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This file contains individual changes for the OpenTelemetry package. For highlights and announcements covering all components see: Release Notes.



Released 2025-Mar-04


Released 2025-Jan-22


Released 2025-Jan-15

  • Meter.Tags will now be considered when resolving the SDK metric to update when measurements are recorded. Meters with the same name and different tags will now lead to unique metrics. (#5982)

  • Fixed a bug in tracing where TraceState set by a custom Sampler is not applied when creating propagation-only spans. (#6058)


Released 2024-Dec-11


Released 2024-Nov-12

  • Promoted the MetricPoint reclaim feature for Delta aggregation temporality from experimental to stable. (#5956)

    Previous Behavior: The SDK maintained a fixed set of MetricPoints which were assigned on a first-come basis based on the tags. MetricPoint reclaim was an experimental feature users could opt-into setting the environment variable OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_RECLAIM_UNUSED_METRIC_POINTS=true.

    New Behavior: MetricPoint reclaim is now enabled by default when Delta aggregation temporality is used without the need to set an environment variable. Unused MetricPoints will automatically be reclaimed and reused for future measurements. There is NO ability to revert to the old behavior.

  • Updated the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration and Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Abstractions package versions to 9.0.0. (#5967)


Released 2024-Nov-01

  • The experimental APIs previously covered by OTEL1003 (MetricStreamConfiguration.CardinalityLimit) are now part of the public API and supported in stable builds. (#5926)

  • Promoted overflow attribute from experimental to stable and removed the OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_EMIT_OVERFLOW_ATTRIBUTE environment variable. (#5909)

    Previous Behavior: By default, when the cardinality limit was reached, measurements were dropped, and an internal log was emitted the first time this occurred. Users could opt-into experimental overflow attribute feature with OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_EMIT_OVERFLOW_ATTRIBUTE=true. With this setting, the SDK would use an overflow attribute (otel.metric.overflow = true) to aggregate measurements instead of dropping measurements. No internal log was emitted in this case.

    New Behavior: The SDK now always uses the overflow attribute (otel.metric.overflow = true) to aggregate measurements when the cardinality limit is reached. The previous approach of dropping measurements has been removed. No internal logs are emitted when the limit is hit.

    The default cardinality limit remains 2000 per metric. To set the cardinality limit for an individual metric, use the changing cardinality limit for a Metric.

    There is NO ability to revert to old behavior.

  • Exposed a public constructor on Batch<T> which accepts a single instance of T to be contained in the batch. (#5642)


Released 2024-Sep-30

  • Added OpenTelemetrySdk.Create API for configuring OpenTelemetry .NET signals (logging, tracing, and metrics) via a single builder. This new API simplifies bootstrap and teardown, and supports cross-cutting extensions targeting IOpenTelemetryBuilder. (#5325)

  • Updated the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration and Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Abstractions packages version to 9.0.0-rc.1.24431.7. (#5853)

  • Added support in metrics for histogram bucket boundaries set via the .NET 9 InstrumentAdvice<T> API.

    Note: With this change explicit bucket histogram boundary resolution will apply in the following order:

    1. View API
    2. Advice API
    3. SDK defaults

    See #5854 for details.

  • Added support for collecting metrics emitted via the .NET 9 Gauge<T> API. (#5867)


Released 2024-Jun-14


Released 2024-Jun-07

  • The experimental APIs previously covered by OTEL1000 (LoggerProviderBuilder AddProcessor & ConfigureResource extensions, and LoggerProvider ForceFlush & Shutdown extensions) are now part of the public API and supported in stable builds. (#5648)


Released 2024-May-20

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): Exposed ExemplarReservoir as a public API and added support for setting an ExemplarReservoir factory function when configuring a view (applies to individual metrics). (#5542)

  • Fixed a race condition for the experimental MetricPoint reclaim scenario (enabled via OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_RECLAIM_UNUSED_METRIC_POINTS) which could have led to a measurement being dropped. (#5546)

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): Exposed FixedSizeExemplarReservoir as a public API to support custom implementations of ExemplarReservoir which may be configured using the ExemplarReservoirFactory property on the View API. (#5558)

  • The experimental APIs previously covered by OTEL1002 (Exemplar, ExemplarFilterType, MeterProviderBuilder.SetExemplarFilter, ReadOnlyExemplarCollection, ReadOnlyFilteredTagCollection, & MetricPoint.TryGetExemplars) are now part of the public API and supported in stable builds. (#5607)

  • Fixed the nullable annotations for the SamplingResult constructors to allow null being supplied as attributes or traceStateString which has always been supported. (#5614)

  • The ExemplarFilter used by SDK MeterProviders for histogram metrics can now be controlled via the experimental OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_EXEMPLAR_FILTER_HISTOGRAMS environment variable. The supported values are: always_off, always_on, and trace_based. (#5611)


Released 2024-Apr-17

  • Fixed an issue in Logging where unwanted objects (processors, exporters, etc.) could be created inside delegates automatically executed by the Options API during configuration reload. (#5514)


Released 2024-Apr-02


Released 2024-Mar-27

  • TracerProviders can now have a sampler configured via the OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER environment variable. The supported values are: always_off, always_on, traceidratio, parentbased_always_on, parentbased_always_off, and parentbased_traceidratio. The options traceidratio and parentbased_traceidratio may have the sampler probability configured via the OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG environment variable. For details see: OpenTelemetry Environment Variable Specification. (#5448)


Released 2024-Mar-14

  • Throw NotSupportedException when using SetErrorStatusOnException method for Tracing in Mono Runtime and Native AOT environment because the dependent Marshal.GetExceptionPointers() API is not supported on these platforms. (#5374)

  • Fixed an issue where LogRecord.Attributes (or LogRecord.StateValues alias) could become out of sync with LogRecord.State if either is set directly via the public setters. This was done to further mitigate issues introduced in 1.5.0 causing attributes added using custom processor(s) to be missing after upgrading. For details see: (#5169)

  • Fixed an issue where SimpleExemplarReservoir was not resetting internal state for cumulative temporality. (#5230)

  • Fixed an issue causing LogRecords to be incorrectly reused when wrapping an instance of BatchLogRecordExportProcessor inside another BaseProcessor<LogRecord> which leads to missing or incorrect data during export. (#5255)

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): Added support for setting CardinalityLimit (the maximum number of data points allowed for a metric) when configuring a view (applies to individual metrics) and obsoleted MeterProviderBuilderExtensions.SetMaxMetricPointsPerMetricStream (previously applied to all metrics). The default cardinality limit for metrics remains at 2000. (#5312, #5328)

  • Updated LogRecord to keep CategoryName and Logger in sync when using the experimental Log Bridge API. #5317

  • Added OpenTelemetryBuilderSdkExtensions class which contains extension methods (ConfigureResource, WithMetrics, WithTracing, and experimental WithLogging) for the IOpenTelemetryBuilder interface. (#5265)

  • Added Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Abstractions dependency so that the IOpenTelemetryBuilder.WithMetrics extension method can configure IMetricsListener. (#5265)

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): The Exemplar.FilteredTags property now returns a ReadOnlyFilteredTagCollection instance and the Exemplar.LongValue property has been added. The MetricPoint.GetExemplars method has been replaced by MetricPoint.TryGetExemplars which outputs a ReadOnlyExemplarCollection instance. These are breaking changes for metrics exporters which support exemplars. (#5386)

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): Added support for exemplars when using Base2 Exponential Bucket Histogram Aggregation configured via the View API. (#5396)

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): Removed the ExemplarFilter, AlwaysOffExemplarFilter, AlwaysOnExemplarFilter, and TraceBasedExemplarFilter APIs. The MeterProviderBuilder.SetExemplarFilter extension method now accepts an ExemplarFilterType enumeration (which contains definitions for the supported filter types AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn, and TraceBased) instead of an ExemplarFilter instance. This was done in response to changes made to the OpenTelemetry Metrics SDK Specification. (#5404)

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only): The ExemplarFilter used by SDK MeterProviders can now be controlled via the OTEL_METRICS_EXEMPLAR_FILTER environment variable. The supported values are: always_off, always_on, and trace_based. For details see: OpenTelemetry Environment Variable Specification. (#5412)


Released 2023-Dec-08


Released 2023-Nov-29

  • The AddService ResourceBuilder extension method will now generate the same for the lifetime of a process when autoGenerateServiceInstanceId is true. (#4988)

  • Fixed a Metrics SDK bug which led to ExemplarReservoir.Offer always being called regardless of whether or not the ExemplarFilter sampled the measurement. (#5004) (#5016)

  • Update Metrics SDK to override the default histogram buckets for the following metrics from ASP.NET Core and HttpClient runtime:

    • signalr.server.connection.duration
    • kestrel.connection.duration
    • http.client.connection.duration

    These histogram metrics which have their Unit as s (second) will have their default histogram buckets as [ 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300 ]. (#5008) (#5021)

  • Remove the bucket with value 0 for histogram buckets for all metrics from ASP.NET Core and HttpClient. (#5021)

  • Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration package version to 8.0.0. (#5051)

  • Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Logging package version to 8.0.0. (#5051)

  • Revert the default behavior of Metrics SDK for Delta aggregation. It would not reclaim unused Metric Points by default. You can enable the SDK to reclaim unused Metric Points by setting the environment variable OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_RECLAIM_UNUSED_METRIC_POINTS to true before setting up the MeterProvider. (#5052)

  • Update Metrics SDK to override the default histogram buckets for ASP.NET (.NET Framework).

    Histogram metrics for the meter name OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNet and instrument name http.request.server.duration which have their Unit as s (second) will have their default histogram buckets as [ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 ]. (#5063)

  • Added AddProcessor overload on OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions which exposes the factory pattern (Func<IServiceProvider, BaseProcessor<LogRecord>> implementationFactory). (#4916)

  • Add support for Instrumentation Scope Attributes (i.e Meter Tags), fixing issue #4563. (#5089)

  • Added the ILoggingBuilder.UseOpenTelemetry experimental API extension for registering OpenTelemetry ILogger integration using LoggerProviderBuilder which supports the full DI (IServiceCollection \ IServiceProvider) API surface (mirrors tracing & metrics). (#5072)

  • Changed the ILoggingBuilder registration extensions (AddOpenTelemetry & UseOpenTelemetry) to fire the optional OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions configuration delegate AFTER the "Logging:OpenTelemetry" IConfiguration section has been applied. (#5072)


Released 2023-Oct-16

  • Update AggregatorStore to reclaim unused MetricPoints for Delta aggregation temporality. (#4486)

  • Fixed a bug where TracerProviderBuilderBase was not invoking the instrumentationFactory delegate passed to the protected AddInstrumentation method. (#4873)

  • Allowed metric instrument names to contain / characters. (#4882)

  • Breaking Change [Tracer|Meter|Logger]ProviderBuilder.Build extension will now throw a NotSupportedException if invoked on a non-SDK builder type. Previously it would return null. (#4885)

  • Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Logging package version to 8.0.0-rc.1.23419.4. (#4920, #4933)


Released 2023-Sep-05

  • Increased the character limit of the Meter instrument name from 63 to 255. (#4798)

  • Update default size for SimpleExemplarReservoir to 1. (#4803)

  • Update Metrics SDK to override the default histogram buckets for a set of well-known histogram metrics from ASP.NET Core and HttpClient runtime. These histogram metrics which have their Unit as s (second) will have their default histogram buckets as [ 0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 ]. (#4820)


Released 2023-Aug-21

  • Experimental Feature Added an opt-in feature to aggregate any metric measurements that were dropped due to reaching the max MetricPoints limit. When this feature is enabled, SDK would aggregate such measurements using a reserved MetricPoint with a single tag with key as otel.metric.overflow and value as true. The feature is turned-off by default. You can enable it by setting the environment variable OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_METRICS_EMIT_OVERFLOW_ATTRIBUTE to true before setting up the MeterProvider. (#4737)


Released 2023-Jul-12

  • Experimental (pre-release builds only):

  • Fix the issue of potentially running into the ArgumentException: An instance of EventSource with Guid af2d5796-946b-50cb-5f76-166a609afcbb already exists. when using any of the following exporters: ConsoleExporter, OtlpExporter, ZipkinExporter, JaegerExporter.


Released 2023-Jun-26

  • Fixed a breaking change causing LogRecord.State to be null where it was previously set to a valid value when OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions.ParseStateValues is false and states implement IReadOnlyList or IEnumerable of KeyValuePair<string, object>s. (#4609)

  • Breaking Change Removed the support for parsing TState types passed to the ILogger.Log<TState> API when ParseStateValues is true and TState does not implement either IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>> or IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>. This feature was first introduced in the 1.5.0 stable release with #4334 and has been removed because it makes the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK incompatible with native AOT. (#4614)


Released 2023-Jun-05

  • Fixed a bug introduced by #4508 in 1.5.0-rc.1 which caused the "Build" extension to return null when performing chained/fluent calls. (#4529)

  • Marked Exemplars and related APIs internal as the spec for Exemplars is not stable yet. This would be added back in the 1.6.* prerelease versions right after 1.5.0 stable version is released. (#4533)


Released 2023-May-25

  • The default resource provided by ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault() now adds the telemetry.sdk.* attributes defined in the specification. (#4369)

  • Fixed an issue with HashCode computations throwing exceptions on .NET Standard 2.1 targets. (#4362)

  • Update value of the resource attribute telemetry.sdk.version to show the tag name which resembles the package version of the SDK. (#4375)

  • Obsoleted State and StateValues properties and added Body and Attributes properties on LogRecord. Note: LogRecord.Attributes and LogRecord.StateValues point to the same data. "Attributes" is what the OpenTelemetry Specification defines so this was changed for clarity & consistency with the specification. (#4334)

  • Tweaked the behavior of the OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions.ParseStateValues flag:

    • LogRecord.Attributes (aka LogRecord.StateValues) are now automatically included for all log messages with states implementing IReadOnlyList or IEnumerable.

    • OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions.ParseStateValues is now used to tell the SDK to parse (using reflection) attributes for custom states which do not implement IReadOnlyList or IEnumerable. Only top-level properties are included.

    • LogRecord.State will only be set to the raw state object if no attributes are found.

    See #4334 for details.

  • If a template ({OriginalFormat} attribute) cannot be found on log messages a formatted message will now automatically be generated (even if OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions.IncludeFormattedMessage is set to false). (#4334)


Released 2023-Mar-31

  • Enabling SetErrorStatusOnException on TracerProvider will now set the Status property on Activity to ActivityStatusCode.Error in case of an error. This will be done in addition to current behavior of setting otel.status_code tag on activity. (#4336)

  • Add support for configuring the Base2 Exponential Bucket Histogram Aggregation using the AddView API. This aggregation is supported by OTLP but not yet by Prometheus. (#4337)

  • Implementation of SuppressInstrumentationScope changed to improve performance. (#4304)


Released 2023-Mar-07

  • Added Exemplar support. See exemplars for instructions to enable exemplars.

  • Added AddDetector factory overload on ResourceBuilder. (#4261)


Released 2023-Feb-24


Released 2023-Feb-10

  • Removed the dependency on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (#4140)

  • Moved the AddOpenTelemetry extension into the OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting package so that the StartWithHost API could be removed. (#4174)


Released 2023-Feb-01

  • Removed the dependency on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables (#4092)

  • Removed the explicit reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Options version 5.0 and reverted back to the transitive reference of version 3.1 (#4093)

  • Added SetSampler, AddProcessor, & AddReader factory extensions. (#4103)


Released 2023-Jan-09

  • Performance Improvement: Update the internal structure used to store metric dimensions from a combination of string[] and object[] to a KeyValuePair<string, object>[]. This results in faster copying of the metric dimensions required for MetricPoint lookup on the hot path. (#4059)


Released 2022-Dec-12

  • Added dependency injection support in the ResourceBuilder class and added support for loading environment variables from IConfiguration for the AddEnvironmentVariableDetector extension (Logs) (#3889)

  • Refactored AddInstrumentation, ConfigureServices and ConfigureBuilder APIs into the OpenTelemetry.Extensions.DependencyInjection package and added the IServiceCollection.AddOpenTelemetry API (#3923)

  • Removed ConfigureResource on OpenTelemetryLoggingOptions (#3999)


Released 2022-Nov-07

  • Fix instrument naming enforcement implementation to match the spec. (#3821)

  • Added support for loading environment variables from IConfiguration when using the MetricReaderOptions & BatchExportActivityProcessorOptions classes. (#3760, #3776)

  • Added dependency injection support in the ResourceBuilder class and added support for loading environment variables from IConfiguration for the AddEnvironmentVariableDetector extension (Traces & Metrics) (#3782, #3798)

  • Breaking: MetricPoint API to retrieve Histogram Min, Max changed. The existing pattern of checking if Min/Max is available with HasMinMax() and then retrieving the same using GetHistogramMin(), GetHistogramMax() is replaced with a single API TryGetHistogramMinMaxValues(out double min, out double max). (#3822)


Released 2022-Oct-17

  • Make recording of Min and Max for histograms configurable, enabled by default. (#2735)

  • Changed default bucket boundaries for Explicit Bucket Histogram from [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 1000] to [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000]. (#3722)

  • Fixed an issue where LogRecord.ForEachScope may return scopes from a previous log if accessed in a custom processor before BatchLogRecordExportProcessor.OnEnd is fired. (#3731)

  • Added support for loading environment variables from IConfiguration when using TracerProviderBuilder or MeterProviderBuilder (#3720)


Released 2022-Sep-29

  • Use binary search for histograms with 50 or more supplied boundaries. (#3252)

  • Allows samplers the ability to modify tracestate if desired. (#3610)

  • Added support for UpDownCounter and ObservableUpDownCounter instruments. (#3606)

  • Added support for dependency injection scenarios when configuring MeterProvider. (#3646)

  • Revert new logging APIs pending OTel specification changes. (#3702)

  • Fix Histogram synchronization issue: Use the same synchronization mechanism for Histograms Update and Snapshot. (#3534)


Released 2022-Aug-18

  • Added Sdk.CreateLoggerProviderBuilder method and support for dependency injection scenarios when configuring OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider (#3504)

  • Added support for dependency injection scenarios when configuring TracerProvider (#3533)


Released 2022-Aug-02

  • TracerProviderSDK modified for spans with remote parent. For such spans activity will be created irrespective of SamplingResult, to maintain context propagation. (#3329)
  • Fix issue where a measurement would be dropped when recording it with a null-valued tag. (#3325)
  • CompositeProcessor will now ensure ParentProvider is set on its children (#3368)
  • Added ForceFlush and helper ctors on OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider (#3364)
  • Timestamp, TraceId, SpanId, TraceFlags, TraceState, CategoryName, LogLevel, EventId, & Exception properties on LogRecord now expose set methods (#3378)
  • Handle possible exception when initializing the default service name. (#3405)
  • Add ConfigureResource which can replace SetResourceBuilder more succinctly in most cases and has greater flexibility (applies to TracerProviderBuilder, MeterProviderBuilder, OpenTelemetryLoggingOptions). (#3307)
  • LogRecord instances are now reused to reduce memory pressure (#3385)
  • Fix exact match of activity source name when wildcard is used. (#3446)
  • Added AddOpenTelemetry ILoggingBuilder extensions which accept OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider directly (#3489)


Released 2022-Jun-03


Released 2022-June-1

  • Fix null reference exception when a metric view does not match an instrument. (#3285)
  • Swallow ObjectDisposedException in BatchExportProcessor and PeriodicExportingMetricReader. (#3291)


Released 2022-May-16

  • Exposed public setters for LogRecord.State, LogRecord.StateValues, and LogRecord.FormattedMessage. (#3217)


Released 2022-Apr-15

  • Removes .NET Framework 4.6.1. The minimum .NET Framework version supported is .NET 4.6.2. (#3190)
  • Bumped minimum required version of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration to 3.1.0 (#2582)


Released 2022-Apr-15

  • Make setter for MetricReaderOptions.PeriodicExportingMetricReaderOptions property public. (#3184)


Released 2022-Apr-12

  • Removed the Temporality setting on MetricReader and replaced it with TemporalityPreference. This is a breaking change. TemporalityPreference is used to determine the AggregationTemporality used on a per-instrument kind basis. Currently, there are two preferences:
    • Cumulative: Measurements from all instrument kinds are aggregated using AggregationTemporality.Cumulative.
    • Delta: Measurements from Counter, ObservableCounter, and Histogram instruments are aggregated using AggregationTemporality.Delta. When UpDownCounters are supported with DiagnosticSource version 7.0 onwards, they will be aggregated using AggregationTemporality.Cumulative. (#3153)
  • Fix issue where ExplicitBucketHistogramConfiguration could be used to configure metric streams for instruments that are not histograms. Currently, it is not possible to change the aggregation of an instrument with views. This may be possible in the future. (#3126)
  • Conformed to the specification to ensure that each view that an instrument matches results in a new metric stream. With this change it is possible for views to introduce conflicting metric streams. Any conflicts encountered will result in a diagnostic log. (#3148)


Released 2022-Mar-30

  • The PeriodicExportingMetricReader now accepts an ExportIntervalMilliseconds of -1 indicating an infinite export interval period. (#2982)
  • Fix bug where multiple views selecting a single instrument can result in duplicate updates to a single metric point. (#3006)
  • Added the PeriodicExportingMetricReaderOptions.ExportTimeoutMilliseconds option. (#3038)
  • Removed MetricReaderType. This enumeration was previously used when configuring a metric reader with an exporter to configure whether the export cycle would be periodic or manual (i.e., requiring a explicit call to flush metrics). This change affects the push-based metric exporters: OTLP, Console, and InMemory. For these exporters, a manual export cycle can now be achieved by setting PeriodicExportingMetricReaderOptions.ExportIntervalMilliseconds to -1. (#3038)
  • Marked members of the MetricPoint struct which do not mutate state as readonly (#3065)
  • [Bug fix] OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider is now unaffected by changes to OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions after the LoggerFactory is built. (#3055)


Released 2022-Mar-04

  • Instantiating multiple metric instruments with the same name and also identical in all other respects - same type, description, and unit - result in a single metric stream aggregating measurements from all the identical instruments. Instantiating multiple metric instruments with the same name but differ in some respect - different type, description, or unit - will result in a separate metric stream for each distinct instrument. (#2916)
  • The Meter property on OpenTelemetry.Metrics.Metric has been removed. It now has MeterName and MeterVersion properties. (#2916)
  • Added support for implementing custom ResourceDetector. (#2949 #2897)
  • Perf improvement for Histogram and HistogramSumCount by implementing lock-free updates. (#2951 #2961)


Released 2022-Feb-02

  • Make MetricPoint of MetricPointAccessor readonly. (#2736)
  • Fail-fast when using AddView with guaranteed conflict. (#2751)
  • Swallow ObjectDisposedException from the BatchExportProcessor worker thread. (#2844)
  • Performance improvement: when emitting metrics, users are strongly advised to provide tags with same Key order, to achieve maximum performance. (#2805)


Released 2021-Nov-29

  • Prevent accessing activity Id before sampler runs in case of legacy activities. (#2659)
  • Added ReadOnlyTagCollection and expose Tags on MetricPoint instead of Keys+Values (#2642)
  • Refactored MetricPoint and added public methods: GetBucketCounts, GetExplicitBounds, GetHistogramCount, and GetHistogramSum (#2657)
  • Remove MetricStreamConfiguration.Aggregation, as the feature to customize aggregation is not implemented yet. (#2660)
  • Removed the public property HistogramMeasurements and added a public method GetHistogramBuckets instead. Renamed the class HistogramMeasurements to HistogramBuckets and added an enumerator of type HistogramBucket for enumerating BucketCounts and ExplicitBounds. Removed GetBucketCounts and GetExplicitBounds methods from MetricPoint. (#2664)
  • Refactored temporality setting to align with the latest spec. (#2666)
  • Removed the public properties LongValue, DoubleValue, in favor of their counterpart public methods GetSumLong, GetSumDouble, GetGaugeLastValueLong, GetGaugeLastValueDouble. (#2667)
  • MetricType modified to reserve bits for future types. (#2693)


Released 2021-Nov-19

  • Renamed HistogramConfiguration to ExplicitBucketHistogramConfiguration and changed its member BucketBounds to Boundaries. (#2638)
  • Metrics with the same name but from different meters are allowed. (#2634)
  • Metrics SDK will not provide inactive Metrics to delta exporter. (#2629)
  • Histogram bounds are validated when added to a View. (#2573)
  • Changed BatchExportActivityProcessorOptions constructor to throw FormatException if it fails to parse any of the supported environment variables.
  • Added BaseExporter.ForceFlush. (#2525)
  • Exposed public Batch(T[] items, int count) constructor on Batch<T> struct (#2542)
  • Added wildcard support for AddMeter. (#2459)
  • Add support for multiple Metric readers (#2596)
  • Add ability to configure MaxMetricStreams, MaxMetricPointsPerMetricStream (#2635)


Released 2021-Oct-08

  • Exception from Observable instrument callbacks does not result in entire metrics being lost.
  • SDK is allocation-free on recording of measurements with up to 8 tags.
  • TracerProviderBuilder.AddLegacySource now supports wildcard activity names. (#2183)
  • Instrument and View names are validated according with the spec. (#2470)


Released 2021-Sep-23

  • BatchExportProcessor.OnShutdown will now log the count of dropped telemetry items. (#2331)
  • Changed CompositeProcessor<T>.OnForceFlush to meet with the spec requirement. Now the SDK will invoke ForceFlush on all registered processors, even if there is a timeout. (#2388)


Released 2021-Sep-13

  • Metrics perf improvements, bug fixes. Replace MetricProcessor with MetricReader. (#2306)
  • Add BatchExportActivityProcessorOptions which supports field value overriding using OTEL_BSP_SCHEDULE_DELAY, OTEL_BSP_EXPORT_TIMEOUT, OTEL_BSP_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, OTEL_BSP_MAX_EXPORT_BATCH_SIZE environmental variables as defined in the specification. (#2219)


Released 2021-Aug-24

  • More Metrics features. All instrument types, push/pull exporters, Delta/Cumulative temporality supported.
  • ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault has detectors for OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES, OTEL_SERVICE_NAME environment variables so that explicit AddEnvironmentVariableDetector call is not needed. (#2247)
  • ResourceBuilder.AddEnvironmentVariableDetector handles OTEL_SERVICE_NAME environmental variable. (#2209)
  • Removes upper constraint for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging dependencies. (#2179)
  • OpenTelemetryLogger modified to not throw, when the formatter supplied in ILogger.Log call is null. (#2200)


Released 2021-Jul-23

  • Add basic Metrics support with a single pipeline, and supporting Counter (sync) instrument. Push and Pull exporters are supported. (#2174)
  • Removes .NET Framework 4.5.2, .NET 4.6 support. The minimum .NET Framework version supported is .NET 4.6.1. (#2138)


Released 2021-Jul-12


Released 2021-Jun-25

  • Moved IDeferredTracerProviderBuilder to API library. (#2058)


Released 2021-Jun-09


Released 2021-May-11

  • AddLegacySource() moved out of TracerProviderBuilderExtensions and into public API (#2019)
  • Fixed an issue causing inconsistent log scopes when using BatchLogRecordExportProcessor. To make parsing scopes easier the LogRecord.ForEachScope signature has been changed to receive instances of LogRecordScope (a new type which implements IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, object>> for accessing scope items) (#2026)


Released 2021-Apr-23

  • Use AssemblyFileVersionAttribute instead of FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo to get the SDK version attribute to ensure that it works when the assembly is not loaded directly from a file on disk (#1908)


Released 2021-Mar-19

  • Removed SuppressScope Increment/Decrement from DiagnosticSourceListeners. (1893)
  • Added TracerProviderBuilder.SetErrorStatusOnException which automatically sets the activity status to Error when exception happened. (#1858 #1875)
  • Added ForceFlush to TracerProvider. (#1837)
  • Added a TracerProviderBuilder extension method called AddLegacySource which is used by instrumentation libraries that use DiagnosticSource to get activities processed without ActivitySourceAdapter. #1836 #1860
  • Added new constructor with optional parameters to allow customization of ParentBasedSampler behavior. (#1727)
  • The application base directory is now tested after the current directory when searching for the self diagnostic configuration file. (#1865)
  • Resource Attributes now accept primitive arrays as values. (#1852)
  • Fixed #1846: ParentBasedSampler will no longer explicitly consider Activity links. (#1851)
  • Added IncludeScopes, IncludeFormattedMessage, & ParseStateValues on OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions. Added FormattedMessage, StateValues, & ForEachScope on LogRecord. (#1869 #1883)
  • Added SetResourceBuilder support to OpenTelemetryLoggerOptions. (#1913)
  • Added IDeferredTracerProviderBuilder and TracerProviderBuilderBase to support dependency injection through OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting. (#1889)


Released 2021-Feb-10


Released 2021-Feb-09


Released 2021-Feb-04

  • Default Resource will now contain instead of Telemetry SDK. (#1744)
  • Added GetDefaultResource() method to Provider. (#1768)


Released 2021-Jan-29

  • The following extension methods on ResourceBuilder has been moved from the OpenTelemetry namespace to the OpenTelemetry.Resources namespace: AddEnvironmentVariableDetector, AddAttributes, AddService, and AddTelemetrySdk. (#1576)
  • Metrics API/SDK support is in an experimental state and is not recommended for production use. All metric APIs have been marked with the Obsolete attribute. See #1501 for more information. (#1611)
  • Modified SimpleExportProcessor and BatchExportProcessor to abstract classes; Added SimpleActivityExportProcessor, SimpleLogRecordExportProcessor, BatchActivityExportProcessor, BatchLogRecordExportProcessor; Added the check for Activity.Recorded in SimpleActivityExportProcessor and BatchActivityExportProcessor (#1622)
  • Added check in ActivitySourceAdapter class for root activity if trace ID is overridden by calling SetParentId (#1355)
  • Resource Attributes now accept int, short, and float as values, converting them to supported data types (long for int/short, double for float). For invalid attributes we now throw an exception instead of logging an error. (#1720)
  • Merging "this" resource with an "other" resource now prioritizes the "other" resource's attributes in a conflict. We've rectified to follow a recent change to the spec. We previously prioritized "this" resource's tags. (#1728)
  • BatchExportProcessor will now flush any remaining spans left in a Batch after the export operation has completed. (#1726)
  • Fixed a bug to allow the Self Diagnostics log file to be opened simultaneously by another process in read-only mode for .NET Framework. (#1693)
  • Metrics removed as it is not part 1.0.0 release. See issue #1501 for details on Metric release plans.
  • Fix Resource attribute telemetry.sdk.version to have correct file version.
  • Metrics removed as it is not part 1.0.0 release. See issue #1501 for details on Metric release plans.


Released 2020-Nov-17

  • Removed GetResource and SetResource Activity extension methods. Added GetResource extension method on BaseProvider (#1463)
  • Added ParentProvider property on BaseProcessor and BaseExporter classes. (#1463)
  • Resource is no longer added to observed Activity objects as a CustomProperty. (#1463)
  • Removed ReentrantExportProcessor as it is not required by spec. (#1496)
  • ActivitySourceAdapter supports setting ActivitySource for Activities created without ActivitySource. (#1515)
  • Implemented Shutdown for TracerProvider. (#1489)
  • Resources.CreateServiceResource has been removed in favor of the ResourceBuilder API. (#1533)
  • TracerProviderBuilder.SetResource has been changed to TracerProviderBuilder.SetResourceBuilder. (#1533)
  • By default TracerProvider will set a Resource containing Telemetry SDK details (#1533):
    • = opentelemetry
    • telemetry.sdk.language = dotnet
    • telemetry.sdk.version = [SDK version]
  • Resource constructor marked as internal, as ResourceBuilder is the recommended API to build resources. (#1566)
  • Changed BaseExportProcessor to have it override OnExport instead of OnEnd; Added check for ActivityTraceFlags to BaseExportProcessor OnEnd (#1574)


Released 2020-Nov-5

  • TracerProviderBuilder API changes Renamed AddInstrumentation to AddDiagnosticSourceInstrumentation and made internal. Added AddInstrumentation (#1454)
  • DiagnosticSource subscription helper classes (DiagnosticSourceSubscriber, ListenerHandler,PropertyFetcher) are made internal.


Released 2020-Oct-16

  • Changed ActivityExporter.OnShutdown, ActivityExporter.Shutdown, ActivityProcessor.OnShutdown and ActivityProcessor.Shutdown to return boolean value (#1282 #1285)
  • Renamed SamplingDecision options (NotRecord to Drop, Record to RecordOnly, and RecordAndSampled to RecordAndSample) (#1297)
  • Added ILogger/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging integration (#1308 #1315)
  • Changed exporter and processor to generic types (#1328):
    • ActivityExporter changed to BaseExporter<Activity>
    • ActivityProcessor changed to BaseProcessor<Activity>
    • BatchExportActivityProcessor changed to BatchExportProcessor<Activity>
    • ReentrantExportActivityProcessor changed to ReentrantExportProcessor<Activity>
    • SimpleExportActivityProcessor changed to SimpleExportProcessor<Activity>


Released 2020-Sep-15

  • Fixes 953
  • Changes arising from DiagnosticSource changes (#1203)
  • PropertyFetcher is now public (#1232)
  • PropertyFetcher changed to PropertyFetcher<T> (#1238)


Released 2020-08-28

  • Changed ActivityProcessor to implement IDisposable (#975)
  • Samplers now get the actual TraceId of the Activity to be created. (#1007)
  • Changed the default sampler from AlwaysOn to ParentOrElse(AlwaysOn) to match the spec (#1013)
  • Added SuppressInstrumentationScope API (#988 #1067)
  • Changed BroadcastActivityProcessor to FanOutActivityProcessor (#1015)
  • Changed TracerProviderBuilder and TracerProviderSdk design to simply the flow and usage (#1008 #1027 #1035)
  • Changed AddActivitySource to AddSource with params support (#1036)
  • Modified Sampler implementation to match the spec (#1037)
  • Refactored simple export and batch export APIs (#1078 #1081 #1083 #1085 #1087 #1094 #1113 #1127 #1129 #1135)
  • Changed MeterProviderBuilder and MeterProviderSdk design to simply the flow and usage (#1149)
  • Renamed ParentOrElseSampler to ParentBasedSampler (#1173)
  • Renamed ProbabilitySampler to TraceIdRatioBasedSampler (#1174)


Released 2020-07-24

  • First beta release


Released 2020-07-23

  • Initial release