the following functions to access data in arrow.Record format directly from queries:
- GetArrowBatches(), which is a blocking call
- GetQueryID()
- GetStatus()
- Updated Go vendors
Production Release
- Fixed the “Failed to decrypt. Check file key and master key” error that occurred when binding large data files via array binding.
- Updated the following:
- Added an example to show how to use key-pair authentication.
- Added the tracing connection parameter to enable logging in the connection string and DSN.
- Improved log details for chunk downloads.
- Added support for using interface slice []interface{} to insert NULL values via array binding for the time.Time types.
Production Release
- Fixed an issue where setting DisableTelemetry to TRUE did not disable telemetry.
- Fixed an issue with encrypted SAML assertions when authenticating with an external browser.
- Added support for using interface slice []interface{} to insert NULL values via array binding. Note that interface slices are not supported for the following data types: DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP_LTZ, TIMESTAMP_NTZ, and TIMESTAMP_TZ
Production Release
- Created a temporary workaround to avoid the “Failed to decrypt. Check file key and master key” error that occurred when binding large data files via array binding. Determining the root cause of the issue is currently under investigation.
Production Release
- Removed redundant calls that impacted performance for PrepareContext().