Releases: newrelic/newrelic-cli
Releases · newrelic/newrelic-cli
newrelic-cli v0.8.4
[v0.8.4] - 2020-05-11
Bug Fixes
- build: Fix linting in Github actions
Documentation Updates
- update community support information
- add the OSS category header
- extensions: add cli extension documentation
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.8.4
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.8
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.8.3
[v0.8.3] - 2020-04-24
Bug Fixes
- build: Ignore scoop commit messages
- release: fix relative path in WiX project
- release: use new token for publishing
- release: perform a stricter find when searching published assets
- chocolatey: use copyright longer than four characters
- chocolatey: use better path for msi placement
- chocolatey: start packaging duing in main build process
- chocolatey: continue cleaning template files
- chocolatey: clean up comments from template files
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.8.3
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.8
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.8.2
newrelic-cli v0.8.1
newrelic-cli v0.7.0
v0.7.0 - 2020-04-20
Bug Fixes
- build: Goreleaser was running
make clean
which broke things when run frommake release-publish
- ci: automate updating of homebrew formula
- docs: Custom release notes for goreleaser
- install: include install script
- installer: add code signing for Win installer
- installers: add a WiX-based MSI
- output: Enable format selection globally, also plain/pretty printing
- output: Support YAML output
- output: Output package for central output handling
- snapcraft: include goreleaser config for snaps
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.7.0
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.7
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.6.2
[v0.6.2] - 2020-04-08
Bug Fixes
- region: Add custom decoder for region for NR1 compatibility
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.6.2
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.6
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.6.1
[v0.6.1] - 2020-04-07
Bug Fixes
- newrelic: Fix command name replacement on build
- region: Region parsing from config did not allow lowercase which is required for backwards compat
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.6.1
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.6
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.6.0
[v0.6.0] - 2020-04-03
- nerdstorage: add command for managing nerdstorage documents
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.6.0
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.6
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.5.0
[v0.5.0] - 2020-03-26
Bug Fixes
- credentials: Change profiles => profile, remove => delete (with aliases)
- documentation: Unhide documentation generation command
- docs: Add auto-generated CLI documentation
- docs: Add cobra generated documentation command (hidden)
- workloads: add a command to duplicate workloads
- workloads: add a command to update workloads
- workloads: add a command to delete workloads
- workloads: add a command to create workloads
- workloads: add a command to list workloads
- workloads: add a command to get a workload
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.5.0
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.5
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest
newrelic-cli v0.4.1
[v0.4.1] - 2020-03-11
Bug Fixes
- apm: Fix apm command flag parsing for accountId, applicationId
- apm/application: Fix search params to accept accountId
- credentials: Lowercase region on storage for compatibility with nr1 cli
Docker images
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.4.1
docker pull newrelic/cli:v0.4
docker pull newrelic/cli:latest