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İsmail Yılmaz ismail-yilmaz
ASM/C/C++ et al. Systems & network programming.

Ankara, Turkey

Matt Lambie mlambie
I like Brazilian jiu jitsu, coffee, Lego, comics, Xbox, endurance motorsport and cycling. Dad, husband, BJJ black belt, CTO.

@tomahawklabs Perth

Antonio Farinetti afarinetti
Engineer at @nasa (Software, Spacecraft Ground Navigation). Likes, comments, and repositories are my own.

@NASA Houston, Texas

Hamish Taylor Hamish-taylor
Just another software developer

Raygun @MindscapeHQ Wellington New Zealand

Fabien Penso penso
Ruby, Rust, Swift. Past projects: LinuxFr, BBC, Causes, Cloudscreener, Stuart, Accor, @kard, Beam, @public-awesome
Samu scristobal
Professional overthinker, stuff engineer and early optimizer of random code.


Nathan Campolina spectronp

Pirassununga - SP, Brazil

Ufuk ufuayk
Front-end Web Developer | UI/UX Designer | Blogger | GNU/Linux Enthusiast | Founder of @mbrell

@mbrell Turkey

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Marcelo Borges jmarcelomb
Embedded System Engineer

Synopsys Portugal

Andres Moreno Vasquez andriusmv
GIS weirdo | architecture & urban planning | ArcGIS Pro monkey | global development person | drone pilot | JavaScript & Python for ArcGIS

@EL-BID Washington, DC

Ron Waldon-Howe jokeyrhyme
gay, male, cisgender, husband, Beagle chew-toy, JavaScript jockey, Apple / Google apologist

@atlassian Gosford, NSW, Australia

Kalan Walmsley kalankaboom
Student in Life Sciences Engineering, EPFL 🌺
Andrew J. Stone andrewjstone

Oxide Computer Company

Clément Upsylonbare
Embedded software engineer. Sometimes trying to make stuff


ccoVeille ccoVeille
Smiling person, father of two, husband, Senior Developer/Architect; in that exact order 😄 Go, compulsive reviewer, golangci-lint, typos seeker

Villeurbanne, Rhône, France

Pierrot pierrot-lc
PhD in Neural Combinatorial Optimization at Inria Sophia Antipolis.

Inria Nice

Alexandre Pasmantier alexpasmantier

@DoctrineLegal Paris, France

Nikolay Kolev nikolay
A hacker, not a script kiddie. Opinions are my own. Code is all yours. 🇧🇬🇺🇸

@withcodery Irvine, CA, US

Coko Coko7
Automation is fun 🐘


Levi Zim kxxt
FOSS lover, Creator, Debugger, Hacker(disambiguation: not cracker). I love creating interesting POC or MVP projects and (hopefully not) abandon them afterwards


Andreas Gerlach appelgriebsch
M. Sc. Web Science. Principal Solution Architect Machine Connectivity at @basf #digital #farming. Love coding in #Rust and #Neovim.

@basf The Open #Web

Martin Ohmann martinohmann
Introducing technical dept since 1985. And I sometimes build stupid things, too.

Bonial International GmbH Berlin

Konrad Konieczny Psyhackological
Linux System Admin by day, Rustacean and CS student by night. I love automation and tinkering with FOSS software.

Nokia Wrocław, Poland

Jhonathan M. nathan2slime
Finding meaning in things @chibikiz


Tyler Weir tjweir Canada

Atakan Gul atakang7
A developer

Orion Innovation

Adan Alvarado aalvarado
Burak Güner atlj
React Native dev

@callstack Ankara, Turkey

Chleba Chleba
Prototypes Developer

Ubiquiti Prague